Savior Simulator

Chapter 1215 Purifying the Blood Pool

Chapter 1215 Purifying the Blood Pool

An Zumo stretched out his left hand and stroked the car seat beside him.

At first glance, there was nothing around him.

The stubby fingers like carrots seem to be stroking the air.

When the wide robe sleeves covered the sunlight from above, the silhouette of a big cat appeared in the shadowed carriage.

The "Hellcat" squatting next to Anzumo is similar in size to a tiger and can automatically become invisible under light.

In a dim environment, the Hellcat showed a vague outline, as if blessed with a 2nd-level "obscure technique", any attack it launched would be at a disadvantage.

Only when the Hellcat is under the cover of the dark enchantment created by magic, will it reveal its ferocious and ferocious true colors.

"Master Backhouse! There is a chaotic blood pool in the valley!" Sumo, who was driving, turned his head, his face full of surprise.

"Huh? Not bad, good luck." An Zumo nodded and smiled, "It seems that we have gained another credit."

"Master is wise!"

"I met those demons before. My brothers wanted to kill them all. Thanks to the foresight of the Lord, I deliberately let go of a Babu demon. I also put a tracking mark on him, let out a long line, and caught a big fish!"

"It's my blessing to be able to serve under your lord's command!"

The three Sumo brothers took turns flattering.

An Zumo enjoyed the flattery of his subordinates, smiled slightly, and asked calmly, "What's the situation ahead?"

"There are only a group of rubbish monsters around the blood pool. The bait seems to have jumped into the blood pool and is evolving! My lord, do you want to take out the bait and interrupt its transformation process?"

"Hehe..." An Zumo shook his head and chuckled, "Don't be so rude, let that Babumo complete its evolution, and give it a surprise when it becomes a higher-level demon."

"That's right! You can only earn five points of military merit for killing a Babu demon. After he completes his evolution, we can kill a mid-level demon and earn three times the military merit points!"

The eldest of the three Sumo brothers patted his forehead, pretending to have suddenly awakened.

"As expected of Mr. Backhouse, you really have great foresight!"

"Hehe... You slick brats, don't just think about flattering, hurry up and get down to business." An Zumo ordered.

"As ordered!"

The three Sumo brothers stopped, and the hell chariot "Pioneer" suddenly accelerated, roaring and rushing towards the pool of blood.

The cowards gathered by the pool heard the roaring engine, turned their heads to look over, and saw a huge armored chariot rushing towards them, screaming and running away in fright.

The ghoul is bloated and clumsy, and he can't run faster than a speeding chariot.

In a blink of an eye, it was overtaken by the "Pioneer", and it was crushed abruptly, blood and flesh splattered under the tracks.

The chariot galloped around the pool of blood.

Wherever they passed, the cowards screamed and fell under the wheels, the ruts were bloody and bloody.

Chaos beasts mixed with demons were also run over by wheels.

The vitality of the Chaos Beast is much stronger than that of the Coward, and it belongs to the subspecies of the Ooze Monster. It was born without a fixed body shape. It was crushed into a big meatloaf by the track, and it was not dead yet, and it wriggled and swelled.

"Oh? Interesting, interesting!"

An Zumo glanced at the Chaos Beast, and gestured with a half-smile.

The three Xumo brothers immediately understood the boss's intentions, turned the steering wheel immediately, turned around in the chariot, and rammed into the Chaos Beast again.

The Chaos Beast didn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, and raised its dense tentacles, trying to block the roaring wheels.

The second of the three Sumo brothers slapped the console, and smashed down a red button.

The devil statue in front of the chariot suddenly opened its mouth and spewed out a ball of hell fire!
The temperature of the black flame was extremely high, enough to instantly melt steel, and it also contained strong corrosive toxins. It bombarded the Chaos Beast and ignited it on the spot, turning it into a big fireball.

The Chaos Beast rolled and struggled under the wheels, screaming and screaming, and was burned to a pile of ashes in a blink of an eye, emitting sour smoke.

In just ten minutes, all the living creatures in the valley were slaughtered.

The chariot slowed down slowly and stopped in the open space beside the blood pool.

The three Sumo brothers got out of the car first, and the youngest quickly ran to the side of the car, opened the car door, and bowed obsequiously.

"My lord, please go this way!"

Backhouse nodded, raised his robe, and slowly got out of the car.

An Zumo walked around the pool with his hands behind his back, looked around the valley, and commented with a smile: "It's a nice scenery, but it's a pity that it was defiled by the devil."

Xu Mo's second child held a parasol, trotted all the way to follow, stood on tiptoe, and held the umbrella for An Zumo to shade.

"My lord, do you want to camp here and take a rest?"

"I don't like the chaotic atmosphere here, you should purify the blood pool first." An Zumo ordered lightly.

"As ordered!"

The three Sumo brothers came to the blood pool and joined forces to activate the summoning array.

Batezu devils are born with the ability to summon the same kind, but the summoned devils cannot be higher than their own rank.

If you summon lower-level devils than yourself, not only will the success rate be higher, but the number will also be larger.

The three bearded demons set up the summoning array on the surface of the blood pool, and together they opened the portal to hell, summoning a large group of ghouls.

The inferior demon is the lowest level of demon, it looks like a humanoid, underdeveloped mass of flesh, its status in the Nine Hells is similar to that of the coward in the abyss, and it is regarded as cannon fodder by higher-ranking demons.

In fact, when the three Sumo brothers summoned the inferior demons, they had no intentions at all.

When the summoning ceremony was completed, the lemurs who were forcibly dragged into the abyss were horrified to find that their foothold was actually a bloody pond!
There was no support under their feet, and the lemurs fell into the water collectively. Their bodies were eroded by the strong chaotic magic power, like a punctured balloon, bursting one after another.

The three Xumo brothers who were watching the theater by the pool looked at the dead demon with vivid sympathy on their faces.

"Oh, look at these poor little guys, it's so miserable."

"In order to destroy the blood pool, there must always be a devil to sacrifice. This is also impossible."

"One of the things they are most proud of in this life is sacrificing themselves at this moment to purify the chaotic blood pool at the cost of their lives. It is a worthy death."

When the Sumos expressed their emotions, the lemurs they forcibly summoned to serve as sacrifices had already died.

Although the inferior devil is very weak, it is still a devil after all, and the law of order originating from Bator's hell is contained in its body.

When their flesh and blood merged into the blood pool, the law of order immediately clashed fiercely with the origin of chaos in the blood pool!
These two forces, which are equally evil but opposite in polarity, are like ice and fire, releasing terrifying destructive power upon contact, causing the pool of blood to violently boil.

The abyss worms in the blood pool were polluted by the power of order, twisted and screamed in pain, and died collectively in a blink of an eye, and their corpses dissolved.

At the same time, the blood pool gradually became clearer.

The power of the Nine Prisons and the Abyss cancel each other out, and the bloody water in the pool turns into pure water.

(End of this chapter)

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