Savior Simulator

Chapter 1199 Big Wormhole

Chapter 1199 Big Wormhole

"Just now you said that you wandered in the battle zone between devils and devils. In addition to repairing chariots for the devil corps, you also did information transactions by the way. Specifically, tell us what important information you have collected recently, and why you were hunted down by the Obiris Zerg. ?" Gao continued to interrogate the little devil.

"Oh! Mr. Inspector, you've got the key question!"

Pippi's eyes glowed, and he seemed to regard Gao Fei as a big customer selling information.

According to him, the mechanic is just a disguise, and he is actually a very professional intelligence dealer who is collecting information about the "Abyssal Wormhole".

As a result, he was unlucky, and finally managed to sneak into the wormhole, but alarmed the Obiris swarm guarding the entrance of the wormhole, and was hunted down. On the way to escape, he panicked and drove directly into the wormhole, and was then teleported to Ghost World Island.

After listening to Pippi's explanation, Gao Fei suddenly realized that some of the wormholes that appeared on the blue star with the silver flash, including the ghost world island wormhole, were frequently sent by Batezu, Tanari or Obiris , the source lies in these large or small wormholes. Although the exits are scattered all over the world, there is a common entrance, which is the "big wormhole" located in Pazunia, the first layer of the bottomless abyss-like countless forks. The branches are all extended from the same big tree.

"Dear police officer! According to my investigation, the Great Wormhole of Pazunia is currently under the control of Abaddon, the demon lord of Obiris. Abaddon and his worm cubs have regarded this planet you live as Invasion target!"

"At the same time, the Legion of Hell led by 'Duke of Magic Flame' Belmonk, and at least two great demon warlords are also trying to capture the big wormhole as a shortcut to invade this beautiful and rich planet!"

"In order to compete for the Great Wormhole, the three major ethnic groups, Baatezu, Tanari, and Obiris, have fallen into a scuffle on the wasteland near the River Styx, and they are fighting hard."

Pippi secretly observed Gao Fei's face, and issued a serious warning.

"Master Police Officer, I have no interest in conquering human beings. I only inquire about this information to satisfy my curiosity, but you must know that other creatures in the lower planes are not as peaceful and peace-loving as I am."

"This scuffle for the Great Wormhole, no matter whether the final winner is Obiris, Tanari, or our Baatezu, will bring disaster to your hometown."

"If I were you, respectable police officer, I would have to think about the way out now..." The little devil chuckled, and then persuaded Gao Fei: "Even if you have the ability to fight against the invaders from the lower planes, you must Think about your relatives and friends, after all, not everyone is as powerful as you!"

"It's none of your business to worry about me!" Gao Fei saw that the little devil was trying to seduce him into being a traitor and seek refuge with the Batezu Demon Clan, and interrupted him coldly, "You should think about your end."

Pipi twitched, blinked his small eyes, and asked Gao Fei pitifully: "Mr. Benevolent police officer, how do you plan to punish the poor, weak and humble me?"

"How else can you get offended? Just wash your ass and wait to get rid of the prison!"

Gao Fei opened the astrolabe and planned to send Pippi to the prison at Tiangong No. [-] Station.

Pippi's small eyes were full of panic, and he rushed over, hugged Gao Fei's leg, and begged, "Master Police Officer! Master Police Officer! Please be merciful and accommodate me. Can you not send me to jail?"

Noticing that Gao Fei's face was cold, the little devil quickly squeezed out two tears, and then begged: "Master Police Officer! I know everything about the lower planes, about worms, Tanari and Batezu, and the disputes near the Great Wormhole. I can provide you with more information, and even help you repair your car! Please trust me and give me a chance to work for you! In order to win your trust, we can sign a contract!"

"Sign a contract?" Gao Fei kicked the little devil away, and sneered, "It's ironic that the word contract came out of the devil's mouth!"

Pippi crawled back quickly, hugged Gao Fei's leg again, and said pitifully: "Our Batezu clan has a little flaw in reputation, but sir, there are honest and trustworthy devils among the devils! You If you really can't trust me, you can sign a 'Magic Pet Contract' with me, I am much easier to support than cats and dogs!"

The "Demon Pet Contract" is different from a contract where both parties are equal. The master only provides limited protection for the magic pet, but the magic pet has to obey all the master's instructions unconditionally, even if it is an order that seriously damages the magic pet's own interests.

Because the rights and obligations of this contract are seriously unequal, the master must be much stronger than the magic pet in order to overwhelm the latter and force it to sign an unequal contract.

The magic pets of mages and warlocks are mostly small animals such as crows, mice, and frogs. They are weak in physique, low in intelligence, and have no special abilities.

If the caster's own level is relatively high, he can also tame magical beasts that are slightly stronger than ordinary small animals as familiars, such as the high-flying winged cat familiar.

Gao Fei's exclusive profession "Imitator" can have two magic pets at the same time, one corresponds to the "Warlock Mask", which is the Winged Cat Huzi, and the other corresponds to the "Mage Mask", which is currently empty.

Do you want to take Pippi as a magic pet?

This idea is indeed very tempting, but Gao Fei still restrained the urge to conclude a magic pet contract with Pippi.

If Pippi was an ordinary little devil, it would be considered as a magic pet, but this guy is a level 7 "mechanical warlock", which is too strong as a magic pet, so he may not be able to control it.

What's more, there have been countless bloody lessons from the past that show that people who make deals with the devil almost never end well, and Gao Fei can't make mistakes.

But on the other hand, Pippi does understand the disputes among the various races in the lower planes very well, and keeping this little clever ghost by his side will help in-depth investigation of the three-party conflict that broke out around the "big wormhole".

Gao Fei thought about it, and decided to send a letter to the webmaster first, reporting the news revealed by Pippi, introducing Pippi's situation by the way, and asking the webmaster for instructions on how to deal with this little devil warlock.

Half an hour later, Gao Fei received a reply from Ms. Yaoguang, and learned that the station master had submitted his report to the top management of Tiangong.

"If there is no accident, the board of directors will summon you and the little devil captured by you tomorrow to discuss about the 'big abyss wormhole'. Before that, you have to keep an eye on the little devil, and don't let that cunning The little guy slipped away."

The stationmaster also disclosed to Gao Fei in the reply letter that if the news about the "big wormhole" is true, the top management of Tiangong will probably make two-handed preparations.

(End of this chapter)

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