Savior Simulator

Chapter 119 Rescue the Wind Djinn

Chapter 119 Rescue the Wind Djinn

Yesenia took out some weird powder from the spell-casting material bag, sprinkled it carefully on the magic circle, chanted the spell in a low voice, and the magic circle became dim.

Lifting this last restraint, Yesenia performed a "magic trick" on the oil lamp and lit the wick.

The wick exploded suddenly, scaring Gao Fei and Jiang Feng to retreat outside the cell door at the same time.

Looking down again, I saw a mass of white fog gushing out of the oil lamp, slowly gathering into the silhouette of a giant in the air.

At the same time, a man's cheerful laughter came from the mist.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh let me see, who is the kind-hearted little cutie who let poor old Ali out of the oil lamp!"

Laughter echoed in the prison cell, and the mist gradually solidified in the air, and finally shaped into a djinn over ten feet tall. Above the waist was a strong giant with a complexion as blue as the clear sky, and below the waist the clouds still covered the mist It is in the form of a winding gas, and a wisp of steam at the end is closely connected with the oil lamp.

This djinn aristocrat is imposing, wearing a gorgeous Persian-style sleeveless brocade and embroidered robe, a jewel-encrusted magic scimitar stuck in a gold belt, arms folded on his chest, and wearing clanking bracelets and Earrings, shining diamond nose studs on the nose, long hair tied into a high ponytail that flutters in the wind, and upturned mustaches that are black and shiny as if waxed, very gentlemanly.

"I heard that the dwarf is also called the 'deng god', so it really lives in an oil lamp!" Jiang Feng couldn't help but marvel.

"Oh? Young man, did you let me out?"

Ali, the wind djinn, looked down.

Jiang Feng hesitated for a moment, and finally pointed to Yesenia honestly beside him.

"Huh? So it's you, vicious Lamia!" As soon as the djinn saw Yesenia, the excited smile on his face disappeared immediately, and he asked angrily, "Noxus wants me to do it for him again." What's wrong?"

"Master Ali, you have misunderstood. This time I am not running errands for Noxus, but I am sincerely rescuing you and liberating you from the prison—"

Before Yesenia finished speaking, she was interrupted angrily by the djinn.

"Do you think I'll still believe your lies? Do you think I'll fall for your tricks again? Femme fatale, to tell you the truth, I don't believe a word of yours!"

"Uncle Ali, do you have any grievances with Yesenia?" Gao Fei couldn't help asking curiously.

The wind dwarf snorted resentfully, and said to him: "Young man, uncle taught you a life lesson, beautiful women are liars, don't believe it!"

"What a coincidence, that's what my mother said." Gao Fei scratched his head and laughed, "Uncle, have you ever been fooled by Yesenia?"

"Oh, that's a long story!"

The djinn was very chatty, and happily opened up the chatterbox.

"Many years ago, this little girl came to me, hoping that I could use a wishing technique to turn her into the mistress of Lamia. Uncle Ali, I am kind-hearted. I couldn't see the little girl begging with tears, so I readily agreed. condition."

"What conditions?" Gao Fei asked.

"It's actually very simple, and I don't make it difficult for her. I just ask her to put on the maid outfit I sewed by myself, put on the rabbit ear headdress, and serve in my palace after she fulfills her wish. She is free, little brother, do you think the terms I offer are fair or not, are you conscientious or not?"

"It's so fair, so conscientious!" Gao Fei gave a thumbs up and praised angrily, "Uncle Ali! We are like-minded people. I really didn't expect that you are also a thorn ape!"

"Oh? Really? You also like girls in uniforms?" Ali's eyes lit up with joy, and he leaned down and hugged Gao Fei's shoulder affectionately, "You have vision, little brother! How about we just sworn brothers with different surnames?"

"Uncle, wait first!" Jiang Feng glanced at Yesenia, who was blue-faced and gritted her teeth in anger, and shook her head with a wry smile, "Don't be busy with sworn brothers, let's get on with business!"

"Okay, okay, let's talk about business!" Sitting cross-legged on the cloud, the djinn cleared his throat, and then recalled: "After listening to my offer, Yesenia immediately showed me her face and scolded me." It's a stinky hooligan, a pervert, and then ran away angrily! You all come to judge, isn't this little girl too much?"

"Come on, uncle, I think you're going too far! Although it's not enough to be a pervert, it's at least a serious dead house!"

Jiang Feng commented angrily, and by the way gave Gao Fei a blank look as a warning!

"Anyway, there is no righteousness in business. The little girl refused to accept my conditions, and I didn't force her to do so. However, after a while, she came back and said that she could wear a maid outfit to show me, but it must be in her own home. Dress up."

"I believed her nonsense, left the castle alone, and followed her foolishly, but was ambushed by my old enemy Noxus halfway, and this vicious little girl turned on me and killed me. I knocked it down and sealed it in the oil lamp, just thinking about it makes me angry!"

The djinn snorted, and suddenly smiled again, and said gloatingly to Yesenia: "The wicked will have their own evil. You cheated me, so what good can you do for yourself? Didn't you go to Noxus later?" When, being forced to be his lackey, it has been more than seven years, right? If I had known today, you might as well have been my maid!"

"What's the point of talking nonsense now!" Yesenia was full of embarrassment, "Ali, put aside the past grievances first, I dare to swear to the gods, today I really rescue you from trouble with sincerity!"

"Okay, I'll take your word for it, but what's the price?" The djinn folded his arms, and looked at Yesenia with a sneer, "You little girl, you never trade at a loss, and risked betraying Noxo Do you want me to help you deal with that old ghost, or do you want me to help you undo the 'command technique' he cast on you?"

"You guessed it, I want to ask you for help with both of these things!"

Yesenia readily admitted.

"Hmm..." The djinn stroked his mustache and thought about it, then slowly replied: "Noxus is my deadly enemy, even if you don't tell me, I can't spare him! As for removing the curse for you, It is possible, but I have to spend some time preparing for the prayer ceremony."

"You don't need to worry about it. I have brought the spell-casting materials needed for the prayer ceremony with me."

"Ha! You cunning little girl, you are really thoughtful!"

The wind dwarf instructed Yesenia to set up an altar in the hall outside the cell door, place the magic artifacts, and prepare to perform the prayer ceremony.

(End of this chapter)

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