Savior Simulator

Chapter 1225 Purification of Demonic Blood

Chapter 1225 Purification of Demonic Blood
Separation and Purification: Spend mana no more than the caster level to separate 1 cubic foot/caster level of the non-living mixture into pure substances.Like separating wine into water and alcohol.


Gao Fei only has 1 alchemist level, but counting the bonus provided by "Spellcasting Wizard", the actual spellcasting level is 13.

Spending 13 points of magic power to apply "separation and purification" to the demon blood in the "Pioneer" fuel tank, after just a few seconds, most of the impurities were separated, leaving only the purified demon essence in the fuel tank.

"It's done!" Gao Fei patted the fuel tank.

"Wow! As expected of my elder brother, he is omnipotent!!"

Pippi patted Rainbow Fart first, then changed the subject and pointed out a hidden danger.

"Brother! There are still 9 units of demon essence in the fuel tank, which is barely enough, but the magic crystal energy of the main engine is almost burned out, and we can drive another seven or eight hundred miles at most. We have to try to get some magic crystals. Supplementary energy for the main engine."

"Can't we just burn the demon essence?" Gao Fei asked.

"Of course not." The little devil shook his head and smiled wryly, "You can't drink oil as water, and you can't eat medicine as food."

"Where do you think you can get the magic crystal?" Gao Fei continued to ask.

"Well... I have two alternatives here."

Pippi raised two fingers, showing the air of a dog-headed military adviser.

"Go north from here and bypass Pompeii's pier. There is a place called Mephit Town, where fairs are held regularly. If you have enough disaster coins, it is not difficult to buy magic crystals in the town."

"How far is it from here to Mephit Town?"

"Go directly for about 300 miles. If you count the detour, the mileage may have to be doubled."

Pippi watched Gao Fei's face carefully, and then said: "If we don't want to take a detour, we have another alternative, which is to go directly to the wharf of the River Styx and take the initiative to attack Pompeii's warships parked on the River Styx! That slave trader He is so rich that he must have a lot of magic crystals in his hand!"

Gao Fei nodded, thoughtfully.

"Pippi, besides the magic crystal, does Pompeii have any other good things, such as magic tools or spell scrolls?"

"There must be. I don't know the specific situation, so I dare not talk nonsense." The little devil showed just the right amount of caution, "Brother! If you choose the second course of action, I'm afraid you have to take some risks! That pervert in Pompeii, after all, is The time-honored quasi-legendary powerhouse has a group of demons who have undergone body modification as accomplices, and we may not be able to do it alone!"

Goofy didn't make a sound.

In the astrolabe database, there is no data about the Giant Skull Demon.

However, he has rich experience in fighting Obiris demons, and he has personally killed quite a few quasi-legendary monsters. He still has the confidence to deal with enemies of Pompeii's level.

What's more, he never forgot about Pompeii's "projection technique", and wanted to steal this trick to strengthen his long-range spellcasting ability.

It would be even better if we could get the scroll of "Transfer from Another World" from Pompeii!

"Pippi, you pilot the 'Pioneer' and try to distract Pompeii's accomplices away. I will deal with Pompeii himself, how about that?"

The little devil gritted his teeth and scratched his head, hesitating for a long time before speaking.

"Brother! I can try, but before that, you'd better give me a 'monster charm', or simply turn me into your magic pet!"

"Is this necessary?" Gao Fei took a deep look at him, "I believe in you!"

"I'm sorry, big brother, I can't trust myself." Pippi smiled bitterly, "You hand over the chariot to me. At the critical moment, I'm afraid I won't be able to control my selfishness and greed, and I will leave you alone to fight against the devil. Drive off alone."

"You'd better not do that." Gao Fei said coldly.

"Oh, of course I know that the consequences of betraying you are very serious, but there is no way..." Pippi was full of pain, "Brother! I am a devil after all! As the saying goes, a dog can't change eating shit, you expect me to keep it from the bottom of my heart." Commitment, loyalty, courage, going through fire and water, that is distorting my nature, little brother! It's too cruel! So, you should use magic to suppress my instinct a little bit!"

Gao Fei was amused by this guy's sincere and shameless confession.

"I've never seen a request like yours in my life."

Shaking his head helplessly, Gao Fei slapped a "Monster Charm" on the little devil to increase his loyalty to him...

In other words, isn't this the so-called self-PUA?
Come on, demons are alive, so it's rare to be confused!

To help Pippi complete her psychological construction, Gao Fei opened the astrolabe, burned 10 reserved experience points, and raised the "Spell Thief" from level 15 to level 18 in one go.

After going up to three levels in a row, there are also three newly acquired professional abilities.


Advanced Stealth: When launching a long-range attack, you can also spend a bonus or reaction action to cooperate with the long-range technique to perform a long-range "skillful hand" check.

Deadly Strike: When successfully attacking a target, you can spend a reaction action to ignore the target's physical armor, natural armor, and damage-reducing armor, and this attack must cause a critical strike; this ability can be used 3+ Charisma modifiers per day.

Master of Stealing Spells: The upper limit of the number of spells that can be stolen and retained, additionally counted as double proficiency modifiers.


These three new abilities are very powerful.

"Advanced Stealing the Goat", combined with "Advanced Long-distance Technique", can steal spells from the opponent while shooting or casting spells to attack the enemy!

"Desperate Strike" is the ultimate nirvana commonly used by thieves!

Through a successful sneak attack, penetrate the target's armor, and definitely trigger a critical strike, instantly dealing explosive damage!
The last ability "Master of Stealing Laws" is Gao Fei's purpose of spending a huge amount of experience points to upgrade.

After learning "Master of Spell Stealing", Goofy can steal up to 12 spells from the target each time.

What's more, the upper limit of the number of retained spells is also included in the double proficiency correction, which is +12.

Gao Fei is now a level 18 spell thief, double proficient +12, and can keep up to 30 stolen spells.

Open the spell list and check it out. Not including the "Mage Hand" that comes with the class, there are currently only 21 spells in total, and there are still 9 slots for stealing spells to be filled!
Gao Fei suddenly felt rich.

There are 9 spell-stealing vacancies, one of which he has reserved, which is the 7-ring "projection" of the Giant Skull Demon Pompeii.

As for other vacancies, it depends on whether Pompeii has other good things worth stealing.

Familiarizing himself with the newly acquired professional ability, Gao Fei closed the astrolabe, first switched the sub-profession back to "imitator", applied "transfiguration" to Pippi, disguised him as himself, and drove to Pompeii. Styx docks under control.

Gao Fei himself performed an "advanced invisibility technique", and directly cast the spell to teleport to the hillside near the Styx Wharf. From a high position, he overlooked the majestic ships moored in the harbor.

(End of this chapter)

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