Savior Simulator

Chapter 1174 Legendary Multiple Attacks

Chapter 1174 Legendary Multiple Attacks
The fire element does not have a real flesh and blood body, it is like a mass of plasma bound by a high-energy field, breaking away from the severed arm of the torso, losing the restraint of the force field, expanding into a big ball of fire, exploding with a bang, and spewing out fire all over the sky.

Goofy and the Fire Elemental Earl were in the center of the explosion, their bodies made of pure flames were distorted by the shock wave.

The Fire Elemental Earl's eyes flickered, and he couldn't hide the horror in his heart. A ball of flames reappeared from the broken arm and grew into a new arm.

Just about to launch a new round of attack, Gao Fei suddenly swung his scythe like a prophet, cutting off his attack route.

Late strike, first strike, omnipotent sneak attack!
This knife slashed at the Earl of Fire Element, almost splitting him in half.

The damage-reducing armor of Earl of the Fire Element couldn't stop the flashing blade, and golden flames spewed out from the wound, like splashing blood plasma.

After fighting for two rounds in a blink of an eye, Gao Fei was only punched by the Earl of the Fire Element, which was basically painless. Counting the preemptive counterattack, he repaid the opponent seven times.

+2 Variety Thunder King Ya, strengthened by "Advanced Strike the Enemy First" and "Armor Piercing Curse", Gao Fei's attack rolls are seriously overflowing, almost sure to hit.

After two rounds, the Earl of the Fire Element's health was less than half, knowing that fighting any further would be suicide, so he decisively teleported away.

However, when he teleported near the crater, he was forced to stop.

Surrounding the lava lake, a circle of giant sunflowers grows. The well-developed root system absorbs heat energy, turning the magma overflowing from the lake into a circle of icy rocks.

Liu Xingyu stood on a tall sunflower, holding a green wand in his hand.

To be on the safe side, he used up the energy of this "Level 3 Nature Summoning Wand" and summoned ten water elementals in one breath, patrolling around the crater, dragging long water stains under his feet wherever he passed. All the open flames were extinguished, forming a firebreak, isolating the Earl of the Fire Element.

Without the continuous flames under his feet, the Fire Elemental Earl could not teleport, and at the same time lost the ability to automatically recover blood.

Forced to be helpless, he had no choice but to turn his arms into wings again, vibrated the flame-shrouded wings, and slowly lifted into the air, intending to fly back to the crater for refuge.

This kind of wings transformed by magic can barely imitate the flight of birds, but the huge spherical body of Earl Fire Elemental is definitely not as maneuverable as a natural flyer.

The Fire Elemental Earl had just flown over a hundred feet high when he was crushed down by a sudden cold current.

Accompanied by a clear dragon chant, the silver dragon swooped down from behind the clouds, and spewed out a stream of extremely cold air from its mouth.

"Big Fireball, come down for me!"

Lin Qi, who turned into a silver dragon, had a sneer in his eyes.

The extremely cold dragon's breath sprayed on the Earl of the Fire Element, instantly extinguishing the wings of the flames, and forming a heavy ice shell around his body.

The uncontrollable body of the Earl of Fire Element fell straight down and fell heavily on the ground, the ice shell shattered, and the flames in his body flowed out, as if fiery red lotuses were blooming everywhere.

Gao Fei's incarnate fire element disappeared into a mass of exploding flames, using the flames spewed out by the earl of the fire element the moment he fell, directly teleported to him, held up the thunder king's teeth, and smashed down with all his strength!

Swish swish swish! !

"Multiple attacks" plus "big homeopathic slash", as well as an additional attack opportunity provided by "acceleration technique". The remaining life of the earl of the fire element.

A wisp of ashes fell from the blade and dissipated sadly.

Gao Fei undoes his transformation and takes back his "Thunder King's Tooth".

At the same time, I received a reminder from the astrolabe, and learned that I had completed the A-level special service mission "Hunting the Earl of Fire Element".

The Earl of the Fire Element is a level 17 monster. After killing it, he will get 18000 experience points, plus the extra 10 experience points for A-level missions. Gao Fei made a fortune.

In addition, the A-level task rewards also include the upper limit of the astrolabe energy +5, and Gao Fei's most valued secret service points.

10000 special service points can be exchanged for a legendary or mythical feat. In contrast, Gao Fei prefers the legendary feat.

Mythical specialties are of course very good, and some are even more powerful than legendary specialties, but every time you use mythical specialties, at least one astrolabe energy will be consumed.

Gao Fei's astrolabe energy, in addition to being used to switch sub-classes, has to provide energy for the "Advanced Blast Spirit Seal". If you learn the mythology specialty, you will inevitably have to compete with the former for limited resources, which is a bit uncomfortable.

Legendary specialties do not consume astrolabe energy, and are relatively more versatile.

Gao Fei opened the list of legendary feat rewards provided by A-level missions, browsed through them briefly, and was deeply shocked.

"Legendary Strength", "Armor Skin", "Legendary Immunity"... Each of the legendary specialties is abnormal, and only one of them can be selected.

Gao Fei turned down two pages, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Advanced multiple attacks, this is it!"


Greater Multiple Strike (Prerequisite: Multiple Strike): When you spend a standard action to make a "multiple strike" with a weapon or natural weapon, the number of consecutive strikes is at most equal to your Proficiency modifier.


The value of proficiency correction depends on the main occupation. Gao Fei has already reached the full level, and the proficiency correction has reached the maximum +6.

"Advanced Multiple Attacks" replaced "Multiple Attacks", which meant that the number of attacks had increased from 2 to 6, a full three-fold increase!
Under this premise, Gao Fei is equipped with "big homeopathic slash", and can use bonus actions to add two additional attacks.

Counting the extra attack opportunity provided by the "acceleration technique", in his own attack round, he can hit nine times in a row!

Gao Fei opened his mind and thought of other skills that increase the number of attacks.

By the way, there is also the "Hunger and Thirst Demon Blade"!
As long as the "imitator" is upgraded to level 9, you can get the advanced magic "Hunger and Thirst Demon Blade". When using a contract weapon to attack, one knife becomes two swords. After the super double, can you cut 18 swords in a row? ?

Gao Fei couldn't help but take a deep breath, he felt that this crazy tactic of superimposing the number of attacks was too perverted.

With an 18-hit combo in an instant, even a quasi-legendary monster like the Earl of the Fire Element couldn't survive one round before being hacked!

The more Gao Fei thought about it, the more excited he became.

It is not a far-fetched delusion to build one's own tactical system around this idea and challenge the legendary strong.

After calming down his excitement for a while, Gao Fei checked his experience point reserves, a total of 137 points, enough to squander.

Gao Fei first spent 25000 experience points to upgrade the "imitator" from level 7 to level 9. The newly acquired professional abilities include "proficient replacement" and "triple mask", plus two 3-level imitation skills, corresponding to the mage mask and Warlock mask.

(End of this chapter)

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