Savior Simulator

Chapter 1227

Chapter 1227
The maximum load of "telecontrol" depends on the attribute of the spell, and when the caster is distracted to control multiple objects, the total load will be equally distributed on each remote object.

Gao Fei's current telekinetic load is 3600 pounds, which is evenly distributed to the four telekinetic masters, each with a load of 900 pounds.

The pulling force was less than half a ton, Gao Fei felt a little weak...

So he had already made two-handed preparations.

If you can't fight Pompeii with "telecontrol" alone, you can activate the "earth domain" and drag the giant skull monster to the ground for a showdown.

The invisible telekinetic power is entwined with the tangible chains. When the two sides really started wrestling, Gao Fei realized that he had overestimated Pompeii's power.

The Goliath's strengths lie in spellcasting and supernatural talent. Its spiritual attributes are quite high, but its pure physical strength is not very outstanding.

It is not difficult for Gao Fei to estimate the pulling force transmitted through the chain. Pompeii's strength attribute is about 22.

As a super-sized demon, this level of physical strength is really a bit stretching.

Then use a hammer "Earth Domain"? !
With this level of strength, Gao Fei can cope with it only by "telecontrol".

"Sorry, you are too weak."

There was a sneer on the corners of Gao Fei's lips, a bright light appeared in Gao Fei's eyes, and the four big hands of mind control suddenly exerted force, pulling the iron chain rattling, and instantly stretched straight!
The Giant Skull Demon felt a strong and irresistible force transmitted through the four iron chains, which made his center of gravity unbalanced, and he was thrown in the air involuntarily and made a big roundabout.

Gao Fei continued to stimulate his thoughts, treating Pompeii as a meteor hammer, whirring in the air, and slamming it towards a boulder protruding on the hillside.

The moment his head was about to come into close contact with the boulder, Pompeii was forced to break the chain and narrowly escaped the end of his brain bursting.

The Giant Skull Demon who had lost its chains, only had a black intestine hanging under his body, and the end of the intestine was dripping with acid, which seemed to be a symptom of excessive fright and incontinence.

After all, Pompeii was a tyrannical and quasi-legendary level high-ranking demon in the bottomless abyss. After a brief shock, he calmed down and realized that he could not gain advantage by wrestling with Gao Fei head-on. The smart way is to use his strengths.

Thinking of this, the Giant Skull Demon stretched out a long arm, grabbed Gao Fei from the air, and a green light curtain radiated from the palm.

The 6th ring "Advanced Dispel Spell" swept over, most of the buff spells on Gao Fei's body were stripped away, and even the "Spell Nullification Barrier" was instantly dispelled.

Gao Fei only knows the third-level "dispel technique", even if he sees through Pompeii's attempt in advance, he still has no ability to counter the "advanced dispel technique". He simply hits him and I hit mine.

With a flash of red in his eyes, Gao Fei held a gun in his hand, and shot a bullet infused with the "Silence Technique" at the Giant Skull Demon in the air.

A small metal projectile, seemingly inconspicuous, but blessed with the two ultimate moves of "Ghost Strike" and "Desperate Strike".

The bullet hit the center of the Giant Skull Demon's eyebrows, erupting with terrifying destructive power, directly lifting its skull, blood mixed with bone fragments splashed into the sky, like a burst of fireworks!
"Ghost Strike" forces a sneak attack!
"Desperate Strike" ignores armor and forces a critical strike!

For firearms, once a critical strike is hit, the damage value is multiplied by four times!
This shot hit Pompeii's head, no less than a heavy artillery bombardment!
In addition to the visible huge trauma to the head, the bullet also drilled into the invisible corner of Pompeii's skull, opened up the silent force field, and directly cut off the spellcasting spell that the giant skull demon was chanting.

Switching to another quasi-legendary spellcaster, half of his head was smashed, and he was also hit by the "Silence Technique". If he didn't die, he would lose half his life.

However, the Giant Skull Demon was more resistant to beating than Gao Fei expected. After receiving such a heavy blow, he still insisted on hanging in mid-air.

The monster's power attribute is weak, but its vitality is unusually strong. The wound secretes countless small snake-like granulation, and it is healing itself at a speed visible to the human eye.

The inability to speak does not prevent the Giant Skull Demon from using super magic skills to cast spells silently, and suddenly shot a slender green beam of light.

Gao Fei recognized at a glance that Pompeii was silently casting the 6-level magic "dissociation"!
A small beam of rays, with a damage dice of 40d6 (40~240), is almost the most lethal single-target magic below legend!

In case of being hit, even if he is not instantly killed on the spot, the body will be shot through a big hole, and the dissociated flesh and bones in the middle will instantly turn into dust!

Fortunately, the "dissociation technique" is a kind of ray magic, as long as the reaction is fast enough, there is a chance to dodge it, or use a more secure way to crack it - Gao Fei did just that.


After silently reciting a mantra symbolizing "summoning", Gao Fei instantly casts the 2-ring magic "flying insects and beasts", and thousands of wasps emerge out of thin air, flying around him, forming a floating barrier.

The "Disintegration Technique" shot by Pompeii was blocked by a wasp before it touched Goofy.

The little insect became a scapegoat, counteracting the "dissociation technique", turning into a wisp of dust.

"It's my turn!"

Surrounded by bee swarms, Gao Fei activated "Ghost Strike" again, his scarlet eyes were murderous, he raised his hand and flicked, shooting three silver rays.

Ordinary "Scorching Ray", with the addition of "Split", "Penetrate", "Strengthen" and "Extremely Effective" four-fold super magic special effects, and finally converted into a curse fire attribute that ignores all magic resistance and immunity, becoming stronger than " Dissociation" is even more deadly.

The Giant Skull Demon instinctively sensed danger, and hurriedly drifted in the air, trying to avoid the sniper rays.

But he never expected that this perverted spell could split itself, and the six rays formed a set of parallel gratings in the air, completely blocking all his dodging routes.

Chi Chi Chi! !
In the end, the four rays hit the Giant Skull Demon, and the penetrating wound with the thickness of the bowl penetrated Pompeii's head, as if four tunnels through the mountain were dug side by side on his face.

The Giant Skull Demon howled in pain, rolled and fell, and rained blood all over the hillside.

Gao Fei didn't forget his business, and immediately added "Advanced Hands-on" after severely injuring the Giant Skull Demon, stealing spells from him.

Pompeian spells fall into two categories.

One is derived from demon talent, and the other is acquired through concurrent training in the mage profession, reaching a maximum of 7 rings.

The two types of spells were combined and presented to Gao Fei in the form of a list.


Ring 0 - Mage Hand, Magic Trick;
1st level—heal wounds, shield, magic missile;

2nd Ring - Arrow Protection, Attribute Enhancement, Complete Restoration;
3rd Ring - SMS, Eagle Eye;
4th—charm monster, black tentacles;
5th level - Mentality, Greater Command, Greater Creation, Animate Items;
6th ring - greater dispel, chain lightning;

7th Ring - Projection, Advanced Teleportation.


Quickly browsing Pompeii's spell list, Goofy stole 12 spells at one go in order of ring number from high to low, only kept 6 of them, and discarded the rest.

(End of this chapter)

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