Savior Simulator

Chapter 1207 Abyss Chicken

Chapter 1207 Abyss Chicken

A black shadow engulfed in a strong wind flashed in the air.

The abyss chicken was kicked by Gao Fei with a high whip kick and flew back, rolled and fell into the grass, with its neck bent 90 degrees to one side, and managed to get up, struggling to get into the bushes.

"As expected of a chicken with devil blood, its vitality is much stronger than that of free-range chickens in the countryside, and its meat must be fatter."

Gao Fei licked his lower lip, and casually slapped an "acceleration technique" on his body, his figure flashed, and he chased into the bushes.


In the bushes, the whining of the abyss chicken stopped abruptly.

Huge soles of feet descended from the sky, and with a bang, it was trampled into patties, and blood spurted from between the furry toes.

Gao Fei stopped suddenly, raised his head slowly, looked at the tall and majestic figure in the bushes opposite, and frowned.

The guy who stomped on the abyss chicken looked like a gorilla more than two meters tall. The long hair on his body seemed to have a camouflage effect, and the color stripes resembled branches and leaves, which blended seamlessly with the dense forest background.

Gao Fei's eyes moved over the gorilla's muscular body, and finally landed on the ferocious face with its fangs turned out, confirming that it was an ape demon, a middle-level tanar'ri demon.

The ape demon has a rough appearance and looks like a muscular and simple-minded reckless man. In fact, it is very sinister. Its hair is like the skin of a chameleon. It can change its color and markings according to the surrounding environment, better hiding itself, and sneak attacking opponents.

This ape demon clearly had the opportunity to sneak attack, but took the initiative to expose its appearance. Is it out of arrogance, or is there another conspiracy?
Gao Fei's eyes narrowed slightly, and he turned his attention to hearing.

The professional ability of "Dharma Thief" is listening to the wind, allowing him to hear the slightest breathing sound in the silent forest.

"Look at what I found?" The ape demon grinned grinningly. "Little lost guy, I have good news for you. I haven't tasted human flesh for a long time."

In the process of translating the Abyssal language, the astrolabe retained the malice of the ape demon to the greatest extent.

"Unfortunately, your meat doesn't look as good as Abyss Chicken."

Gao Fei responded lightly.

His words were also translated by the astrolabe, and the original sarcasm was conveyed to the ears of the ape demon.


The ape demon's face darkened, and just as he was about to speak, a burst of cold air hit his face.

The "instant ice cone" swept across the woods, and the temperature dropped sharply.

The ape demon didn't expect that this human boy was even more ignorant of martial arts than himself, and would sneak up on him before he finished speaking, and his whole body was frozen in frost.

Through the three-inch-thick ice wall, one can vaguely see the expression of both shock and anger frozen on the face of the ape demon.

Flying around, in the dense tree canopy, the sound of breathing suddenly became rapid.

Four invisible demons swooped down from the canopy at the same time, and their coordination was almost perfect. Obviously, this was not the first time they did this kind of thing.

Gao Fei tilted his head slightly, his eyes flashed, the "true seeing" was activated, and the besiegers had a panoramic view.

Four volleying Quasai demons, that is, the little demons that Gao Fei encountered in the game, lurked in the trees by virtue of their natural "invisibility", and originally planned to wait for Gao Fei to be entangled by the strong ape demon , and then suddenly launch a sneak attack.

They, a small hunting gang, have used this tactic to surround and kill countless prey, including even a high-level devil who is stronger than the five of them combined, but unfortunately they are not careful enough.

However, they never expected that this seemingly vulnerable human youth was actually hiding his secrets, and was more ruthless than demons like them. He killed the ape demon as soon as he met him, forcing them to launch a siege in advance.

Four invisible little devils swooped down from the canopy of the tree. While gliding, they were horrified to find a golden barrier on their prey, which instantly spread in front of them.

The four little devils were all covered by the "spiritual body guard", and their movements of flying in the air became sluggish, as if the camera was slowed down.

Gao Fei held guns in both hands, turned around on the spot, and fired into the sky.

bang bang bang-

Intensive gunfire echoed in the forest.

Advanced Multiple Attacks!


Multiple shots!

Gao Fei fired nine shots in an instant.

Cooperating with "Universal Sneak Attack" and "Preemptive Strike", each shot brings additional sneak attack damage, and the four little devils were blasted to pieces.

Gao Fei stepped across the grass stained red with demon blood, walked up to the ape demon sealed in the ice shell, raised his hand and shot, smashing the solid ice.

The ape demon fell weakly on the crushed ice, gasping for breath, his face was full of horror.

Gao Fei stepped on his neck, squatted down, put the muzzle of the gun against the head of the ape demon, with a kind smile on his lips.

"Friend, talk?"

"Uh..." The ape demon let out a trembling whimper from his throat, obviously there was no room for rejection.

Ten minutes later, there was another gunshot in the forest.

Gao Fei has obtained the information about this area, and walked out of the dense forest contentedly.

Behind him, the corpse of the ape demon kept his eyes wide open, and a bullet hole the size of a thumb exploded on his forehead, slowly emitting gunpowder smoke.


Through friendly communication with the ape demon, Gao Fei already knew that this is the first layer of Pazunia in the bottomless abyss, commonly known as the "Plain of Myriad Abyss".

Gao Fei was teleported to the central area of ​​Wanyuan Plain, near the main stream of Styx River.

Unfortunately, this is the most chaotic area on the first floor of the entire abyss, the front line of the bloody battle between Tanari demons and Baatezu demons.

At present, three regiments have been stationed on the front line of this bloody battle.

Two of the legions are led by the "Blade Princess" Kona and Balor the Balrog General Bynes, and there is an invading legion from hell, the commander is the famous "Duke of Magic Flame" Belmonk - a sinister Hell fiend warlord.

The three generals each occupied a steel fortress.

These three fortresses are all located near the River Styx and contain each other, making the war in a stalemate.

The forest where Gao Fei is at the moment is about [-] miles away from the fighting area, so far it seems to be relatively peaceful, but occasionally there will be patrols belonging to the devil or the devil's side to sweep, collect food, and arrest the strong men.

The big tree of flesh and blood that Gao Fei saw before was called the "hatching tree". It was a unique creature in the abyss, and it was hard to tell whether it was a plant or an animal.

The fruit of the hatching tree will hatch into an abyss chicken when it matures. Although the abyss chicken looks like a rooster, it is actually a hermaphrodite creature that can fertilize itself and lay eggs.

The egg-laying rate of the abyss chicken is very low, only one egg is laid every year, and what hatches is not a chick, but a fleshy sapling.

The sapling takes root in the soil, sprouts and grows, and finally grows into a new hatching tree, and the fruit it bears breeds the abyss chicken.

The hatching tree and the abyss chicken have a wonderful way of breeding with both plant and animal characteristics, and only in an extremely chaotic area like the bottomless abyss can it be possible to break the boundaries of species and breed such incredible creatures.

(End of this chapter)

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