Savior Simulator

Chapter 1159 Acceleration Project

Chapter 1159 Acceleration Project

"At this stage, we still need to tap the potential of mutants as much as possible." Roland continued, "It is too difficult to directly upgrade ordinary people to extraordinary professionals, but from another perspective, it is relatively easy to transform ordinary people into mutants." It’s easier to say.”

Gao Fei's heart moved, and he tentatively asked His Majesty the Emperor: "You mean, with the help of hero medicine?"

Roland nodded in approval.

"Xiao Gao, since you and your team obtained the formula of the hero medicine, Tiangong has started a scientific research project called 'Acceleration Project'. This project is personally in charge of Dr. Vader. Accelerate into the era of high magic."

Roland turned to Dr. Vader and asked, "Joan, how is the progress of 'Acceleration Project'?"

"The first batch of samples has been produced, and theoretically there is no toxic side effect, nor will it cause sequelae."

The Holy Blood Knights spent several years and a huge amount of money, but failed to completely eliminate the side effects of the "hero drug". For Dr. Vader, this was not a difficult problem at all, and it was easily solved.

"From the first phase of clinical trials, mutants who awaken their superpowers after taking the drug usually go through a period of development. If you rely on drugs, you can absorb the free magic power in the surrounding space by yourself, and your superpowers will not disappear after you stop taking the drugs. At this stage, you can be regarded as a true mutant."

"According to laboratory statistics, the probability of awakening superpowers in rats and apes taking the improved version of the hero drug is about one in a thousand, which is similar to the effect of the original version."

"At present, we have not conducted clinical trials on humans, and the estimated probability of awakening is about one in a thousand."

After listening to Dr. Vader's introduction, Gao Fei immediately made a mental calculation.

There are about 80 billion people in the world. If they all take hero drugs, theoretically, more than 800 million mutants will be created, which is comparable to the number of master's degree holders in today's society.

If it is not uncommon for people with postgraduate degrees in your circle of life, then after hero medicine becomes popular around the world in the future, it is not worth making a fuss about one or two mutants appearing in your circle of friends.

"When will the human experiment begin?" Roland asked the doctor.

"The laboratory has reached a cooperation agreement with the military, and plans to recruit volunteers for drug testing among active servicemen. As for whether to recruit volunteers from the civilian population, I am still considering." Dr. Vader said cautiously.

"Doctor, I have an unkind request."

In Gao Fei's own circle of friends, there is a guy who is fanatically eager to obtain superpowers, and he just takes this opportunity to help him realize his wish.

"My junior, Deng Hui, once took the original version of the hero medicine, and once awakened the superpower of the cyber system, can you let him test the new version of the hero medicine?"

"If your friend is an adult and volunteers to participate in a clinical trial, of course it's fine."

Dr. Vader readily agreed.

After the reception, Gao Fei dialed Deng Hui's cell phone.

"Hi! Phineas?"

"Deng Hui, I heard that your kid recently made a fortune?"

"Hey! It's not enough to make a windfall, it can be regarded as realizing the freedom of wealth." A smug laugh came from the phone.

Deng Hui, a boy, created the "Tian Fan Society" website with three like-minded friends in high school. After more than a year of operation, the website has been built into the world's largest Tiangong fan community.

Just two weeks ago, Tiangong extended an olive branch to Deng Hui and proposed to acquire the "Tianfenshe" website.

Xiao Deng was so excited that he didn't fall asleep all night. After discussing with his family and friends, he decided to sell the website to Tiangong.

After the deal was completed, Deng Hui and his four entrepreneurial partners earned 8000 million yuan each.

After selling the website, Deng Hui continued to manage "Tianfenshe", and is now the head of the "Tiangong" subsidiary. He achieved financial freedom in his first year of college, which is really enviable.

"Deng Hui, how many registered users are there in 'Tianfen Society'? It's over ten million at home and abroad, right?" Gao Fei asked casually.

"More than 3400."

"A website with such a large traffic only sells four small targets in total? Brother, you are at a big loss!" Gao Fei regretted.

"Hey, Brother Fei! How do you say this? After all, we are die-hard fans of Tiangong. We created this support website purely out of the mentality of chasing stars, and we don't expect to make money at all!"

Deng Hui talked more and more.

"Don't say [-] million, even if Tiangong doesn't give you a dime, we are all willing to give away the website for free and accept the recruitment! Hey, Brother Fei, you are my idol, but you don't have an idol yourself, and you don't have the mentality of a fan. Understood."

"Okay, okay, 8000 million is not too little."

Gao Fei said this as if he was rich... When will it be the poor man's turn to comfort the multi-millionaire?

"Brother Fei, are you and Sister Feng busy during the winter vacation? If you have time, how about traveling with the core team of our 'Tianfen Society'? Self-driving travel, I will cover all the travel expenses!"

The young multimillionaire's tone is quite forthright.

"Where are you going to play?"

"Traveling around the country, social friends face-to-face, visiting holy places."

"What's the name 'Holy Land Tour'?"

Gao Fei was a bit behind the trend of young people.

"We, Tianfen Club, have collected locations from all over the country where demon waves have erupted or where supernatural events have occurred frequently, and we call these places 'sacred places'."

"For example, the Baoding Snow Mountain in Jiuzhaigou, the Guozhuang Reservoir in Xingzhou City, the ancient tombs in Mulan Township in the northeast, and Linhai City on the plateau... These places are the destinations of our winter vacation travel, and we may have the opportunity to witness the supernatural event!"

Deng Hui thought excitedly.

"Baoding Snow Mountain, Guozhuang Reservoir, and Mulan Township, I have been to these places, where is Linhai City, and has any supernatural event happened?" Gao Fei asked curiously.

"It is a small plateau town, the outpost of climbing Mount Everest, only 300 kilometers away from the base camp of Mount Everest, and there are beautiful snow-capped mountains, lakes and virgin forests nearby."

"Since the Silver Flash erupted, strange things have happened frequently around Linhai City. Some people have seen a Himalayan snowman in the woods, which is the legendary 'Bigfoot'. There is also a magical fountain that appears and disappears from time to time. Touching the spring water will cause you to die. Teleport to another place where the spring is located..."

"It is said that it is transmitted along the fountain to the end, and finally reaches the depths of the snow mountain, the mysterious valley where the snowmen live..."

After listening to Deng Hui's vivid narration, Gao Fei understood that the "sacred places" collected by Tianfen Society are actually areas rich in magic power.

Members are keen to travel to magic-rich areas, take pictures and check in. This kind of activity is called "sacred land tour".

(End of this chapter)

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