Savior Simulator

Chapter 1161 Untitled Chapter Chapter

Chapter 1161 Untitled Chapters

Chapter 70: Disaster Warning
"Squad leader, what are your plans for the winter vacation with Shen Meng?"

Gao Fei took the initiative to chat with Han Bing, so as not to neglect the guests.

"We are fellow villagers, and we will go home together the day after tomorrow. After the new year, we plan to travel together in southern Yunnan, where the climate is warm, and visit Cangshan, Erhai, Tengchong and Banna." Han Bing replied softly.

Hearing the word Diannan, Gao Fei immediately became alert.

"There seems to be an earthquake there recently?"

"There was an earthquake, but it wasn't strong." Han Bing smiled and said disapprovingly.

"Is Tengchong on the volcanic belt?" Jiang Feng also leaned over and asked.

"That's right, there is a volcanic geological park over there, and the hot springs are very famous! I haven't soaked in hot springs yet!" Shen Meng held the crab and imagined.

"You guys better not go!" Gao Fei put away his smile.


"It could be risky."

"What are you worrying about?" Han Bing couldn't help but laugh, "It's an extinct volcano. The last eruption was in 1877, and it was a matter of the Qing Dynasty..."

"You don't want to go to any scenic spot on the volcanic and earthquake belt in the near future." Jiang Feng hesitated to speak.

"Why?" Han Bing was full of surprise.

"That's what you said, why can't you go?" Shen Meng was also puzzled.

Jiang Feng and her boyfriend looked at each other without making a sound.

Deng Hui is an employee of Tiangong and belongs to his own people. Some things can be told directly to him, and there is no need to hide them.

But Han Bing is different from Shen Meng.

On the premise of avoiding divulging the secrets of Tiangong, it was difficult for Gao Fei and Jiang Feng to explain clearly to them.

There was an awkward silence, I don't know how long it lasted.

Han Bing's and Shen Meng's mobile phones heard a ding-dong sound at the same time, reminding them that they had received a short message.


Disaster reminder: Remind the general public not to go to any tourist attractions located on the volcanic earthquake belt within two weeks!
Residents in the volcanic earthquake area, please accept the guidance of the local armed police and fire departments, actively participate in disaster prevention drills, stock up on food and daily necessities for two weeks, and be ready for emergency evacuation at any time!


Han Bing and Shen Meng looked at the phone screen with different expressions.

Gao Fei also took out his mobile phone and logged into the social networking site.

Not only domestic warnings are issued, but most countries outside the country have also issued similar emergency notices through official channels, but the reactions of netizens show two opposite extreme positions.

Either don’t take it seriously, lie flat and work overtime; or various conspiracy theories, speculation that a nuclear war is about to break out, or an asteroid hitting the earth... This imagination is too poor, and it is far less terrifying than the crisis in reality.

The warning notifications had already been sent to the mobile phone, so Han Bing and Shen Meng had to cancel their travel plans and stay at home obediently during the winter vacation.

Although Gao Fei and Jiang Feng strictly abided by the confidentiality agreement and did not disclose the source of the disaster warning notice, both Han Bing and Shen Meng had a vague premonition that something big was about to happen!

After the early warning notice was issued, nothing happened for five consecutive days.

In this atmosphere of rain and wind, the calmer the outside world, the more uneasy Gao Fei and Jiang Feng were on standby.

At noon on Saturday, Deng Hui called and told Gao Fei that he had received an improved version of the hero drug from Vader's laboratory, and he felt good after taking it, and he awakened the cyber superpower "Walk what you say".

"Brother Fei, in the eyes of your Tiangong special police, my super power is purely funny and useless, but I am already very satisfied, and I am one of the chosen ones!"

"Deng Hui, I don't dare to underestimate you, or I'll bet with you one day when my head gets hot, and I'm sure I'll fall into your trap."

There are indeed different levels of superpowers for mutants.

For example, Gu Siyi's "Steel Bones and Soft Muscles" and Wu Xiaoqian's "Decree" are all rated higher than Deng Hui's "Words and Actions".

However, this does not mean that their superpowers must be stronger than Deng Hui's, and a problem of applicable scenarios must also be considered.

Deng Hui's "words must be done" has almost no combat function, which is the main reason for the low rating, but in daily life, there is actually no shortage of uses.

"Brother Fei! I analyzed it and found that my superpowers mainly have two uses, namely, entertainment use and business use." Deng Hui said excitedly.

"Entertainment usage is to bet with trolls on the Internet. For example, some people insist that there is no supernatural phenomenon in this world. If someone can prove that it does exist, he will eat the keyboard live."

"This kind of person deserves to be unlucky if they bump into my hands. As long as they make a bet with me, he will have the keyboard!"

"The most interesting thing here is that I don't need to show the other party the hard evidence of the existence of supernatural phenomena, because my 'doing what I say' itself is a supernatural ability, and the moment the other party agrees to bet against me, they have already been supernatural. Affected by his ability, he felt an irresistible will in the dark, forcing him to admit defeat and swallow the keyboard in public!"

"This person who doesn't believe in evil, through his live broadcast performance, personally experienced and proved the objective existence of supernatural phenomena..."

Deng Hui's words were too convoluted, Gao Fei thought for a while before he understood his intentions, and complained angrily: "What performance art..."

"Brother Fei! I was just making an analogy. Of course, it is impossible to do that. If the kid who eats the keyboard does something wrong, I will be the perpetrator. If the police don't arrest me, Tiangong will not spare me!"

"It's good that you know the seriousness." Gao Fei warned the younger brother, "You are a multi-millionaire, a successful person, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and there is no need to compete with the trolls on the Internet."

"Brother Fei is right, I want to use my super powers in the right place and develop more commercial uses." Deng Hui said proudly, "This kind of super powers that force the other party to abide by the agreement is very suitable for signing contracts! "

"For example, some unfinished buildings with a high risk of breach of contract, the price is very low, but no one dares to buy it, so I can pick up the leaks, sign the contract, and agree to double the compensation if the house is not handed over by the due date, understand! Brother Fei , cracking down on counterfeiting is not an abuse of superpowers, right?"

"It doesn't count, but your structure is still narrow." Gao Fei said to Deng Hui, "If I were you, I would become a lawyer, or engage in diplomatic work, and contribute to the promotion of world peace."

"Forget it, Brother Fei, I don't have such lofty ambitions." Deng Hui thought of one thing and became excited again, "That's right! I have been authorized by Vinda Labs to do publicity on the Tianfen Society Forum, recruiting trial candidates." drug volunteers."

"Have you hired anyone?"

"In less than half an hour, the 1 places were filled!"

"Tens of thousands of people signed up? Damn! You are still so active as a guinea pig, do you want to be so fanatical?" Gao Fei was shocked, "You really don't worry, this medicine has side effects or sequelae?"

(End of this chapter)

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