Savior Simulator

Chapter 1252

Chapter 1252
Gao Fei closed the car door, leaving only a gap for the car window, as a window for casting spells to the outside world, taking into account the precautions against flow arrows.

Pippi slammed on the accelerator, burning the last "demon essence", the speed of the car suddenly doubled, almost flying close to the ground, and rushed towards the direction of General Turas!

During the last part of the journey, the tracks of the chariot were surprisingly clean.

Because Gao Fei's casting speed is faster than the speed of the car.

The devils who were in the way were bombarded by the "Chaos Mantra" before they were hit by the chariot, and they exploded in groups.

The chariot galloped through the smog formed by the ashes of the devil, as if entering no one's land, which finally aroused the vigilance of General Turas.

"Kona's subordinates, when will there be such a ruthless character?"

The Horned Demon General looked at the "Pioneer" from a distance, his eyes were solemn, and he muttered to himself.

Swinging out the thorn chain casually, and flying a Berserker, General Turas decided not to go to Kona for a one-on-one fight, but to concentrate on dealing with the chariot that was rushing towards him.

He has already seen the "chaos mantra" that erupts from time to time in the chariot, and frankly speaking, he is not fully sure that he can bear it with his body.

Out of safety considerations, General Turas gave himself a "Silence Technique".

Facts have proved that his prudence is necessary.

Before the chariot approached, countless blood-colored runes containing the law of chaos spread over along with the sound waves that made people panic.

Before the "Mantra of Chaos" got close to Turas, it was absorbed by the barrier of silence opened by the horned demon general, and the bloody rune quickly dimmed, completely losing its magic power in the space where sound waves were prohibited.

"But so!"

General Turas raised his left hand with a sneer, pointing at the "Pioneer" with his pitch-black claws, silently sending out the "Hell Flame Ray".

The three black lights flashed away!
The speed of the aggressive chariot on the opposite side dropped sharply!

The chariot tracks, ignited with pitch-black flames, have been burned by the terrifying heat of the flames of hell.

"Gift Crab!!"

Pippi stepped on the brakes quickly, and wanted to open the door to go out to repair the car, but was scared back by the arrows and magic flying through the air.

Gao Fei sat in the back row of the chariot, without changing his face, and cast the 4-ring magic "black tentacles" through the gap in the car window.


On the bloody battlefield, clumps of thick black tentacles suddenly appeared, as if a big octopus was emerging from the soil.

General Turas was the first to bear the brunt, his legs and feet were entangled by countless black tentacles, and he couldn't move an inch for a while.

"Go away!!"

The Horned Demon General let out a silent roar, swung the thorn chain vigorously, and cut most of the tentacles wrapped around him in an instant.

Seeing that he was about to break free from the restraints, a black sword flew through the air, cutting off the thorn chain neatly.

"Turas, this is a gift for you!"

The beautiful and terrifying figure of "Blade Princess" appeared a hundred steps away, and remotely controlled the "Black Blade of Calamity" to attack first.

General Turas suddenly changed his face!
Regardless of cleaning up the remaining black tentacles under his feet, he hurriedly cast "Dimensional Anchor" before the black sword pierced him.

A green light beam hit the black sword, and immediately fixed it in midair, trembling slightly.

At the same time, Kona felt a strong mental pressure, and was unable to control the black sword for a while.

The "Black Blade of Calamity" is condensed from space cracks, and theoretically still belongs to the space magic, so it will be suppressed by the "Dimensional Anchor".

Kona must pass a will check in order to assist Hei Jian to get rid of the suppression of the "dimension anchor" and regain the remote control authority.

The broken black tentacles regrown, winding upwards along General Turas's legs.

Turas cursed and struggled.

Just give him another three seconds, and he can completely get rid of these disgusting black tentacles.

At the same time, the horned demon guards also rushed to protect their general.

"It came just fine."

Gao Fei saw this scene through the car window, with a sneer on his lips.

"Ghost Strike" was activated, and murderous blood gushed out of the pupils.

The silver cursed fire shone in his palm.

There are no incantations and no gestures required.

This time, he squeezed his spellcasting ability to the limit, consuming 35 points of mana in one go...

Instant spell!

The spell is extremely effective!

Spell Expansion!

Curse fire... Meteor explosion! !
Without warning, four huge meteors suddenly appeared on the battlefield, roaring and hitting General Turas and the horned demon guards around him.

It was as if the sky was collapsing, the earth was shattering, and the thrilling explosion roared over the battlefield for a long time.

Four huge craters appeared on the ground, and the silver flames were burning fiercely.

Devils are naturally immune to fire damage, but this resistance is useless against cursefire burns.

The "Curse Fire Meteor Explosion" released by Gao Fei, in addition to the extremely effective super magic, also has the damage bonus brought by "Ghost Strike" and "Universal Sneak Attack".

This perverted damage figure has already exceeded the life limit of all the devils on the scene except General Turas.

"Cough cough..."

In the crater, there was a weak coughing sound.

Turas was forcibly smashed into the bottom of the pit by a meteorite, most of his bones were shattered, and the concentration of the "Silence Technique" was interrupted.

Now he can finally make a sound, but only painful coughing and moaning.

Sitting up from the pile of rubble, General Turas didn't care to extinguish the silver flame that was still burning on his body, and raced against time to cast teleportation magic and escape from this damn crater as soon as possible!
Then he was stunned.

The casting list was empty, cleaner than a bone licked by a hellcat.

Using the projection as a transfer point, Gao Fei can still display a full set of stealing skills, including "advanced stealing sheep".

When he cast a spell to bomb Turas just now, taking advantage of his attention being attracted by the meteor above his head, Gao Fei touched him by the way, stealing his spell without anyone noticing.

Beside the crater, there was the rustling sound of pythons crawling.

A pretty but ruthless face appeared at the mouth of the pit, and was reflected in the eyes of General Turas.

The "Black Blade of Calamity" has broken free from the shackles of the "Dimensional Anchor", and fell straight down from the mouth of the pit, causing ripples of distorted space.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The dying Horned Demon General was lying at the bottom of the pit laughing wildly.

"Kona, it looks like you won, but I didn't lose either."

"This war is not as simple as you think!"

"I'll give you one last piece of advice... Hurry up and go home before it's too late..."

"Stop talking nonsense, go to hell!"

Kona was too lazy to listen to Turas pretending to be a ghost, and remotely controlled the black sword to slash at his neck.

Turas's head fell to the ground, and a strange smile froze on his face.

His body exploded by itself, and with a puff, it turned into billowing black smoke and rushed out of the pit.

Under the cover of thick smoke, the soul of General Turas disappeared in a flash, and he fled back to Bator Hell in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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