Savior Simulator

Chapter 1213 The Devil's Metamorphosis

Chapter 1213 The Devil's Metamorphosis

Around the blood pool, the cowards noticed the return of the same kind, and soon discovered that it was different from themselves, and immediately set off a commotion.

The eyes focused on the returnee revealed naked jealousy.

The two cowardly demons moved their steps and greeted them, roaring unconvinced.

The returnee who had gone through all the hardships dismissed their naive behavior until the moment they passed by, he suddenly threw out his hands, punched him twice, and knocked down the provocateur neatly.

The two cowards fell on their backs, covering their faces and screaming.

The returnee grinned ferociously, grabbed a sharp-edged stone on the spot, and smashed it with all his might.

The screaming stopped abruptly.

Lying on the ground were the corpses of two cowards with their brains sundered.

By the pond, the cowards watching the conflict were in an uproar, unable to hide the fear in their eyes, they all moved away from the murderer.

Satisfied with the effect of killing chickens and monkeys, the returnee stepped over the corpse and jumped into the pool of blood with a plop.

goo goo goo...

A string of bubbles appeared on the surface of the pool, and the rich chaotic magic power gathered on the returnee, penetrated into the body through the pores, and completely transformed its flesh and bones.

There was a groan of pain from the pond.

Coward twisted his whole body, curled up into a ball, and the skin membrane on his body turned into a hard cocoon, wrapping it up.

The organs and tissues inside the cocoon shell were all crushed by the magic power of chaos, turning into a bloody mess, reorganizing bones and internal organs.

In the sky above the blood pool, a small transparent ball quietly rotated.

Through this "Eagle Eye Observation Point", Gao Fei watched the transformation of Coward with curiosity.

The evolution of demons is not always successful.

The chaotic nature of the bottomless abyss makes all laws less reliable here.

In the process of evolution, demons occasionally experience unexpected changes.

No matter how well prepared in advance, it is impossible to completely eliminate random accidental factors, and it is often a matter of luck.

The coward in the blood pool seems to be lucky.

After just one hour, it broke out of the cocoon.

From a bloated and wretched coward, he transformed into a lean but muscular "Quasai", also known as the little devil.

The pitch-black horns curved from the little devil's forehead to the back of his head, and a pair of wide bat wings spread out behind him.

The coward near the blood pool stared blankly at the lucky one who had evolved a new form, his eyes were full of jealousy.

The little devil glanced at them contemptuously, then proudly spread his wings and flew away from the valley.

For it, the magic has just begun.

It is going to kill stronger prey, to participate in real wars, to accumulate strength and wealth through hunting and plundering, and to prepare for the next round of evolution.

If you are lucky enough, you will be summoned to the human world by a stupid spellcaster, and under the guidance of the will of the abyss, you will crazily commit violence, create as much chaos and pain as possible, and within ten years you will be able to save enough capital, return to your hometown, and bathe in the pool of blood. Evolves into a demon of a higher rank than the Quasaimo.

This is the survival creed of the demons.

The little devil flew very fast and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

The cowards who watched it fly away had envy and jealousy in their eyes.

They had just witnessed a similar promotion, and their hearts were quite shocked.

Some Cowards were inspired by it and felt that they could do it themselves, so they dragged their clumsy bodies out of the valley to seek their own opportunities.

More cowards, like their disgraceful name, a short-term inner touch is not enough to change their cowardly nature, and they still hang around by the pool of blood, eating and waiting to die.

Gao Fei, who observed the evolution of the devil with the help of "Eagle Eye", was also deeply touched, and then had a whim.

If I have the blood of a demon, can I also break through the bottleneck by soaking in the pool of chaotic blood and be promoted to a legendary level great demon?

It's a pity that I didn't get the profession of "Abyss Warlock" in the game, otherwise I would automatically get the blood of the devil after upgrading, so I can really try it.

Since he is a purebred human being, such a dangerous experiment can be avoided.

The next day, Gao Fei came to the valley again to observe the demon ecology near the chaotic blood pool.

He was lucky, and saw the most eye-catching type among the Tanari demon race.

A beautiful succubus flew into the valley, folded its pitch-black wings, and landed slowly beside the blood pool.

The leather armor on her body looked more like a bikini swimsuit, perfectly highlighting her slender figure, revealing a large area of ​​white and delicate skin, and her long black hair draped over her shoulders.

Gao Fei looked at Succubus curiously through the "Eagle Eye Observation Point".

This witch is as glamorous and charming as in the legend, with a charming smile on her red lips, if it weren't for the pair of black bat wings on her back, and the feet that resemble sheep's hooves, ordinary people would not be able to see under this beautiful skin demonic nature.

In fact, Goofy is too far away from Succubus to fully appreciate her supernatural allure.

The succubus exudes a strange fragrance, expressing an attractiveness that transcends race and gender.

Unless the willpower is particularly firm, the creatures who smell this fragrance will be deeply fascinated unconsciously, and have a strong urge to possess this beautiful creature.

The cowards around the blood pool soon became obsessed with the color and body of the succubus, drooling from the corner of their mouths, staring blankly at her, and moved closer to her involuntarily.

The succubus does not hesitate to show off her charm, but she is not interested in this group of wretched and weak cowards.

The watery bright eyes scanned the group of demons, and the eyes suddenly turned cold!
The cowards immediately felt the terrifying aura of middle-level demons emanating from her, and they were so frightened that they woke up and backed away one after another, giving her a way to the blood pool.

The succubus snorted coldly, raised her orchid fingers, and put her silky and smooth long hair behind her ears, her vermilion lips slightly raised.

Under the adoring eyes of the demons, she walked gracefully, twisting her slender waist, and walked slowly towards the pool of blood.

The bikini armor on the succubus slipped off quietly.

The naked and enchanting carcass was submerged in the pool water, and slowly wrapped in a cocoon shell.

"Wait and see!"

The succubus in the cocoon muttered to himself with resentment.

"When I evolve into a demon, that arrogant snake spirit will understand who is the most attractive female demon in Ferragh!"

"Provocateurs", commonly known as high-level succubi, belong to a subcategory of Tanari demons.

The demon has a hotter and more sexy figure, a more attractive appearance, and a stronger ability to cast spells than ordinary succubi. It ranks second only to the lizard among female demons.

The wish is beautiful, but the reality may not be as she wishes.

The evolution of the succubus lasted the whole morning.

Just when Gao Fei got impatient with waiting and was about to give up observing, the cocoon shell finally broke, and a mess of flesh and blood flowed out of it.

Gao Fei stared in surprise at the new form of the succubus through the "Eagle Eye Observation Point".

He was convinced that the tentacled monster covered with thorny tentacles, teeth and eyeballs was definitely not a "demon"!
(End of this chapter)

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