Savior Simulator

Chapter 1266 Turn Iron into Gold

"I drive?" Kona showed embarrassment, "I just started learning, and I'm not very proficient yet, why don't you drive."

"If you don't usually practice, how can you drive well?" Gao Fei said coldly, "The battlefield is the best training ground, you should take care of it yourself!"

"Damn it... there's no need to be so strict, right?!" Kona muttered resentfully, recalling Gao Fei's teachings and checking the condition of the car.

Thanks to Pippi, the "Pioneer" is well maintained.

The magic crystal fuel of the main engine was newly replaced, and the auxiliary fuel tank was also filled with the "Demon Essence" hand-purified by Gao Fei himself.

Gao Fei switched his sub-profession to "Alchemist", extracted 300 points from the few experience points left in his inventory, upgraded "Alchemist" to level 2, and acquired a new occupational ability called "Alchemy Skill". ".


Alchemy: Expend up to caster level mana to temporarily change the nature, but not the type, of 1 cubic foot/caster level of inanimate matter.

The above changes last for up to 10 minutes/casting level, and then automatically restore.


The so-called changing the nature of an object, rather than changing its type, can be understood through an example.

For example, an alchemist can turn lead into silver, which is also a metal, but cannot turn metal into wood.

Using "Alchemy Skill", you can also temporarily change the material of weapons and armor.

For example, temporarily turning an ordinary steel sword into a cold iron sword makes it easier to penetrate the demon's defense.

According to the same principle, Gao Fei performed "alchemy skills" on the "Pioneer", gradually transforming the steel shell of this chariot into an adamantine armor capable of resisting gluttonous swarms!

The surface area of ​​the tank is large, and the armor is an average of two inches thick.

With Goofy's spellcasting level, combined with the supermagic specialties "Spell Expansion" and "Spell Delay", it is almost exhausted to transform the armor of the entire chariot into pure gold material, which can last for 6 hours, which is enough Complete the rescue operation.

The iron grilles installed on the car windows were also temporarily transformed into fine gold by Gao Fei to ensure that gluttonous insects with a body length of one foot could not get in.

After finishing this project, Gao Fei's magic power was exhausted, so he took out the "mana recovery pearl" he had snatched from Butler, recited the mantra silently, and extracted the magic power.

A cool feeling seeped into the palm through the pearl.

After a few seconds, Gao Fei's magic pool was full.

Pearls become dull and take a full day to recharge.

Putting away the pearls, Gao Fei sat in the passenger seat and motioned for Kona to drive.

Kona seemed a little nervous at first, but after a period of adaptation, coupled with Gao Fei's patient guidance, she quickly steered the chariot calmly and rushed out of the gate of the fortress.

"Start the 'Magic Blood Acceleration Engine'." Gao Fei pointed out.

Kona tapped a button, the engine of the chariot roared, the speed of the chariot suddenly increased, and it galloped through the wilderness.

According to the current speed, it would take less than an hour to reach the place where Minos and others were besieged.

Seeing that Kona was able to drive the chariot proficiently, Gao Fei felt relieved, took out the scouting crystal ball, and checked the current situation of the Minos Corps.


To the north of Ferragh, two hundred miles away, is Storm Canyon.

The canyon is filled with bloody smell, and demon corpses surrounded by swarms can be seen everywhere.

creak creak...

The sound of gluttonous swarms gnawing on flesh and blood echoed in the canyon, sending chills down one's spine.

The [-] demons who escaped from the Vanelon Fortress have gone through a whole day of hunting, and now there are only [-] left, trapped in the canyon by the swarm, in a dilemma.

The exiled corps can survive until now, thanks to the fact that there is a group of succubi magicians who are good at the three-ring magic "refuge hut" in the army, and they respectively open force field shields around themselves to accommodate their companions.

Hundreds of "refuge huts" are distributed in the long and narrow canyon area. Each hut has to accommodate more than 200 refugees, and the average space occupied by each person is less than one square meter.

Many demons are also very tall, squeezed into such a small environment, like sardines in a can, they can hardly breathe.

Compared with the cramped shelter, what is more painful is that the wound cannot be treated, and one can only watch the injury worsen.

After a whole day, the demons were so tired of fleeing that they didn't even bother to drink a sip of water.

Exhaustion, pain, coupled with hunger and thirst, had tortured them to the brink of death.

In the desolate valley, there is desolation, the group of demons are depressed, and the atmosphere of fear and despair is permeating.

The machete leaned on the ground, supporting a tall and scarred body.

Holding the knife with both hands, General Minos stood up with difficulty, expelling a thick breath with a strong bloody smell from his nostrils, which made the two gold rings worn on the nasal septum jingle.

Wearing a brass armor, this quasi-legendary cow demon looks like a large tauren, with a height of eight meters, a strong physique, thick hair, and two huge horns protruding from the skull. out.

"You guys wait here. I'll go out and see if there is a better place to hide nearby, such as a cave."

Minos explained a few words to his subordinates, picked up the machete, walked out of the "shelter hut", and climbed up the cliff enduring the pain.

Standing on a high place and looking around, the endless wilderness is heartbreakingly desolate.

Minos snorted depressingly, and no longer expected to see a miracle.

The distress letter had been sent out long ago, and Kona also responded.

But what does "hold on" mean?
I brought this group of wounded soldiers and was trapped in the canyon. I have run out of ammunition and food. How long can I last?

Is Princess Blade sincerely helping, or is it just perfunctory?
Just when Minos was upset, there was a familiar buzzing sound above his head.

Looking up, sure enough.

A group of gluttonous insects seemed to smell the bloody smell emanating from his body, and frantically flapped their wings and rushed forward.

"Disgusting bugs, die to me!!"

General Bull Demon stared at his bloodshot eyes, took a deep breath, and sprayed a cloud of gray-white smoke at the swarm of insects.

The swarm of insects was sprayed head-on by the thick smoke, and their bodies creaked, and their flesh and blood quickly transformed into a rocky texture, scattered all over the ground.

"Cough cough cough..."

Minos coughed violently, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

Excessively breathing petrochemical gas, his lungs have been injured, and every breath is accompanied by heart-piercing pain!
The poisonous smoke that was spat out with pain only wiped out half of the gluttonous insects, and the rest of the insects avoided in time, and when the poisonous smoke dissipated, they gathered again.

Not far away, there were more swarms of insects circling in the air. Hearing the coughing sound from here, they quickly surrounded them.

Minos knew that he couldn't stay here any longer, so he jumped off the cliff before he was surrounded by insects.

Looking back hastily, the swarm of gluttonous insects are swarming after them like a pitch-black tide!

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