Savior Simulator

Chapter 1243

Chapter 1243
"Tianquan lost." Kona sighed.

"What do you mean?" Gao Fei asked in surprise.

"Tianquan bet with Yaoguang whether you will teleport home immediately after you get the scroll."

"Both Tianquan and I believe that you have no reason to stay in the bottomless abyss, while Yaoguang holds the opposite view, saying that you are the kind of naughty bastard who likes to keep probing on the verge of death."

"It seems that Yaoguang understands you best... Hehe, your kid's mind is really wild!"

Kona shrugged and smiled bitterly, then took off a magic ring from her hand and handed it to Gao Fei.

"This is a bet between Tianquan and Yaoguang. They agreed in advance that if Yaoguang wins, I will hand over this 'Duel Ring' to you."

Gao Fei took the unattractive black ring and identified it with the astrolabe out of curiosity.


Duel Ring: 3 rounds are automatically recharged every day, and the "Dimensional Killing Field" can be activated by consuming one round of energy.


"Dimensional killing field" is an 8-ring magic. After activation, the caster and a designated subject will be teleported to a demiplane isolated from the current space.

The subject can only leave the space after killing the caster.

The caster can leave the "dimension killing field" at any time, but the subject will also leave the space and return to the original position.

Obviously, the purpose of "Dimensional Killing Field" is to create a duel field free from external interference, where the caster and the subject can fight one-on-one.

The ring attached with the "dimension killing field" can be described as a veritable duel artifact!

Gao Fei put on the "Duel Ring", feeling a little more grateful to the station master's sister.

As Kona said, no one understands his thoughts better than Yao Guang, knowing that deep down in his heart, he has long had the urge to break free from the protection of the wings of the Heavenly Palace and go out alone—too comprehensive protection, is it not a A suffocating bondage?

Therefore, Yao Guang concluded that Gao Fei would not be eager to return to Blue Star after getting the scroll of "Transportation from Another World", and would continue to practice in the abyss, and the harvest would be even greater.

If it was just to protect Gao Fei, Yao Guang could of course force him to return to Blue Star.

No matter how reluctant Gao Fei was, he had to obey his boss' call and go home obediently.

However, Yaoguang did not do that.

She didn't put herself in the position of "parent", and imposed her will on Gao Fei domineeringly.

On the contrary, Yao Guang put himself in his shoes, and on the basis of respecting him, tried to protect his safety to the greatest extent.

"Duel Ring" is a concentrated expression of this mentality.

Yaoguang couldn't bear to force Gao Fei to go home, and she had to worry about his safety, so in the name of a bet, she entrusted Kona to hand over this gift representing her heart to Gao Fei.

The "Duel Ring" is not a life-saving talisman, but when Gao Fei is surrounded by demons, he can use this ring to forcibly single out the leader of the enemy to escape the dangerous situation of being outnumbered.

In "Dimensional Killing Field", Gao Fei can fight the enemy one-on-one, or he can ignore the opponent, directly tear off the "Transfer from Another World" scroll, and return to the material world where Blue Star is located, thus getting rid of the crisis.

Caressing the unremarkable ring on his hand, Gao Fei sincerely thanked the sister of the station master for her painstaking efforts.

He secretly decided that in the future, he would pay close attention to the dynamics of Abaddon, the "Emperor of Worms" and the "Great Wormhole", and provide more valuable information for the station master and the special police colleagues who were bloody resisting the Zerg invasion on the opposite side of the "Great Wormhole"!


seven days later.

Ferrag Fortress, guest room on the third floor of the castle.

Gao Fei sat in front of the desk, staring at the crystal ball on the table.

This is the "Scry Crystal" he snatched from Pompeii, the Giant Skull Demon. It can trigger "Scry" 3 times a day to detect any location in the plane.

At this moment, Gao Fei is using the "Discovery Crystal" to remotely detect the "Hest Island" located in the middle of the Styx River.

The Hive Island, where the "Abyssal Wormhole" is located, is now occupied by the legendary Obiris lord "The Worm King" Abaddon.

Since coming to Ferrag, Gao Fei has spent at least an hour every day monitoring the movements on the Hive Island, transcribing what he saw to the astrolabe, and archiving it as a video file.

When you return to Blue Star in the future and the astrolabe is back online, you can send this information to Tiangong as a reference for subsequent operations.

Compared with the candid videos from this week, Gao Fei's most obvious feeling is that the insect population on the island is decreasing!
For the major forces around the Hive Island, this is undoubtedly good news.

The arrival of the Zerg Emperor has put a lot of pressure on the three local traditional forces, Ferrag, Vanelon, and Tyros.

The rulers of the three steel fortresses also coveted the big wormhole and tried to capture the worm nest island, but they were all defeated by the army of the worm emperor and retreated in despair.

Now that the size of the worm swarm on the island has decreased dramatically, doesn't that mean that the three major forces have another chance to seize the big wormhole?

However, Gao Fei was not happy.

He knew in his heart that the swarm would not disappear for no reason.

The Obiris Zerg that disappeared from the island have already passed through the big wormhole and teleported to the blue star, and they are now participating in the war to conquer the blue star as invaders.

On the side of the abyss, there is only one entrance to the wormhole, but on the other side of the blue star, there are hundreds of exits, all over the world.

The swarm enters from this side, and after crossing the barrier of the plane, there is a certain degree of randomness in which country and region of Blue Star it will appear in.

The more insect swarms disappeared on the island, the more demons broke into Blue Star.

The collapse of the defense line at the exit of any wormhole will cause the swarm to lose control and break into densely populated urban areas, causing unimaginable huge casualties!
Ordinary humans have no power to resist against the Obiris demon.

Not to mention fighting demons, there are not many who can resist the "crazy aura".

The vast majority of people will become insane the first time they see the swarm!
It is still a question mark how much the armed forces of the blue star countries can play in the face of the large-scale invading insect swarm.

If it weren't for the Tiangong special police everywhere to fight the fire, Blue Star would have been reduced to a hatching ground for insect swarms, and human beings would not have escaped the fate of extinction.

The fewer insect swarms on the island, the greater the defense pressure on Blue Star, and the number of Tiangong special police is not an order of magnitude compared with the insect swarm.

If this stalemate continues, sooner or later there will be a day when we can't hold on.

Thinking of this, Gao Fei couldn't help worrying about the situation of his relatives and friends in his hometown and his colleagues in the special police.

Can I do something by myself, such as blowing up the big wormhole, completely cutting off the passage of the swarm to invade Blue Star?

These days, this idea has been lingering in Gao Fei's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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