Savior Simulator

Chapter 1261

Chapter 1261
The "Thunder King Ya" who was subjected to "telecontrol" immediately disconnected and fell from mid-air the moment Gao Fei opened the "anti-magic field".

Gao Fei frowned, thinking about the reason for the failure.

The telekinetic power generated by "telecontrol" was too much resisted by the anti-magic field. After barely penetrating through the anti-magic field, the telekinetic power was at the end of its strength, and there was no energy left to lift the heavy "Thunder King's Tooth".

However, the nature of mental power is similar to that of mind control, so why is it possible to remotely control weapons?
Gao Fei pondered for a while, and finally realized the crux of the matter.

The problem is that two seemingly similar forces actually play very different roles when it comes to remote-controlled weapons.

"Black Blade of Calamity" and "Activated Weapon" have a certain amount of vitality in themselves. Even if they don't receive the spiritual commands from the caster, they will be suspended in mid-air and follow the preset procedures to execute simple offensive and defensive commands.

In contrast, the weapon picked up by "telecontrol" is an inactive dead object, which acts completely under the control of mind control. Once the mind power is cut off, it cannot maintain any attack action itself, and will only act like It fell to the ground like a weight, motionless.

From this perspective, it is not difficult to understand why "telecontrol" cannot be compatible with "anti-magic field".

The mental power penetrates the anti-magic field, no matter how weakened it is, as long as the information loaded by the mental power is not lost too seriously, instructions can be conveyed to the weapon itself.

In this process, the spiritual force mainly plays a communication role, and does not need to provide kinetic energy for the weapon.

"Telecontrol" is different, what is transmitted to the weapon is not only information instructions, but also energy supply.

Once it is blocked by the "anti-magic field", the energy transmission is blocked, and of course there is no spare power to pick up heavy weapons.

With Goofy's magic power, he can use "telecontrol" to remotely control up to 3500 pounds of heavy objects under normal circumstances. However, after penetrating the "anti-magic field" and exerting all his strength, he can only pick up a small leaf.

The loss caused by the "anti-magic field" to the transmission of supernatural energy can be seen!
At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Pippi ran to open the door, turned around and smiled at Gao Fei, "Brother! Ms. Kona is back!"

"Princess Blade" turned into a human form and walked into the workshop with a dusty look and a gloomy expression on her face.

Pippi saw that she seemed to be in a bad mood, and she was smiling and active.

"Brother! Ms. Kona has been out for a few days, and she came to see you as soon as she got home. There must be a lot to talk about, so I won't disturb your heart-to-heart talk!"

The little devil winked at Gao Fei, slipped out of the workshop, and closed the door intimately.

Gao Fei activated a chair casually, manipulated the chair to jump behind Kona, and asked her to sit down.

"You look preoccupied, what happened?"

"It's rare that you care about me so much. I'm a little touched."

Kona kicked the chair, warned it not to sway, sat down slowly, and sighed, no longer trying to hide her physical and mental exhaustion.

"Gao Fei...Although I am very reluctant, but for your safety, I suggest you leave here as soon as possible and return to Blue Star."

"It seems that the problem is serious." Gao Fei sat down opposite her.

Kona nodded slightly, a wry smile appeared on her beautiful face.

"I promised Yaoguang and Tianquan to provide you with security during your stay in the bottomless abyss."

"So far, I have lived up to their entrustment, but unfortunately from now on, even if it is just such a small matter, I will not be able to do what I want."

"In fact, even I don't know if I can survive this test. Maybe in a few days, the whole of Ferraga will cease to exist."

Hearing the ominous meaning in her words, Gao Fei couldn't help but tense his heartstrings.

"If the situation is really serious and there is no way to turn it around, you can go back to Blue Star with me and take refuge at Tiangong Base."

"Really?" Kona's gloomy eyes suddenly regained their brilliance, "Are you willing to take me home and live with you?"

"No, your imagination is too rich..." Gao Fei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I just help you find a temporary residence."

"Yes, you have a fiancée, and you don't dare to have an affair with me behind her back, so why should I go home with you? It's so boring!"

Kona gave him a resentful look, and returned to the topic.

"A few days ago, I heard some bad rumors. In order to confirm the veracity of the rumors, I took Meryl into a disguise and went out to investigate."

"During these three days, we visited many places, and specially cast a spell to teleport to the Tiangong base, and asked Tianquan to find out about the current situation of Blue Star."

"How is Blue Star doing now?" Gao Fei couldn't help asking.

"The situation of Blue Star is not too bad." Kona replied calmly, "Although the invasive creatures brought by the magic tide, coupled with geological disasters such as volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis, have caused a lot of damage to the entire planet. The destruction and human casualties are also great, but it is far from the point of civilization collapse and species extinction, and the darkest stage has passed, as long as they persist until the tide of magic recedes, the humans of Blue Star will regain peace."

"In contrast, we are about to face a catastrophe here, and the source of the disaster is the Worm Nest Island!"

"The scale of the Obiris swarm on the island is less than one-tenth of its heyday, what kind of moths can there be?" Gao Fei asked Kona suspiciously.

"It seems that your monitoring of the Hive Island is not meticulous enough." Kona sighed and explained, "It is precisely because the number of insect swarms is getting smaller and smaller that the 'Emperor' Abaddon will go berserk. suddenly changed the direction of expansion."

"You mean, Abaddon gave up his plan to invade Blue Star through the wormhole?" Gao Fei hoped that this was true.

"I didn't give up, but Abaddon's invasion plan was severely frustrated. Almost all the hundreds of Zerg troops sent to Blue Star were wiped out by Tiangong," Kona explained.

"For any teleportation device, the amount of teleportation per unit time is always limited, and the abyssal wormhole is no exception."

"The entrance is fine. You can enter millions of Zerg at one time. The problem is that there are more than one exit of the big wormhole. It is said that there are thousands of them, distributed in various areas of Blue Star. Randomly scattered at thousands of different exits, they become alone and are more likely to be annihilated in batches by the party guarding the exits."

"There is even worse news for Abaddon."

"The magic power tide over Blue Star has lasted for almost two months now, and it has now turned from a rising period to a low tide period. If there is no accident, at most two weeks later, Blue Star will return to a world without magic , all the exits of the wormhole on Blue Star will be sealed by Tiangong!"

(End of this chapter)

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