Savior Simulator

Chapter 1255

Gao Fei's heart shuddered, and he restarted the protective cover without thinking.

Swish!A golden light curtain surrounded him and the altar beside him.

The light curtain is transparent in one direction, Gao Fei looks from the inside to the outside, and his vision is not blocked.

Under his vigilant gaze, the door of the secret room suddenly opened, and a chunky old man walked in with his hands behind his back. It was Butler, the chief executive of Fort Ferragh.

Behind Butler, followed his cronies and subordinates, including two glamor and four berserkers, all of them were murderous.

Butler stopped opposite the golden mask and stood with his hands behind his back.

"Come out, kid, I know you're hiding inside."

"Mr. Butler, you don't lead the remaining troops to resist the invaders, what do you want to do here suddenly?"

While Gao Fei was talking, his hands were not idle.

Race against time to review the modification log of "Forbidden Barrier" and restore the original settings.

"I was about to ask you too, what do you want to do while hiding here furtively?!"

Before Gao Fei could explain, Butler suddenly stretched out his fat hand with stubby fingers, and slapped the mask heavily.

With a buzzing sound, the mask trembled violently, and then disappeared.

"I know you kid wants to delay time, but unfortunately, I also have the authority to enter the secret room. After removing this layer of protective cover, there is nothing to protect you anymore."

"Mr. Butler, haven't you noticed? His tone of voice is like a villain." Goofy said sarcastically.

"Haha! Don't make excuses, you are the undercover agent sent by Baines!" Butler sneered and approached Gao Fei, "You secretly modified the forbidden barrier, cooperated with Baines and attacked Ferrager, but took Kona The troops are blocking the city!"

Gao Fei didn't make any excuses, but just stared at Butler coldly.

Butler felt terrified when he saw him, so he snorted pretending to be calm, and said in a deep voice: "Since you have successfully stolen the highest authority of the barrier barrier, you must have also cracked the password of the treasure house by the way, open the treasure house quickly, I'm going to check for myself what's missing!"

Gao Fei suddenly laughed.

"I see."

"Why is that so?" Butler couldn't help becoming angry from embarrassment, and said viciously: "If you don't want to die, just do as I say!"

"The thief is still so confident in calling for a thief, old man, I have never seen such a brazen person like you."

The "Forbidden Barrier" has been restored to its initial settings. Gao Fei was too lazy to talk nonsense, and raised his right hand towards Butler, and the black ring on his middle finger suddenly shot out a golden cone of light!
Before Butler could react, he was sucked in by the "Duel Ring", and Gao Fei on the opposite side also disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, the two living people disappeared without a trace.

In the secret room, the cronies brought by Butler looked around in a daze, their faces full of bewilderment, and they were all at a loss.


Half plane, dimensional killing field.

On the wasteland without a trace of life, stands a quaint building that looks like an ancient Roman arena.

On the wide square surrounded by pillars and paved with stone slabs, two pillars of transmission light rose successively.

Gao Fei walked out of the teleportation array first, looked around, and nodded in satisfaction.

The demiplane where the "dimension killing field" is located is completely isolated from the outside world.

The caster can set up the building facilities and even the ecological environment inside the demiplane according to his own preferences, but it cannot directly affect the fairness of the dueling parties.

The arena in front of him is the product of Gao Fei's imagination, and it is suitable as a duel venue.

"Little devil! I didn't expect you to do this..."

Butler's voice came from the teleportation array opposite.

At this time, he had already shed his disguise, revealing the true face of the soul demon.

Still wearing a long robe, his figure became taller and fatter. He was seven meters tall from head to toe. He looked like a large ogre, but on his neck was a wild boar with exposed fangs and two cheeks covered with black manes. There is a pair of black bat wings on the back that look very small compared to the figure.

"If you think you can delay Kona's return by playing such a trick, you're so wrong!"

Butler slowly stretched out his right hand and raised an index finger as thick as a carrot.

"It will take less than a minute to kill you!"

Gao Fei didn't bother to pay attention to him, and calmly blessed various buff spells.

Butler snorted coldly, narrowed his swollen eyes, and suddenly burst out of magic power fluctuations around him, and opened two circles of protective aura one after another.

The first layer is a strange black mist, exuding an extremely evil atmosphere.

Beyond the black mist, there was a circle of colorful aura with a wider radiating range, flowing around Butler.

The bright and bright light flowing at high speed causes strong light pollution, which makes people feel dizzy when they look at it from a distance.

This is the innate supernatural ability "Evil Light Strike" of Judgment Soul Demon.

When he was in Mephit Town, Gao Fei once saw Butler use this trick. Unless the person who was exposed to the radiation passed the will save, he would fall into a long-term dizziness and let him slaughter him.

When Gao Fei opened his eyes every morning, the first thing he did was to take a "spiritual barrier" for himself.

Mental interference such as "Evil Light Strike" has no effect on him.

In contrast, the black mist on Butler's body, whose diffusion radius was only half that of the "Evil Light Strike", was a greater threat to him.

The black mist floating with Butler is actually the 8th-level magic "evil aura". In addition to greatly improving defense, immunity and mental resistance, it will also cause melee damage to good creatures and erode strength attributes.

"It seems that we need to keep the distance as far as possible to avoid close combat with that old devil."

Gao Fei silently added 13 free attributes to agility, and configured "dexterous movement", "proficient jump", "proficient dodge", "weapon proficiency", "proficient crit", "heart and fitness", "advanced Specialties such as "Multiple Attack" and "Multiple Shot", activate the "Acceleration Technique", and turn into a phantom, flying away.

"Want to run? It's not that easy!"

Butler grinned grimly and patted the pair of short wings behind him, driving his fat body into the air in a very unsuitable way, at a fairly fast speed!
The dark clouds floating overhead aroused Gao Fei's vigilance.

Looking up, Butler's lower body was covered by dark clouds, with his arms raised high, calling for a thunderstorm.

boom! !

A thick bolt of lightning fell from the sky and blasted straight to the top of Gao Fei's head.

Gao Fei didn't change his expression, he turned around the marble column, and easily avoided the lightning bombardment without any injuries.

With his current agility attribute as high as 35, plus the "intuitive dodge" and "reflection dodge" that "Spell Thief" comes with, it shouldn't be too easy to pass the reflection save.

Butler frowned, and threw another thunderbolt.

A thunderbolt exploded, and the arena was splashed with lightning, but it still failed to hit Gao Fei, who was as fast as a ghost.

A pair of pistols appeared in Gao Fei's hands, pointing at the dark cloud above his head.

"Old man, it's your turn!"

Gao Fei sneered and pulled the trigger.

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