Savior Simulator

Chapter 1204 Falling into the abyss

Chapter 1204 Falling into the abyss
Nowadays, most of the steel fortresses in the Styx River Basin are the gathering places of the Tanar'ri Legion, filled with all kinds of demon minions.

Still others have been captured by demons from Baator, serving as bridgeheads to invade the Abyss.

In the history of endless bloody battles between demons and demons, many large-scale battles took place in the Wanyuan Plain, where countless demons and devils shed their last drop of blood.

Demons and devils kill each other and blood flows into rivers. Countless blood rivers converge into a big river, combined with the chaos origin of the bottomless abyss, and eventually evolve into the so-called "Styx".

The reddish black water of the Styx River meanders on the Wanyuan Plain, and the tributaries of the river flow into the deep pits leading to other levels. At the same time, the sewage from other levels also gushes out of other deep pits and flows into the Styx River. , making this great river leading to a deeper abyss even bigger and more turbulent.

The river Styx passes through many lower planes, including the Abyss and Baator, and the network of river channels is intricate and constantly changing. Any attempt to map the river's waterways will be fruitless.

Getting lost isn't the only danger when traveling on the River Styx.

Ordinary people who only touch the water of the Styx for a short time are at risk of losing their memory, and those daredevils who drink the water directly become idiots without exception!

Above the river surface, a group of flashing red eddies suddenly opened up in the void, and a large amount of mud and sand gushed out of it and sprinkled on the river surface.

A figure was engulfed by sand and fell into the Styx River, splashing with a splash.

At the same time, the red vortex in the air ran out of energy, flickered twice and then disappeared sadly.

Whoa! !
The human youth who fell into the water suddenly raised his head, with doubt and vigilance intertwined in his eyes.

"What is this place……"

Nerves were stimulated by the cold river water, Gao Fei got rid of the dizziness caused by teleportation, and quickly woke up, only then realized that he had fallen into the water, and his body was sinking involuntarily.

Rather than exploring an unfamiliar environment, the top priority is to avoid drowning in this dark red river.

The swimming skills that he practiced so hard in the prison escape in the prologue of the Berserker mod came in handy at this moment. Gao Fei instinctively moved his hands and feet, like a flexible big fish, swimming towards the opposite side of the river bank, while keeping his head out of the water.

This big river is very wide, and it is at least a mile from here to the other side by visual estimation.

With abundant physical fitness and skilled swimming skills, Gao Fei can swim to the other side within 5 minutes, but the more he swims, the more uneasy he feels.

The muddy river water was like blood, with a pungent smell and a strange sticky feeling, as if it was taking away his sanity little by little, making him feel dizzy and his consciousness gradually blurred.

The inexplicable sense of crisis in his heart made Gao Fei decide to change to a more efficient way of crossing the river, so he switched his sub-job to "imitator", turned into a whirlwind form, escaped from the river, and flew directly to the shore.

After going ashore, the feeling of trance has not subsided, my brain seems to be filled with glue, and my thinking has become dull.

Gao Fei shook his head, opened the astrolabe to check his status, his face changed suddenly!
System prompt: Continuously affected by the "Curse of the Styx", you must make a will save every round. If you fail the save, your memory will be stripped and your intelligence will be damaged!
Worthy! !
Without thinking, Gao Fei activated the "Goddess of Destiny's Blessing" bestowed by Shenwei to ensure that he passed the volitional immunity, and his drowsy mind became clear again. He noticed that he had just come up from the river, and his clothes and pants were still wet.

The clothes and pants soaked in the Styx River touch the skin, and the curse will be triggered every six seconds, and the blessing of the goddess can only be used once a day...

Gao Fei didn't care about wiping off the cold sweat, put on the "mage mask" as quickly as possible, and performed a "magic trick" on himself, instantly evaporating the water stains on his body, and his clothes became dry again.

Immediately afterwards, he switched his sub-profession back to "Dharma Thief", spent 17 points of magic power, and blessed the 8-ring "Spiritual Barrier" to block all negative states that affect the mind.

Checking his own status again, confirming that the "Curse of the Styx" has been eliminated, and the intelligence attribute has not been damaged, he was slightly relieved, stood on the shore, and fell into memory.

This is a self test.

If you can recall your experience completely, it means that you have not been affected by the "Curse of the Styx" and your memory is still intact.

"Gao Fei, active Tiangong special police, affiliated to Yaoguang station, special police number 007-000-527..."

Gao Fei muttered to himself, recalling his identity first, there is no problem.

The next question is, why did I end up in this strange place?

Goofy tried hard to remember.

Not long ago, he was on duty on Ghost World Island and killed a weird giant worm from the abyss.

Gao Fei still remembers that after the battle, he found a small and unstable portal in the giant worm, which is the so-called "wormhole".

Just when he was about to take a closer look, the portal in the giant worm's stomach suddenly collapsed, forming a magical turbulence that sucked him in, and forcibly teleported him to this strange place.

Gao Fei reproduced the memory picture in his mind, and looked up at the top of the river.

He vaguely remembered that after he was involved in the turbulent flow of time and space, the teleportation point seemed to be above the river, but now the river was completely empty, and there was no teleportation door at all.

"It seems that it was a one-way portal, or it closed itself the moment the transmission was completed."

Goofy sighed in disappointment.

Since he couldn't go back the same way, he had to find another way to go home.

Before that, you have to figure out where you are, and then locate your own coordinates through the astrolabe, send it to Tiangong, and apply for transmission permission.

Gao Fei opened the astrolabe and checked the electronic map.

Unexpectedly, the map was not displayed immediately, and the system prompted "Searching for network services".

what's the situation? !

Gao Fei suddenly had an ominous premonition, and looked up at the turbulent blood-colored river opposite.

The river meanders in the wilderness, like a bloody python, with no end in sight both upstream and downstream.

On both sides of the river bank is a desolate wilderness, the dust is blown by the wind, pale bones and rusty metal fragments can be seen everywhere, and the world is filled with a depressing atmosphere.

This oppressive atmosphere is not entirely a psychological effect.

Gao Fei has already noticed that the concentration of magic power here is much stronger than that on Blue Star, and the magic power is not neutral. The factors of chaos and evil occupy an overwhelming upper hand. Although it does not hinder normal casting, it will make people with sound minds People feel very uncomfortable. Living in this environment for a long time, they will inevitably be mentally polluted and eventually become a lunatic.

Fortunately, the shelter provided by the "spiritual barrier" protects Gao Fei from the spiritual pollution brought by the environment, but this abnormal environment itself is a hint-this place is definitely not Blue Star!
(End of this chapter)

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