Savior Simulator

Chapter 1171

Chapter 1171

Ma Yun looked over vigilantly, suspecting that Gao Fei had no good intentions.

"Since you don't need it, it's a waste to keep these two spells. It's better to use good steel on the blade!" Gao Fei smiled, and saw the picture, "These two spells are destined for me, and I requisitioned them." !"

"Hey?! Brother Fei, Brother Fei, you stinky shameless person! Just grab me, a sheep, and you'll almost bald me!"

Student Xiao Ma was so angry that he complained crazily.

"Hmph! Don't be so long-winded, bring it here!"

Gao Fei ignored her complaints, forced his head to steal the spells, and cut and pasted "Advanced Strike Strike" and "Armor Piercing Curse" into his spell list.

Nodding in satisfaction, Gao Fei greeted his teammates and asked them to stay here and continue hunting monsters, and then teleported to Crescent Mountain by themselves to see the situation of Team 01.

Goofy's teleportation landed on the edge of the Crescent Mountain lava eruption area.

Looking in the direction of the volcanic cone from here, the scene of raging flames and billowing smoke is similar to that of Daheishan, but the fire mephits circling in the sky are sparse, and it seems that they have been slaughtered by the 01 team.

Gao Fei opened the astrolabe and took the A-level mission "Hunting the Fire Elemental Lord (Count Class)". Fighting with Team 01.

The so-called "lords of the fire element" refer to the "nobles" of the fire element group, who are divided into different titles according to the level of challenge.

Common elemental creatures are divided into levels according to their size, from small, medium, large, super large, giant, and super giant. Every time the size increases by one level, the challenge level will increase by two.

At this level, the pinnacle of evolution is the elemental elder, and the challenge level is usually level 11.

The higher class than the element elders is the element nobles, also known as "element lords". The noble titles are divided according to baron, viscount, earl, marquis, duke, and grand duke. The higher ones are element princes, element princesses, and element princes. They all belong to the "king" class.

Further up, there is the so-called "elemental emperor", who is either the overlord of the plane, or the power of the demigod level. Once it descends on the material world, it will definitely bring catastrophe!

The challenge level of the Baron of the Fire Element is 13. Every time the noble title is raised, the challenge level will be +2 or +3. Starting from the Duke of the Fire Element, the challenge level reaches 21, even if the threshold of the legendary creature has been crossed.

The target of Gao Fei's mission this time is an Earl of the Fire Element, with a challenge level of 17, which is much stronger than the Purple Worm or the Twelve-Headed Fire Snake. No wonder he was designated as an A-level hunting target by Tiangong.

According to the coordinates on the map, Gao Fei flew straight to the location of the Earl of Fire Element.

On the way, I saw four members of Team 01, Pan Ni, Wu Qihang, Liao Kai, and Zhang Sheng, fighting against a group of invaders from the Fire Elemental Realm who had just been transported from the wormhole.

There are two types of intruders. The first type is large or super large fire elementals. There are no less than ten of them in total. They belong to the most common fire elemental creatures. There is nothing to say.

There are also a group of small humanoid monsters, about three feet tall, similar in appearance to squat urchins, completely naked, and their skin is like burning coals, emitting scorching heat.

This group of little monsters are called "Fire Boys", and they have a bad personality like urchins, with smirks all over their faces, running around on lava, harassing Penny and others, and jumping up to bite when they find a gap, showing their fierceness.

The fire boy's combat power is not high, but he is very cunning. He also has two supernatural abilities, "flame aura" and "fire teleportation". ", capable of short-distance teleportation in flames.

"Penny, do you need help?"

Gao Fei hovered in the air and shouted at the four colleagues who were surrounded by a large group of fire elements and fire boys.

Penny swung her sword backhand, piercing a fire boy who had just teleported from behind him, and leaped forward while drawing the sword.

Almost at the same time, the fire boy pierced by her sword exploded violently, spraying out a large amount of magma and charcoal.

Penny obviously knew that the fire boy would explode when he was about to die, so he kept the distance in advance and was not affected by the explosion.

"Hey, Brother Honglong! Good afternoon!" Penny waved her hand to the sky, with a confident smile on her delicate face, "We can handle it ourselves, don't grab experience points!"

"Penny! Brother Honglong has already graduated, why should I grab these three melons and two dates from you?"

Wu Qihang reprimanded Penny, calmly waved a shot of "Scorching Radiance" strengthened by "Spell Penetration", piercing through all three large fire elementals standing on the same straight line opposite.

"Brother Red Dragon! We can handle it here. Brother Liu and Sister Lin are teaming up to deal with a very ferocious fire element lord. Please help them, thank you!"

Liao Kai, the bald paladin, asked seriously.

Gao Fei heard that the fire element lord he was talking about was the mission goal of his trip. Since Liao Kai took the initiative to speak up, he had a reason to intervene. Liu Xingyu and Lin Qi would not blame him for stealing monsters.

"That's fine, you guys have to be more careful, I'll go and have a look at Brother Liu and Sister Lin."

Gao Fei said hello and continued to fly to the mission location.

He just looked at the team data of the 01 team, and found that everyone's strength has also improved a lot.

Penny is a level 15 SWAT and a level 8 sword dancer.

Wu Qihang is a level 14 special policeman and level 8 priest.

Liao Kai and Zhang Sheng's main occupations are both level 13 special police officers, and their main secondary occupations are paladins and animal trainers, both of which have reached level 7.

Brother Liu Xingyu, the captain of Team 01, is a level 16 special police officer and a level 9 green field druid.

There is also Lin Qi, the ace policewoman of the 01 team, who has been promoted to level 17 special police, and the deputy professional silver dragon blood warlock has also been promoted to level 9, and her overall strength is comparable to that of Jiang Feng.

Gao Fei is no longer a trainee special police officer, and he no longer participates in the ranks of trainee special police officers. The most powerful contenders for the top spot in this special mission mission are Jiang Nvxia and Yinlong Jie.

Regardless of who Jiang Feng and Lin Qi take No. 1 in the end, the accumulated experience points are always enough for them to upgrade their main profession to the full level and become the official special police who graduated from the training camp after Gao Fei.

The sudden cold wind and thunder interrupted Gao Fei's thoughts.

Turning his head and looking, he saw a man in a dark green cloak floating above the lava from a distance, calling for thunder and lightning, and attacking a huge fire elemental creature like a tall building.

Above the battle zone between the green-robed druid and the Earl of the Fire Elemental, there is also a giant dragon covered in silver scales, soaring with its wings, white cold mist overflowing from its mouth and nose.

"Lin Qi seems to have obtained some kind of legendary feat that strengthens the blood of a warlock. Only a level 9 silver dragon warlock can transform into a super-large silver dragon, and his combat power is comparable to a level 10 dragon warrior."

Gao Fei looked at the mighty silver dragon in the sky, with a hint of approval in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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