Savior Simulator

Chapter 1127 Castle Guard

Chapter 1127 Castle Guard
After the door was opened, Gao Fei and his party were just about to enter the castle when they suddenly heard a hoarse scolding sound from the opposite side of the doorway.

"Visitors stop!"

Under the curious eyes of everyone, a giant warrior with a height of four meters from head to toe, wearing rock armor, walked out with heavy steps, and stopped at the door. Looking at his face, only a pair of unusually bright eyes can be seen.

The scarecrow took off his straw hat and bowed to the armored giant.

"Noble knight, what should I call you?"

"I am the guard of this castle, under the order of the mistress, to guard the gate of the castle!"

The armored giant replied in a deep voice, and the loud voice echoed in the doorway.

"Only brave warriors who dare to challenge my master are eligible to enter the gate of the castle!"

"Well said, big man!" Lion proudly puffed out his chest, "The 'King of Beasts' standing in front of you right now is a true warrior!"

After speaking, he strode forward.

"Stop!" The castle guard raised his left hand, and made a blocking gesture at the lion from a long distance away, "If you dare to approach again, I will not be polite!"

"Humph! Big guy, a real warrior, you won't be scared by your mouth!" said the lion confidently.

However, the castle guard's warning was not just words.

The lion took two more steps forward.

The castle guard pushed towards the lion's left palm from the air, clenched it into a fist, and suddenly broke away from his wrist, blasting towards him like a howling cannonball.

Nick, the tin woodman with a well-developed perception, had already sensed the murderous intent hidden in the words of the castle guards, so he rushed up and raised the steel shield made for him by Ma Yun to block the lion's flying punches.

The flying fist made of granite hit the shield heavily, sparks flew all over the place!

The thick steel shield was severely dented by the flying fist.

Unable to bear the impact transmitted through the shield, the Tin Woodman staggered backwards and fell to the ground with a plop.

The lion froze for a moment, then roared furiously, and flew towards the castle guard.

However, in the next second, he was also hit in the abdomen by the flying fist sprayed by the castle guard's right hand, and fell down in the grass, hugging his stomach, curled up into a ball, and groaned in pain.

The castle guard raised a pair of thick arms, and the card slot device and complex magic runes were clearly visible on the severed wrist.

The magic runes glowed and trembled.

The two stone fists that landed on the ground seemed to sense the master's call, soared into the air one after another, flew back backwards, and automatically connected to the wrists of the castle guard.

The castle guard looked at the lion and the Tin Woodman who had been knocked down by him, folded his arms across his chest, and let out a deep sneer.

"Hehe... Outsiders, passing my test is not as easy as you think!"

Jiang Feng ignored the castle guard's taunt, and hurried to the lion to heal his abdominal bruise.

The Scarecrow also ran to Nick and tried to help him to his feet.

The cold eyes of the castle guards fell on Jiang Feng and Weita, raised their hands horizontally, and shot flying fists at them respectively.

Gao Fei holds two guns, and the muzzles emit flames.

The two bullets intercepted a pair of flying fists of the castle guard respectively.

The stone fist that flew towards Jiang Feng was hit by a bullet, missed the target, and hit a big tree. The fist sank into the trunk and knocked off countless leaves.

The other stone fist was also hit by the bullet, and most of the impact force was neutralized. Unfortunately, the flight trajectory did not change significantly, and it finally hit Weta, sinking deeply into the straw-stuffed chest.

The castle guard activated the magic runes on his wrists and retracted his fists.

The right fist broke away from the tree trunk and connected to the severed wrist.

The left fist dragged the light scarecrow back together.

The castle guard stretched out his huge and powerful palm, ripped the poor scarecrow from his fist, and threw it away.

The scarecrow got up, touched the chest that had been smashed into a big hole, turned around and ran back.

The castle guard looked at his back contemptuously, disdain to chase and kill this coward who didn't weigh ten pounds all over his body.

The Scarecrow returned to his companions, turned his head to make a face at the castle guard, and then chanted the spell.


In the next second, a burst of flames suddenly erupted from the castle guard, engulfing him.

The terrible explosion echoed in front of the castle gate.

The witty Vita actually grabbed the flying fist stuck in his chest on purpose, was dragged to him by the castle guards, and took the opportunity to stick an infusion plaster on the arrogant big man.

"The castle guards are not so easy to be killed, are they?"

Jiang Feng looked at the flames and smoke in front of the castle gate, not daring to relax his vigilance.

Gao Fei shook his head slightly: "According to the law of smoke without injury, the battle may have just begun."

As expected, when the explosion subsided and the smoke cleared, the castle guards still stood outside the gate.

Except for the traces of being blackened by soot, no obvious damage can be seen on the body.

Gao Fei frowned slightly, opened the astrolabe, and scouted the castle guards.

It turns out that this guy is a "Stone of Enlightenment Golem", no wonder even the "Fireball Technique" can't blow it up!
The astrolabe provides only the most basic information about the castle guard.

This intelligent stone golem has a challenge level of 11, HP 348, and its attributes are: strength 33, agility 12, constitution -, intelligence 10, perception 14, charm 15.

The detected information is only a little bit, but compared with the data of ordinary stone golems, it is not difficult for Gao Fei to guess that the castle guards have damage reduction armor and super high natural defense, as well as "violent attack" and "multiple attacks". Fighting expertise.

As for the flying fist stunt that can be sent and received freely, ordinary stone golems don't know this move. It must be the original construction technique of the master of the castle guard - Glinda the Southern Witch.

"Outsiders, you must defeat me and prove that you are qualified to challenge my master before you can enter the gate of the castle!"

The castle guards who came out of the fire challenged Gao Fei and others again.

At the same time, Ma Yun received a prompt from the main task:
Within 10 rounds, reduce the HP of the castle guards to less than 100 points!
Seeing that the task had a time limit, Ma Yun was in a hurry, and quickly sent the sand golem up to let it hold the castle guard head-on.

Taking advantage of the castle guard being entangled by the sand golem, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng kept shooting, sending sparks flying around the castle guard, and pitted bullet marks appeared on the surface of the rock armor, but they did not suffer substantial damage.

The castle guard has extremely high natural armor, and has at least 15 points of damage-reducing armor. Unless it is loaded with fine gold bullets, it is difficult for the pistol to penetrate its damage-reducing armor.

Neither Gao Fei nor Jiang Feng was so extravagant as to carry fine gold bullets with them, so they could only find countermeasures from other angles.

At this moment, the situation on the battlefield took a sharp turn for the worse.



On the first day of November, ask for two guaranteed monthly tickets.thank you all!
(End of this chapter)

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