Savior Simulator

Chapter 1247 Bloody Battle (Ⅱ)

Chapter 1247 Bloody Battle (Ⅱ)
Of course, there are also cannon fodder who are reluctant to charge forward.

However, standing behind them was a row of mid-level demon supervisors. Anyone who dared to take a step back would be beheaded on the spot.

The role of cannon fodder is to consume the spells and ammunition of the devils, paving the way for the main army to advance later.

The horn blew again, and Kona's two elite corps launched an offensive against the Turas army from the air and the ground at the same time.

In the air are groups of vulture demons circling, and on the ground is a heavy cavalry regiment composed of cavalry demons.

The cavalry demon is a middle-level demon that looks like a centaur. Its lower body is a sturdy war horse. The humanoid upper body is covered with armor, with thick horns raised on its forehead, and it holds a silver-plated lance that shines with lightning.

Under Kona's order, the Iron Knight was like a torrent of steel, holding up its spear and galloping across the wasteland. In just ten minutes, it broke through to the devil's position.

Facing the devil's defense line holding up the tower shield, this abyss cavalry did not hesitate at all. It raised its hand and shot out rows of lightning, blasting the devil holding the tower shield and spear on the opposite side, and the defense line was torn apart.

Iron Knight's talent spell "Lightning Beam" is most suitable for breaking through shield walls.

The cavalry demons roared and leaped forward, trampled on the ground, numb from the electric shock, and swung their silver lances, piercing the opponent's chest fiercely.

At the same time as the abyss cavalry charged, the vulture demons also swooped down from the air and launched a surprise attack on the crossbowmen behind the devil's position.

The vulture demons all blessed the "shield technique" and "mirror image technique" in advance, facing the stormy bows and crossbows without fear, they swooped at high speed while using "telecontrol", and controlled ten silver-plated javelins at the same time, Lock on the ground target and throw it hard.

The javelins roared through the wind, shooting towards the ground like streaks of silver lightning, and suppressed the crossbow troops on the devil's side.

The devils pierced by silver spears screamed and fell down one after another. Their bodies decomposed into filthy dust, and their souls returned to hell.

Relying on a wave of powerful firepower suppression, coupled with magic body protection, most of the vulture demons avoided the rain of arrows flying through the air, successfully dived to the ground, and started a more tragic close combat with the defenders.

Among all the mid-level demons, the overall strength of the vulture demon ranks among the best.

In addition to excellent air mobility and good spellcasting ability, Vulture Demon's melee skills are also outstanding.

The vulture demon that charged into the enemy's formation shook its wings immediately, spewing flocculent spores from its body, forming a cloud around its body.

The spore cloud spread over the devil's camp, which not only obscured the vision and created confusion, but also caused the devil infected with the spores to be infected with a severe disease, and a large area of ​​mildew quickly grew all over the body, causing unbearable itching and unbearable pain.

In this smoky cloud of fungi, there was a piercing scream.

The devils who were groping for their enemies in the spore cloud were shocked when they heard the terrifying scream, and stood there like a group of clay puppets.

The shocking sound waves emitted by the vulture demons stirred in the air, fed back, and were caught by keen ears.

Like a bat, the vulture demon can detect the surrounding creatures based on the echoes in the spore cloud with limited vision, and rush to the nearby devil one after another. belly.

After all, the Devil Legion was well-trained, and quickly calmed down. Under the leadership of officers at all levels, they launched a siege to kill the lonely Eagle Demon.

The vulture demons also realized that it was not a good idea to rush into the crowd and fight alone, so they moved as close to their companions as possible.

When at least four vulture demons gather together, they will collectively issue a "shocking scream", control the nearby demons, take the opportunity to sing a strange hymn in unison, and at the same time flap their wings frantically and dance their hands and feet, as if Jump God.

This weird prayer ceremony will last for more than ten seconds. If it is not interrupted during this period, when the ceremony is completed, the chaotic magic power from the will of the abyss will be channeled out.

Accompanied by a terrifying crackling sound, countless streaks of scarlet lightning were released from the vultures who were dancing the "Dance of Destruction", splashing wildly in all directions.

Within 120 feet of the vulture demons, except for the demon family protected by the will of the abyss, other creatures will be bombarded by lightning, taking 20~120 (20d6) points of electric shock damage.

There were screams on the battlefield.

Many lower-ranking demons were instantly killed by the "Dance of Destruction" jointly performed by the vulture demons, and their corpses were turned into coke all over the place.

On the Western Front, Kona's troops have taken the lead.

The vulture demon and the cavalry demon jointly launched an offensive from the air and the ground, and they have already penetrated the first line of defense of the Turas Legion.

However, the bloody battle will not be so easy to decide the winner. The devils on the disadvantaged side quickly showed their strong resilience and flexible tactical adjustment ability.

General Turas gave an order, and a large group of erinia spread their wings into the sky, like black-winged angels soaring over the battlefield, collectively casting "darkness".

Groups of dark barriers spread out in the air, like ink in a basin of water, connecting with each other, dyeing the sky above the battlefield in pitch black, with no trace of light coming out.

At the same time, the big-bellied Anzu demons in long robes also lined up behind the position, and collectively cast the "Deep Darkness Technique", instantly creating a dark enchantment with a wider coverage than the "Darkness Technique", covering more than half of the area. The position is enveloped.

At the back of the battlefield, Kona stood up from the chariot, frowning slightly.

From her vantage point, General Turas's position seemed to be covered with black mildew, and it was constantly expanding.

If things go on like this, it won't be long before the warring parties on the battlefield will be shrouded in darkness, and will be forced to fight in an environment where they can't see their fingers.

The devil's eyes are naturally able to see through the dark barrier, but the devil does not have this ability, and his vision is blocked, like a group of living targets, the situation is worrying.

Sure enough, under the cover of darkness, the devils immediately launched a strong counterattack.

Fireball, acid rain, frost nova... All kinds of destructive magic blasted the demons shrouded in darkness, but there was no electric shock magic.

The devils all know that their old opponents, the Tanari demons, are all immune to electric shock damage, just as devils are immune to high temperature damage and are not afraid of fire magic.

Kona knew in her heart that if the fight continued like this, her vanguard would suffer heavy casualties, and the most urgent task was to break the barrier of darkness all over the battlefield.


Kona gestured to the head maid beside her.

The succubus in the shape of a loli understood his thoughts, whistled, and led a company composed entirely of succubi, collectively blessed the "invisibility", and then teleported to the front of the battlefield as a whole, and jointly performed the 3-ring "dispel".

(End of this chapter)

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