Savior Simulator

Chapter 1220 Untitled Chapter Chapter

Chapter 1220 Untitled Chapters

Chapter 58: The Mysterious Prison Cart
During his training at Tiangong No. [-] Station, Gao Fei gained proficiency in various vehicles.

He also got the reward profession "Artificial Mechanic".

Constructs like hell chariots are no strangers.

After checking inside and out, it was confirmed that the "Pioneer" was severely impacted when it fell, the armor was broken in many places, and one track was broken.

Fortunately, the tank's core power unit was intact.

Gao Fei put on the "Mage Mask" and took three "Complete Repair Techniques" on the chariot. The cracks in the armor disappeared and the tracks were repaired instantly.

Tried to start the engine and it rumbled.

Nodding his head in satisfaction, Gao Fei sat in the driver's seat, connected the astrolabe to the operating port, and extracted the data of the chariot.

After a while, rows of information streams were input into the astrolabe and displayed on the screen.

The Hell Chariot "Pioneer", challenge level 16, is a giant semi-intelligent construct.

The armor that comes with the chariot is equivalent to a level 30 natural defense, which is similar to the heavy tanks on Blue Star.

In addition, armor strengthened by enchantment also has a damage reduction effect of 15/Adamantine.

The attributes of "Pioneer" are: strength 40, agility 16, constitution -, intelligence 2, perception 10, charm 10.

Two points of intelligence are the level of a pet dog.

In the absence of a driver, the combat vehicle can also perform simple combat tasks automatically.

A construct with intelligence that can learn combat skills.

"Pioneer" comes with three specialties, "dexterous movement", "powerful attack" and "proficient in charging".

The melee weapon of the chariot is the raised ram at the front end of the chariot.

When driving at full speed, it is easy to crash into a two-meter-thick stone wall.

For targets below the giant size, the chariot can directly crush them.

Those who can't dodge in time will be run over by a chariot weighing a hundred tons, and will be reduced to meatloaf under the tracks.

"Pioneer" has two power furnaces.

The main power furnace burns magic crystals to obtain energy for the normal driving of the chariot.

Consuming one pound of magic crystals, it can travel [-] kilometers off-road.

The auxiliary power furnace is very abnormal. It actually uses the essence of the devil's flesh and blood as its energy source.

The way to get energy is also very rough.

Put the demon's corpse directly into the meat grinder, grind it and filter it, extract the plasma, and inject it into the auxiliary fuel tank through the catheter.

Demons of different ranks, the essence squeezed out of flesh and blood, have different energy densities.

The flesh and blood of low-level demons has too low energy density, so it can only be used to drive low-level hell chariots.

High-end luxury cars like "Pioneer" are relatively delicate, at least the blood and flesh essence of mid-level demons can be filled into its auxiliary fuel tank.

The tank holds up to 18 standard units of Demonic Essence.

The standard unit here is calculated according to the middle-level demon.

If the flesh and blood of high-level demons were used instead, the number of fuel units converted would be higher, and the probability of failure would be lower.

Yes, the main engine of Burning Magic Crystal is very safe, generally speaking, it will not fail.

Once the auxiliary engine is activated and the demonic essence starts to burn, deflagration accidents may occur because the chaotic impurities in the demon's flesh and blood are difficult to filter.

So, wouldn't it be good to disable the auxiliary engine?

Alas, the benefits of an auxiliary engine are so great that the occasional failure is less unbearable.

The "Pioneer" only runs the main engine, and even under the best road conditions, it can't break through 100 miles per hour.

Start the auxiliary engine, burn a unit of demon essence, the speed of the car can be doubled in a short time, and the speed can reach 200 miles per hour!
This is the "Magic Blood Acceleration" mode of the Hell Chariot.

The two special weapons carried by the "Pioneer" also need to consume demon essence to activate.





Gao Fei tried to drive the "Pioneer" and slowly drove out of the woods.

After getting familiar with the operation feel, switch to the automatic driving mode, and let the chariot gallop on the flat wasteland by the river, all the way to the north.

Gao Fei sat in the driver's seat, turned on the music player that came with the astrolabe, and listened to music for a drive, while checking the loot he had collected from the devils.

The three bearded monsters don't have many good things on their bodies, only some black crystals one inch square.

Gao Fei appraised it and learned that this is the so-called "disaster coin", the soul currency that is common in the lower planes.

An Zumo carried a storage bag with him.

Gao Fei dug out a ledger from the bag, a pile of disaster coins, a magic monocle that could use "Eagle Eye" three times a day, and a piece of skin peeled off the back of a demon.

Gao Fei took the yellowed leather and examined it carefully, and was pleasantly surprised to find a map drawn on it!
The most conspicuous red thick line on the map, zigzagging, running through the north and south, is clearly the Styx River!

On both sides of the Styx River, large and small geometric symbols represent large-scale towns, fortresses, and resource collection points, and place names are marked in Purgatory language.

The destination of Gao Fei's trip, the neutral city Mebat Town by the lake of Molten Iron, is also marked on this map.

"With this map, you don't have to worry about getting lost."

Gao Fei put away the map, the corners of his lips raised slightly.

With a kick of the accelerator, the "Pioneer" spewed flames from the exhaust pipe, roaring and galloping forward.

The wheels rolled, the engine roared, and smoke and dust rose from behind.


The endless wasteland was filled with the smell of burning tar.

The sandstorm whizzed in, covering the sky and the sun, plunging the wasteland into temporary darkness.

The wind is as sharp as a knife, and even the flesh of the unprotected travelers will be cut off.

On the left bank of the River Styx, a caravan was driving in the wind.

The four black horses pulling the cart seem ordinary at first glance.

If you look closely, you will find that they are taller and stronger than ordinary horses.

The horse's hooves stepped on the flames, breathing black smoke from its mouth and nose, and its dark red eyes shone with a murderous luster.

It was four nightmare horses!

On the driver's seat of the caravan, sat a Cyclops.

This somewhat bow-legged giant is only three meters tall on the upper body, wearing a khaki leather jacket, and his muscular arms are thicker than an adult's waist!
The Cyclops held the rein with his left hand, his right arm was cut off at the wrist, and a rusty iron lizard flower was transplanted on his right wrist instead of the palm, and it moved miraculously freely.

(End of this chapter)

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