Savior Simulator

Chapter 1233

Chapter 1233
Gao Fei was also speechless.

Pals is like the silly son of a landlord.

When I was away from home, I didn't even understand the principle of "wealth is not revealed", it seems that I still haven't suffered a loss!

I have bought all the ores that should be bought, and Gao Fei has to look for a more critical commodity next.

Leave the ore store and come to the exhibition area dedicated to selling magic potions and scrolls.Gao Fei went around the stalls, but was disappointed to find that there were no "Transfer to Another World" scrolls at all.

In fact, magic scrolls with more than 4 rings are rare.

Gao Fei walked around and bought a few low-level magic scrolls, just to enrich his spell books, with little gain.

"Brother Gao, you look disappointed, did you not find what you wanted?"

Pals, carrying a bulging travel bag, once again appeared behind Gao Fei like a ghost.

"I'm looking for a magic scroll..." Gao Fei hesitated to speak.

Pars showed a sunny smile.

"It just so happens that I have some scrolls in my hand. Would you like to take a look, maybe you can use them."

Not allowing Gao Fei to refuse, he opened his backpack and took out a bunch of magic scrolls.

The kindness is hard to come by, Gao Fei thanked him, picked up the scrolls and checked them one by one.

The magic scrolls collected by Pals are of a much higher grade than those sold at the trade fair, but unfortunately, there is still no "transfer from another world".

Gao Fei found two rare scrolls from it, which respectively transcribed the 6-ring "Anti-living Shield" and the 5-ring "Mana Enhancement".

"Anti-living creature shield" can generate a circle of barriers that spread around itself to prevent hostile living creatures from approaching, but it is ineffective against enemies that do not naturally have life, such as undead and constructs.

The "mana enhancement" is even more amazing. After casting the spell, it can temporarily increase the subject's spellcasting level by up to 5!
A higher level of spellcasting means stronger spellcasting ability and more space for super magic. For Gao Fei, the latter is especially important!
"How do you sell these two spell scrolls?" Gao Fei asked Pals.

His "mage mask" can now memorize the 5th level of "mana enhancement", and after upgrading to a level, he can memorize the 6th level of "anti-living animal shield"-the former improves immediate combat power, and the latter is reserved for the future.

"If I say give it away for free, you must suspect that I have no good intentions and don't have any plans." Pals smiled and continued, "If you want it, add up the two scrolls and count it as 50 disaster coins."

50 disaster coins, buy two rare and very practical high-level magic scrolls, is this price reasonable?

Gao Fei turned to look at Pippi.

The little devil nodded slightly, indicating that the price was fair.

"Unfortunately, I still haven't bought the 'Transfer to Another World' scroll." Pippi shrugged and sighed.

Pals's eyes flashed when he heard this, he took the disaster coins handed over by Gao Fei, and said with a smile: "Brother Gao, do you have anything else to buy? If you are not busy, let's go to the tavern for a drink or two, and talk by the way." ?”

Gao Fei had a good impression of him, so he readily agreed.

Leaving the store, they came to the tavern, and the two of them, together with Pippi, ordered three glasses of "Purgatory Tequila".

"Brother Gao, if I'm not mistaken, you should be an alchemist who is good at purifying ore."

Pals took a sip of the strong wine, his lips became more and more red and fiery.

"To tell you the truth, I work for the Duke of Belmonk. Your Excellency is in need of alchemy talents. Brother Gao, why don't you go to Tyros Fortress with me to serve your Excellency. The treatment will definitely satisfy you."

"I'm sorry, I'm used to being free and loose, and I don't want to work for others." Gao Fei calmly refused his solicitation.

Pals didn't seem to be surprised by his indifferent attitude, and said with a smile: "Your Excellency has the scroll you want in your hand, you only need to serve our army for one year, and you can get a 'Transfer from Another World' 'Scroll, other expenses are calculated separately, no matter where you want to go after that, we will not interfere."

"Can you represent His Excellency the Duke?" Pippi interrupted in surprise.

Pals nodded proudly: "It's a trivial matter, I can still make up your mind for His Excellency the Duke."

"Brother! What do you think?"

Pippi looked at Gao Fei.Regarding the conditions offered by Pars, he himself was quite moved.

Gao Fei held the goblet and shook his head slightly.

It's too stupid to believe the devil's promise, and a one-year contract is too long.

More importantly, he also offended Belmonk's Anzumo officer Buckhouse, and had to worry that the other party would seek revenge after his resurrection. How could he send him to his door?
"Sorry, I don't plan to leave Mephit Town for the time being."

Hearing Gao Fei's refusal again, Pals shrugged his shoulders and asked him if he had a "communication crystal" without forcing him.

Gao Fei remembered that not long ago, he snatched a communication crystal from Pompeii, the Giant Skull Demon, took it out, and handed it to Pals.

Pals took the crystal and lightly painted on it, leaving his "secret imprint" - a black flame pattern the size of a fingernail.

"Brother Gao, if you change your mind, activate this imprint stored in the crystal and send me a 'short message technique'."

Gao Fei nodded and wrote it down. Seeing him getting up to leave, he couldn't help asking: "Can you teleport magic?"

Pals shook his head and smiled: "Tylos Fortress is not too far from here. You don't need to teleport, and you can get home within the same day."

"You carry a lot of magic crystals with you. It may not be safe to drive alone. If you don't mind, I can drive you for a ride."

Gao Fei felt that Pals was not bad, so he rejected his kind invitation, feeling a little bit sorry, and planned to send him home as compensation.

"I have my own car, so I don't need to bother you." Pals declined with a smile, "Don't look at me with a bully face, but I'm actually very fierce. Anyone who dares to find fault with me will definitely regret it!"

Gao Fei felt that it was impossible for a real idiot to survive in the bottomless abyss.

Since Pals has absolute confidence in his own safety, he must rely on something.

Either he is very skilled, or there are bodyguards outside the town to support him, so he can't afford to worry about it.

"I wish you a smooth journey."

After saying goodbye to Pals, Gao Fei took Pippi and left the tavern, intending to wander around the town and rent a big house in a secluded area as a temporary residence and alchemy workshop.


(End of this chapter)

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