Savior Simulator

Chapter 1250 Bloody Battle (Ⅴ)

A pitch-black thorn chain wrapped around the six-armed snake demon's waist impressively. Countless cold iron spikes pierced through the hard snake scales and pierced deeply into her abdominal cavity, and traces of blood seeped out.

"Do not……!!"

The six-armed snake screamed and struggled, but when the thorn chain tightened, it completely lost its resistance, and its mind went blank.

General Turas's seemingly random blow not only easily broke the impenetrable blade dance of the six-armed snake, but also tore her body apart while adding a double blow of "shock and awe" and "purgatory trauma".

The former temporarily incapacitated the lizard, and the latter also sealed her self-healing physique, continuously bleeding and causing intense pain.

"Death to me!!"

General Turas roared sharply and tugged suddenly.

With a click, the six-armed snake demon's waist was forcibly torn off by the thorn chain, and its body was dismembered in two places on the spot, with its intestines flowing.

Her beautiful face lost all color, her eyes widened, and she could not rest in peace.

She didn't understand until she died.

Turas hasn't broken through to the legendary realm yet, and he has stepped into the threshold of quasi-legendary anyway. The strengths of both sides are roughly the same. How could he lose so badly? !
"It seems you still don't understand."

Turas retracted the blood-stained thorn chain, and calmly made a series of spell-casting gestures.

"Whether quasi-legendary or legendary, in any realm, the gap between the strongest and the weak is like the difference between heaven and earth."

What is "the first devil under the legend"?
"A miscellaneous fish with poor comprehension may not necessarily understand after personal experience."


Turas chanted the incantation, raised his hand and shot three black lines of fire.

The rays with "Spell Penetration" and "Spell Ultimate Effect" are like three black laser beams, shooting through three rows of demons, reaching hundreds of feet away.

More than [-]% of the demons who were recruited were instantly killed on the spot.

Only a few high-level demons with particularly strong physiques, whose bodies were pierced by rays, and whose wounds were burning with pitch-black hellfire, still held on and did not fall.

"You have resisted very hard, but in the face of absolute strength, dying is meaningless."

General Turas shook his head, his figure disappeared suddenly, and the next second he was teleported among the surviving demons, chanting a spell that symbolized the "law".


hum! !

The supreme source of law and order in the universe is manifested as runes accompanied by sonic vibrations, like countless golden butterflies, erupting from the mouth of General Turas and spreading towards the surroundings.

Within forty feet around, all the demons were pierced through the soul by the law of order, and marked with a golden mark.

The demon whose level was much lower than that of Turas exploded with a bang bang, turning into blood mist, leaving no bones left.

A very small number of high-level demons barely survived the first round of "immediate death" shocks, but couldn't stop the ensuing "confusion", "shock" and "deafness" blows, fell into multiple negative states, and completely lost their combat effectiveness, just like a group of demons. The puppet was blown away by the thorn chain swept over by the whistling, its limbs shattered.


Ferrag Fortress, guest room on the third floor of the castle.

Gao Fei watched the battle through the detection crystal.

The battlefield on the Western Front was divided into two theaters.

On one side, demons surround the devil's position and are strangling the remaining defenders.

On the other side, in reverse, General Turas led the "Born Corps" and was besieging Kona's guards.

The performances of Kona and Turas were too outstanding. They each tore a bloody path in the enemy camp and rushed in both directions.

According to the predetermined trajectory, Princess Blade and General Horned Demon will meet at a certain point on the battlefield sooner or later, and an earth-shattering battle will break out.

Gao Fei overlooks the battlefield, and the bystanders are clear.

During this period of being together day and night, he already has a general understanding of Kona's strength. Converted to a challenge level, Kona is almost level 22.

The horned demon general Turas on the opposite side is said to be the strongest devil below legend, so the challenge level should be 20.

Judging from the actual combat performance, Turas has both magic and martial arts, and both of them have reached an extremely high level.

His martial arts, needless to say.

Gao Fei was even more impressed by his spells.

The three black rays piercing through the group of demons, named "Hell Flame Rays", are a super enhanced version of "Scorching Rays", much more powerful than the latter!

The golden rune, which can kill demons instantly, is the same 7-ring mantra magic as the "Mantra of Chaos". It is the "law" that Gao Fei has been longing for for a long time, and it is specially used to restrain creatures with chaotic nature like demons!

Looking at the performance of General Turas, it is indeed very impressive.

But this is not enough.

Goofy bets that General Turas can't beat Kona!

Turas doesn't seem to be that kind of arrogant and conceited character. He should know it well. Fighting alone is definitely not Kona's opponent, but he still wants to go to Kona to fight one-on-one, obviously playing tricks.

Kona is also a murderous leader, and she only wants to single out General Turas. By beheading the enemy's leader, she will hit the morale of the Thorn Corps and boost her own momentum.

The main generals of the two sides duel one-on-one, and Kona is sure to win Turas, but this is not a good idea.

Gao Fei felt that Turas, as a high-level devil who advocated rational analysis, would not imagine that he could defeat Princess Blade by chance.

Trying to hold Kona back may be his real purpose.

Compared with the demons fighting on their own, the devils have two outstanding advantages.

One is that they have higher tactical literacy, and can still maintain a complete team formation in melee, and cooperate with each other to form a local advantage of playing more and fighting less.

The second advantage of the devils is that this battle took place in the bottomless abyss.

The Devils playing at home seem to have a good location, but in fact the Devils playing away games have a greater psychological advantage.

When a demon dies in battle in his hometown in the abyss, his body and soul are really destroyed. However, when a devil dies in the abyss, he only loses a body, and his soul can be reborn in the flames of hell.

Comparing the two, it is conceivable that the devil side has a greater tolerance for casualties, and will not hesitate to die together when necessary.

The demons had no escape route to save their lives, and it was okay when the wind was down. Once the battle situation became passive and the number of casualties exceeded the limit of psychological tolerance, the morale of the entire army collapsed in just a matter of minutes.

Turas' purpose is clear.

Taking advantage of the fact that Kona's troops are not dominant, he goes all out to hold Kona back, buys time for his troops, kills the vital forces of the demon side, and destroys them as soon as possible!
At that time, even if Kona wins the heads-up, she will be alone and helpless.

Sighing lightly, Gao Fei felt helpless.

As a human being, he actually didn't want to intervene in the bloody battle between the devil and the devil.

To be honest, demons and devils are not good birds, and if you die more, you will contribute to world peace.

However, Kona's situation is getting more and more dangerous, how can he really harden his heart and stand on the sidelines?

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