Savior Simulator

Chapter 1268

Gao Fei maintained his spirit form, with his back against the rear window of the chariot.

The position of the insect swarm coincides with his, seemingly occupying the same space, but they are actually in two different planes of dimensions.

Gluttonous insects do not have the ability to sneak into the spirit world. Although their minions are sharp, they are not force field weapons and cannot hurt Gao Fei.

Similarly, Gao Fei in the spirit world cannot directly kill the gluttonous insects that are close at hand.

Gao Fei was not in a hurry to repair the armor of the chariot, so he cast spells in the spirit world, and gave himself a full set of defense-enhancing buffs such as "shield", "mage armor" and "stone skin".

Next, he spared no effort to expend mana to superimpose "Spell Expansion", "Spell Enhancement" and "Spell Maximum Effect" on the "Spiritual Body Guard", and centered on himself, he opened a golden mask with a radius of 30 feet.

Taking adequate precautions, Gao Fei suddenly returned from the spirit world to the bottomless abyss, and without waiting for the surrounding insects to react, he immediately sent out a "thunder wave"!
boom! !

The thunder exploded, and the shock wave spread violently.

The gluttonous insects around were instantly shaken and flew far away.

When the monsters came back to their senses, they rushed towards Gao Fei angrily, but were immediately blocked by the "spiritual body guard", and their speed dropped sharply.

Before the swarm could surround him, Gao Fei quickly repaired the tank's armor, and jumped off the tank.

The moment his feet landed on the ground, Gao Fei had already completed the process of casting the spell, and waved his hands to summon a tornado storm!


The super-magic-strengthened "Extremely Effective Whirlwind Technique" centered on the place where Gao Fei was standing, set off a fierce sky gang on the flat ground!

The thick tornado column, like a writhing black dragon, connected the Wanyuan Plain and the bloody sky, howling violently.

The outside world is dark and dark, but the airflow inside the eye of the wind is relatively stable.

Gao Fei stood in the center of the eye of the wind, the roar of the wind echoing in his ears.

The hair fluttered, the hem of the clothes fluttered, and the breathing was still smooth.

The surrounding insect swarms were all sucked in by the centripetal force generated by the tornado, and circled at high speed with the tornado.

The insect swarm sank deeper and deeper in the whirlwind, gradually approaching the eye of the wind, and then entered the control area of ​​the "spiritual body guard", the speed was halved, and at the same time, it was damaged by the light.


Both are subject to the supermagic of "Spell Enhancement" and "Extreme Spell Effect". After strengthening, the lethality of each round is stable at 100 points in total!
In addition, group magic doubles the damage to swarms of creatures.

The swarm was caught in the whirlwind, caught off guard, unable to dodge at all, and unable to make Reflex saves.

This means that the swarm of gluttonous insects that are engulfed by the whirlwind will take 200 points of damage each round.

This does not include the extra damage added by "Universal Sneak Attack"!

A swarm of gluttonous insects of a standard size cannot survive two rounds in the storm created by Gao Fei, and it will be smashed to pieces.

Goofy maintained his focus on casting spells, strangling the swarm mercilessly.

After killing all the bugs around him, he took the initiative to walk towards the distant bug swarm.

The "spiritual body guard" and "whirlwind technique", controlled by the mind, also moved along with Gao Fei's steps, keeping him in the eye of the wind.

The group of gluttonous insects on the opposite side seemed to have received a warning from the nest mother through telepathy, knowing that the man manipulating the storm was too terrifying, so they quickly spread out and tried to avoid the storm.

The speed of the storm is not slow, but it is a pity that it still cannot catch up with the flying speed of the swarm.

Gao Fei stopped in his tracks, gave up his futile pursuit, and frowned in thought.

He can use teleportation magic to intercept the swarm.

It's a pity that the tornado storm can only move close to the ground, and cannot be teleported with him.

This method doesn't work, is there any other way to stop the swarm from fleeing?
Suddenly, Gao Fei thought of the "earth domain".

Turning around and walking towards another group of gluttonous insects circling in the air, Gao Fei raised his hand to activate the "Pope's Seal Ring" and opened the "Earth Domain".

The radiation radius of the "earth domain" can reach up to [-] meters, which just covers the group of bugs who are watching.

Flying creatures are most sensitive to changes in gravity.

The greater the gravity, the harder it is to fly.

Therefore, compared with aquatic and terrestrial organisms, flying organisms tend to be smaller and lighter in weight.

30 times the supergravity field, exerted on the bugs silently, immediately pulled them down from mid-air, and hit the ground like raindrops.

The insects that landed were still crawling with difficulty.

However, as Gao Fei's quick steps approached, the tornado washed the ground, sucked them all in instantly, and strangled them mercilessly.

"Whirlwind" + "Spirit Body Guard" + "Earth Domain" + "Universal Sneak Attack"

This tactical combination is used to deal with the swarm, and it is surprisingly easy to use!

Gao Fei was delighted to see Liexin, and continued to experiment with the gluttonous swarms around him to polish this newly realized tactical combination.

Most of the gluttonous insects that besieged the canyon were attracted by Gao Fei, and Kona drove a car to break out of the siege, and caught up with Minos who was trapped in the canyon.

After briefly exchanging a few words with Minos and other demons, Kona returned to the car and turned around.

General Minos led the exile corps, closely followed Kona's chariot, took advantage of the swarm of insects being blown away by the storm, fled this dangerous land in fear, and withdrew to Ferrag Fortress as quickly as possible.

"You go first, I'll stay behind."

Gao Fei waved to Kona, whose eyes were full of concern, through the car window.

Then he turned around, and walked towards the swarm of bugs chasing Minos and his party with the whirling and whirling wind.

There is no wind in the eye of the wind, strolling in the courtyard.

Outside the eye of the storm, the storm roared, and the sky and the earth changed color.

The terrified insect swarm didn't care about chasing and killing Minos and his party, and became a deserter themselves, flapping their wings and running wildly.

With an idea, Gao Fei adjusted the direction of the "terrestrial domain" so that the supergravity would point vertically to the tornado column instead of pointing to the center of the earth!
Pulled by the adjusted super-gravity, the swarm no longer fell to the ground, but slid straight to the tornado column, tumbling and struggling in vain until it was swallowed by the storm.

Through simple force analysis, it can be seen that the gravity vector perpendicular to the tornado column coincides with the direction of the centripetal force of the cyclone.

The combination of the two forces can attract insects more efficiently and increase the killing efficiency.

Gao Fei was very satisfied with this set of tactics specially used to kill insects, and decided to give her a handsome name.

"It's called... Wanxiang Tianfeng!"

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