Savior Simulator

Chapter 1136 Reunited with the old enemy

Chapter 1136 Reunited with the old enemy

This thrilling adventure in the Fairy Wilderness and the warm-hearted friends she met will become precious memories in the life of the girl Dorothy Gale, for which she is sincerely grateful for the gift of fate.

Glinda observed the change in the girl's expression and noticed that her expression had calmed down. She nodded in relief, and a smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

"My dear boy, since you can go home anytime, you are in no hurry to go now." The Southern Witch picked up a thick parchment book and handed it to Dorothy, "This is the book I promised to lend you to transcribe. The magic book, if you learn the magic you are interested in and then go home, it is not a waste of time."

"Thank you so much, Ms. Glinda!" Dorothy blushed with excitement, "Your kindness and generosity are completely worthy of your nobility and beauty!"

The girl opened the magic book, rows of spell catalogs came into view, including the spells she had already learned, as well as a lot of new knowledge.


0th - Lesser True Strike, Mage Hand, Blade Protection, Fel Blast, Dancing Lights;

Level 1 - True Strike, Mage Armor, Shield, Enchanted Equipment, Electric Claw, Magic Missile, Thunder Wave, Speak with Animals;

2nd level - attribute enhancement, invisibility, mirror image, web, searing ray, false life, rage;
3rd—dispel, lightning bolt, fireball, haste, lesser true seeing, lesser mind barrier;
4th ring - Transfiguration, Dimension Door, Freedom of Movement, Death Barrier, Dimensional Anchor, Stoneskin, Advanced True Strike, Armor Piercing Curse;

5th—initiation, cone of cold, cone of magnetization, teleportation, *planetation (warlock or cleric);

Level 6 - Spell Nullification Ward, Chain Lightning, Alteration.

7th Ring-*Transfer to Another World (Mage);

Among them, the 4th ring "Armor Piercing Curse" is the special effect of the enchantment on Glinda's rapier.

4th level "Armor Piercing Curse" (Change School): Touching a weapon or natural weapon makes it extra sharp for the next 10 minutes/casting level, automatically ignoring 1/2 casting level points from physical armor or Defense bonus to natural armor.


Since she could go home at any time, Dorothy was not in a hurry, and accepted Glinda's retention, and lived in the castle of the South Witch for two weeks, learning spells from Glinda.

At the end of two weeks, Dorothy said goodbye to her mentor, and left the castle with her friends to go their separate ways.

Dimitri the lion is going back to Quedlin Forest to find his tiger beauty Janet, and rule the forest beasts together.

Scarecrow Vita plans to go to the Emerald City to manage the rich city in accordance with the entrustment of Master Oz.

Nick the Tin Woodman plans to go back to the forest of Munchkin Township, and return to his tree spirit lover Enya, and stay together forever.

As for the foreign aid roles played by Gao Fei and Jiang Feng, they did not belong to this module. They came to Fairy Wilderness as plane adventurers, and then they will go to other planes to continue their adventures.

"My friends, it's a long way from here to where you want to go, and there are many beasts and monsters. I don't worry about you going on the road alone!" Dorothy said to the lion, the scarecrow and the tin woodman. Only by accompanying you all the way can I realize my wish to go home, since I have learned teleportation magic, why don't I first repay everyone's kindness and teleport you to the places you want to go."

"Great!" The lion patted his paw excitedly, "This way, I can see Janet right away!"

The Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman are also happy to accept the help of Miss Mage, saving time on the road.

Dorothy was about to cast a spell when she suddenly felt a strong wave of magic power and turned around to look around.

On the hillside in front of the castle gate, a beam of teleportation light rises, and a familiar figure is emerging.

"Huh? Eastna, it's you!"

Dorothy recognized the little hag coming from the teleportation array at a glance, and ran over excitedly, embracing Eastna.

"My dear friend, long time no see! How are you?"

" are so annoying! Don't touch me!"

Dorothy's enthusiasm made the arrogant little hag very uncomfortable, so she pushed her away with a cold face.

"Little village girl! To tell you the truth, I haven't had a good life recently, especially when I think of you, I get angry!"

"Why are you angry with me?" Dorothy asked back in surprise, "Back in the Emerald City, it was obviously you who unreasonably blocked me from taking Master Oz's magic rocket, which made me miss the good opportunity to go home. I didn't blame you, why are you angry with me?"

"You... Damn it! I really didn't see it, you little village girl, you are quite good at talking nonsense!"

Eastna was left speechless by her rebuttal, her pale face flushed with anger.

"Okay, okay, friends shouldn't care about these little things!" Dorothy waved her hand generously, "Estna, you came all the way here, did you hear that I'm going home?" You came here to see me off, didn't you?"

"Ah? You want to go home?" The little hag couldn't help becoming nervous, "What do you mean... the world of Vales?"

"Yes! My hometown, the world of Vales, is in a distant plane. In order to find the way home, I have suffered a lot for more than a year!" The girl said with emotion.

"Damn it... It seems that the rumors are true. Grinda, who has a bad temper, was bewitched by you, a little village girl. Not only did she make an exception to allow you to live in her castle, but she also accepted you as a student and taught you teleportation from another world. magic!"

Eastna murmured to herself angrily.

"What are you talking about?" asked Dorothy, coming closer to her.

"Don't eavesdrop!" The little hag pushed her face away, and asked with complicated emotions, "Why are you so obsessed with going home? Isn't the Fairy Wilderness bad?"

"The scenery here is very beautiful, and there are many good friends of mine, such as Vita, Nick, Dimitri, and of course you, dear Eastna." Dorothy said enthusiastically.

"Oh! You are so disgusting and disgusting! You are not your friend!" Eastna asked her angrily, "Since the Fairy Wilderness is so good, why are you going home? Can't you just stay here? "

"Although this place is very nice, it is not my home after all, not the place where I was born." Dorothy said quietly, "In my hometown of Alfheim, there are also my friends, and more importantly, uncles and aunts, My only second relative in the world, I have been away from home for more than a year, my uncle and aunt must miss me very much."

"Come on, family affection is just a moral kidnapping used to deceive children!"

Eastna looked disdainful.

"My mother, Ivanola, didn't treat me well at all! She used me as a maid and killed my father cruelly... I wish I could kill that old hag myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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