Savior Simulator

Chapter 1245 The Witch's Entrustment

Chapter 1245 The Witch's Entrustment

Putting away the discovery crystal on the table, Gao Fei directly cast a spell to teleport to the private alchemy workshop provided by Kona.

The demon servants have already delivered today's share of ore, and baskets are piled up in the warehouse.

Gao Fei switched his sub-job to "alchemist" and set out to purify silver from ore.

The efficiency of the technique of "separation and purification" depends on the level of casting.

Gao Fei is only a level 1 alchemist, but counting the bonuses of "Spellcasting Wizard" and "Mana Enhancement Pearl", the spellcasting level is as high as 18, and he can purify up to 18 cubic feet of ore at a time, consuming 18 mana points.

As long as the professional skill of an alchemist consumes mana, it is similar in nature to spells, and can be strengthened by super magic.

Gao Fei spent 2 more mana points to add "Spell Expansion" to "Separation and Purification", and the volume of ore processed each time doubled accordingly.

Repeatedly performing "separation and purification", it took an hour for Gao Fei to extract all the pure silver in the ore, which was almost half a ton.

Gao Fei switched his sub-profession to "imitator", put on the "mage mask", cast the 5-ring spell "telecontrol", grabbed the vat filled with silver powder from the air, and turned to the next door to the arsenal.

On the weapon rack, there are neatly placed shining knives, guns and arrows, all of which are the results of Gao Fei's work in the past week.

Using the 5-ring magic "Supernatural Workmanship", he can directly transform steel into various weapons, which is essentially a forging process, but the efficiency is extremely high, and hundreds of weapons can be created in an instant without any loss.

Gao Fei also developed a special usage of "uncanny workmanship", which is to silver-plate weapons.

After the spell is cast, every 100 grams of silver infiltrates into a weapon on average, half a ton of silver can process 5000 silver-infiltrated weapons, or even more arrows.

Weapons processed with this process have dots of silver particles faintly visible on the blade, which are more durable than weapons with silver-plated surfaces that are easy to fall off.

As soon as Gao Fei finished working here, Kona came to inspect the workshop.

Picking up a oozing silver long sword and looking at it, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Princess Blade's lips.

"Gao Fei, thank you for your hard work. These silver-plated weapons will come in handy tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Gao Fei's heart skipped a beat, "Want to start a war with the devil?"

Kona nodded slightly.

"This morning, I received a letter from General Baines. He apologized for the offense the conscript team had offended us in Mephit Town, and invited us to join forces to attack Tyros Fortress."

"Bynes seemed to be very sincere this time. He ceded two mines in advance as a reward for sending me troops. After the matter is completed, Tyros Fortress will belong to me. Baines will take over the devil's resource point and seal his deadly enemy Bell himself. Monk."

"You agree to send troops?" Gao Fei asked.

Kona sighed, and suddenly changed the topic.

"The mass murder of the 'Forty Thieves' has nothing to do with Belmonk. Even if I don't want to pursue it, Butler and the others will not agree. This blood debt can't just be left alone."

Gao Fei could tell that Kona herself still had doubts about the joint operation proposed by Baines.

However, most of her senior generals, including Butler, advocated accepting the olive branch thrown by Baines.

"Assembling the strength of the two demon corps, capturing Tyros Fortress, and completely driving the demon forces out of the Wanyuan Plain, this is indeed an inspiring battle plan. Besides, Baines seems so sincere, I have no reason to refuse."

Kona groaned, and added faintly: "Maybe it's my illusion, Baines made too much concession this time, which made me feel uneasy..."

Goofy could understand her concern.

The lord of Vanelon Fortress, Baines, is a legendary Barlow flame demon, but this does not mean that he and Kona, who also belongs to the Tanari demon clan, are natural allies.

In the world of demons, the devil is of course the number one enemy, and other demons are also potential opponents, which must be guarded against.

Don't talk about "fraternity between compatriots" and "national unity". "Dead friends never die poor people" is the traditional performing arts of demons.

If it weren't for his own demons holding back, stumbling, and engaging in internal strife, the demons would have beaten the devil's side to nothing.

"Are you worried that Baines will go back on his word and not keep his promise?" Gao Fei directly expressed Kona's concerns.

"That's right...if Baines crosses the river and demolishes the bridge, wouldn't my efforts be in vain?" Kona smiled wryly and shrugged her shoulders, "Having said that, after all, the opportunity is rare and worth fighting for!"

Gao Fei thought for a while, and said to her: "If I were you, I wouldn't do my best. At least a part of the troops should stay in the fortress. Firstly, it can be used as a reserve team to support the front line when necessary. Secondly, it is also to defend the homeland. Was attacked."

Kona nodded slightly.

"I also have the same plan. If I only take [-]% of the troops to go out, I will be worthy of Baines. The rest of the troops will be led by Butler and stay in Ferragamo."

"Besides, I also considered the worst possibility. It is necessary to make some arrangements in advance, so I came here to discuss this matter with you."

"Consult with me?" Gao Fei didn't quite understand. "For such an important matter, you should go to Butler or Meryl. I'm just a passer-by who lives here temporarily. What can I do for you?"

"Indeed, you are not my subordinate, not even a demon, but we all work for Tiangong, there are some things... you are more worthy of entrustment than my generals."

Kona held Gao Fei's hand, magic power surged from her fingertips.

A small red snake-shaped emblem appeared on the nail of Gao Fei's right index finger.

"This emblem represents the highest authority of the 'Forbidden Barrier' of Ferrag Fortress, and now I share it with you."

"With this emblem, you have the right to enter anywhere in the fortress, including my private vault."

Kona held his hand with a very solemn expression.

"In case I am defeated and captured, you can open the treasure house, take out the wealth I have accumulated over the years, keep it for you, and then use the scroll of 'Transportation from Another World' to quickly flee back to Tiangong, and ask Tiangong to come forward to rescue me."

"In the worst case, if something happens to me, one-third of my inheritance will belong to you, and the rest will be handed over to Tiangong on my behalf. I believe the organization will avenge me."

"You trust me so much, you are not afraid that I will embezzle your property and run away with money?" Gao Fei couldn't help asking her.

Kona smiled sweetly, her serious expression was replaced by playfulness.

"I believe in Tiangong, I believe that a man appreciated by Tianquan and Yaoguang will not be cruel enough to deceive a poor woman and steal her dowry that she has worked so hard to accumulate over the years."

"Thank you for your trust." Gao Fei felt an inexplicable throbbing in his heart, took a deep breath, and said to her, "Actually, I can also fight side by side with you."

(End of this chapter)

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