Savior Simulator

Chapter 1146 Generous Death

Chapter 1146 Generous Death
"As a son, Simeone was too filial."

"As for you, Brother Umberto, as an illegitimate child abandoned by your father, you should have hated your father and the younger brother who took everything from you, but you not only forgave them, you even put their interests above your own life .”

"Brother Umberto, with all due respect, you are a person who has lacked family affection since childhood, and your admiration for family affection has reached a pathological level."

"You can see what your brother is thinking, and you can't bear this young life to die like this, so you pretend to discuss it with your father and fight with me on your brother's behalf. Maybe you even pat your chest and put a guarantee in front of your father, claiming that you will definitely win. grasp?"

Hearing Gao Fei's words, Umberto's face changed slightly, obviously he had been guessed right.

Gao Fei sighed, and continued: "Actually, both Simeone and Sir Colombo were deceived by you. When you come to a duel, you don't want to win me at all. Instead, you want to replace your brother and die under my sword. Life, to pay off your father's debt!"

Speaking of this, Gao Fei couldn't help feeling sad.

Scenes of past interactions with Umberto flashed in his mind. Although it was just a virtual game, the emotions involved were so sincere, no less than personal experience.

"Brother Umberto, everything you do is to implement the principle of 'family first', but do you think that after sacrificing yourself, your family will be able to deal with it calmly?"

"As you said, I am also your family member. How can you let me be the murderer who killed your own family just for your own peace of mind? Brother Umberto, you are too selfish!"

Gao Fei's sharp reprimand was like a thunder that exploded deep in Umberto's soul, making him tremble all over.

Not hesitating to sacrifice one's own life for the sake of the family. This kind of behavior is indeed noble, but it also implies a tendency to be arbitrary and domineering. It does not consider how much status one has in the eyes of the family, and how much loss of oneself will bring them. Trauma, how much pain.

Isn't it a kind of escape to choose to die generously before exhausting other ways to solve the problem?

"Brother Musk, I have lived most of my life, and this is the first time I have been taught the principles of life by my little brother."

Umberto's eye circles were slightly red, but his tone was still persistent.

"However, the outcome of the duel is not determined by your mouth. I will not show mercy from now on. You have to use all your skills. Let's have a good fight!"

As he spoke, the "Archangel" drew out his rapier, his figure flickering.

The professional ability "Flash Dance Step" of "Swift Swordsman" is equivalent to the constant effect of the third-level "Flash Technique". When attacked, there is a 3% probability of automatic avoidance.

Umberto also blessed the "mirror image technique". When attacked, the eight mirror image clones have a certain chance to help him block the gun.

Not to mention, Umberto himself has an agility attribute as high as 24, and counting the "Proficient Dodge" feat and the bonus of armor, the comprehensive defense is also as high as level 31!
Under normal circumstances, whether Goofy shoots or casts a spell, the chance of hitting Umberto is no more than [-]%.

However, Gao Fei unfortunately has a "True Knowledge Orb" presented by Queen Polja. All illusions, including "Blink" and "Mirror Image", are just lame in front of the "True Seeing" You can see through his tricks at a glance!

The referee announced the start of the duel, and Gao Fei immediately issued a "magic explosion".

This trick, which strengthens the automatic tracking function, has its own force field attribute, and is not disturbed by "flash" and "mirror image". It is almost guaranteed to hit when it is shot.

The reason for adding the "almost" limitation is because a high-ranking swift swordsman like Umberto can move at a ridiculously fast speed, and he has the opportunity to get a long distance before Gao Fei completes the casting process - as long as he runs 300 feet away , Beyond the tracking range of "Magic Energy Explosion", you may not necessarily be hit.

Umberto did have the ability to do this, but he chose not to retreat, but charged in the direction of the shock wave.

The moment he was about to hit the "magic energy explosion", Umberto suddenly jumped up and jumped over the shock wave.

However, the magic explosion is not so easy to dodge. It almost turned around 180 degrees in mid-air, circled back to track Umberto, and slammed on his back with a bang.


There was an exclamation outside the stadium!
The onlookers thought that Umberto couldn't dodge in time and suffered a big loss, but Gao Fei changed his expression and realized that he was the one being calculated.

In fact, Umberto was hit on the back by the "Magic Energy Explosion" on purpose, and he was injured from fighting. He borrowed the strong thrust brought by the shock wave, and rushed straight to Gao Fei at an unimaginable speed!
At the same time, Umberto also activated the "Speedy Swordsman"'s signature ability "Instant Acceleration", which doubled the speed that was already faster than the limit of human visual capture.

The pure white air wave swelled and exploded behind the "Archangel", and the sonic boom caused by the shock wave shook the ears of the onlookers.

At this moment, Umberto broke the sound barrier!
Before the opponent gets close, Gao Fei theoretically has one last chance to attack.

First rule out spellcasting.

In this module, he hasn't obtained the "Combat Casting" feat. If Umberto gets close to him before he releases the spell, he will have to eat all he can with attacks of opportunity!
Of course Gao Fei remembers that the rapier in Umberto's hand has two enchanting special effects: "Pursuit" and "Sharp Edge". Powerful skills such as chopping", "offensive like a tide", "magic fighting technique" and "magic technique".

In case you are unlucky and get a critical blow from him, with the pitifully short health bar of "Imitator", you will have to rush to the street if you can't last a round!
At the last moment, Gao Fei gave up the risky interception of the rushing opponent, and chose a more secure defensive strategy-activating the "wild transformation" that comes with the "Druid Mask", transforming from a human into a twig in an instant. Leafy Treants.

An ancient tree that resembles a giant, with a dense canopy, and thick legs with twisted roots, firmly rooted in the duel arena. It is more than ten meters high from head to toe. The majestic and spectacular image attracted the audience outside the arena. exclaimed.

Goofy, transformed into a treant, has strength 35, agility 14, constitution 27, natural armor +13, and also gained 10/slashing damage reduction armor.

What's more, with the increase in size and physique, his HP almost doubled, soaring to 174 points!
When he finished transforming, Umberto had also rushed to the tree man.

Despite being hindered by the spirit body guards, the speed was halved, "Archangel" easily dodged the giant feet of tree roots that stepped down from the top of the head, and the soles of the feet seemed to have grown suction cups. Sword combos!
(End of this chapter)

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