Savior Simulator

Chapter 1125 Legendary Reward

Chapter 1125 Legendary Reward
After mastering the "offensive and defensive conversion", you can instantly adjust your own offensive and defensive modes in battle.

For example, when defending, switch to the "defense and wait to attack" mode, attack roll - proficiency correction, and defense level + twice the proficiency correction.

When attacking, switch to the "offense instead of defense" mode, defense level - proficiency correction, attack roll + double proficiency correction.

On the whole, it is almost equivalent to the enhancement of double proficiency correction on both offensive and defensive sides, and the benefits are astonishingly large!
The last legendary specialty "Spellcasting Wizard" is actually a high-level substitute for "Skilled Spellcaster". When calculating the level of spellcasting, it can additionally be included in the double proficiency correction.

These three legendary feats are very powerful, but it's a pity that you can only choose one.

Looking at the list of rewards, Jiang Feng suffered from difficulty in choosing, and turned to his boyfriend for help.

"Husband, how should I choose?"

"It depends on your main sub-profession in reality." Gao Fei analyzed the pros and cons for her, "If you choose 'Universal Sneak Attack', Templar will take off immediately, but for other sub-professions, such as 'Sunflame Monk', There is no help; on the contrary, 'offensive and defensive conversion' and 'spellcasting wizard' are more versatile, which one to choose depends on whether you prefer fighting or spellcasting."

Jiang Feng nodded thoughtfully, and finally chose the "offensive and defensive switch" that can benefit all professions.

When it's Gao Fei's turn to make a choice, first rule out "offensive and defensive conversion".

He has neither learned "replacing defense with offense" nor "waiting for offense with defense", so he doesn't meet the prerequisites for learning "offensive and defensive conversion" at all, and he can't choose it if he wants to.

Both "Universal Sneak Attack" and "Spellcasting Wizard" can be chosen by Gao Fei, and both can bring him a huge improvement.

The former applies to "Spell Thief" and "Imitator (Rogue Mask)", while the latter applies to all spellcasting professions, it is really difficult to choose.

Seeing him hesitating, Jiang Feng suddenly thought of a question.

"Husband, if you choose 'Spellcasting Wizard' and pair it with 'Spell Thief', how many rings of magic can you steal at most?"

"Are you asking in the game, or in reality?"

"Of course in reality."

"I have to figure it out..." Gao Fei touched his chin and said.

The result is not unknown, it is a shock!
In reality, Gao Fei's proficiency correction depends on the main occupation "Tiangong Special Police".

His SWAT profession has been upgraded to level 20, proficiency correction +6, double correction +12.

Also in reality, Gao Fei's sub-profession "Spell Thief" has been upgraded to level 10, including the bonus of "Spellcasting Wizard", the casting level is 22, and he can steal any magic not higher than level 7!

According to this algorithm, as long as Gao Fei upgrades his sub-profession "Spell Thief" to level 15, and his spellcasting level reaches 27, he can steal 9-level magic.

In contrast, professional spellcasters such as mages or priests have to be at least level 19 to learn 9-level magic.

From this, it is not difficult to see how perverted a "Spell Thief" will become when paired with a "Spell-casting Wizard"!
Goofy has another problem.

In reality, where would I go to steal high-ring magic?
Gao Fei naturally thought of his special "spell cash machine" Pony Ma.

The richest man, the richest man, you have to study hard, improve every day, improve your mage level as soon as possible, and strive to learn the 9-ring magic as soon as possible, and then you can happily prostitute for nothing.

A Mona Lisa-like smile appeared on the corner of Gao Fei's lips, and he decisively chose "Spellcasting Wizard"!
After finishing the customs clearance rewards, before quitting the game, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng had one last thing to do, which was to divide up the equipment found from the corpse of Solomon Raging Wave.

There are three trophies in total, the "magnificent belt" with all attributes +4, the "secondary forbidden ring", and a constant 4-level "transfiguration" ring.

Jiang Feng gave the "Secondary Forbidden Ring", "Gorgeous Belt" and "Transformation Ring" to her boyfriend.

Gao Fei's "Mikiri Gloves" +6 agility cannot be superimposed with the attribute gains provided by the "Gorgeous Belt", so he replaced the "Mikiri Gloves" and put them on his girlfriend's hands.

After the final exam the day after tomorrow, the two will also help Ma Yun clear the last chapter of the mage module "The Wizard of Oz", and these new equipment may come in handy by then.


On the afternoon of January 1th, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng each completed the last exam in the first semester of their senior year and walked out of the exam room with ease.

With the addition of full intelligence and the "Assisted Learning System", Gao Fei and Jiang Feng had already mastered their homework review, and the exam questions did not exceed their review content. They finished answering the test paper within half an hour without feeling any difficulty.

The two of them are usually not high school figures, and seeing that they are almost graduating from university, and unexpectedly got the first place in the whole department, it will inevitably attract criticism and suspect that they are cheating.

So neither of them handed in the papers in advance, they just lingered in the examination room until the last minute, and made a few mistakes on purpose to avoid the test scores being too ostentatious.

As soon as Gao Fei got home, he received a call from Ma Yun.

Classmate Xiao Ma also just finished the exam and was finally liberated. She couldn't wait to pull Gao Fei and Jiang Feng into the game to help her clear the final chapter of the mage module "The Wizard of Oz".

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng logged into "Savior Simulator", accepted Ma Yun's invitation, and entered her module as allies.

Back at the familiar forest camp, Gao Fei found that the atmosphere of the adventure team was not harmonious.

"Friends, I have fulfilled my promise to lead you through the Quedlin Forest. It is time to say goodbye."

Tigress Janet bids farewell to her friends.

"My beauty, do you have to leave in a hurry?" The lion Dimitri reluctantly held back the tigress, "The castle of the Southern Witch is right in front of you, why don't you accompany me on this last journey, After fulfilling Dorothy's wish, wouldn't it be better for us to go back to the forest and live in seclusion together?"

The tigress glanced at the male lion, showing reluctance, but shook her head resolutely.

"Sorry, I dare not offend Ms. Glinda, especially in such a hot summer, it is definitely not a good time to visit the Southern Witch!"

"Miss Dorothy, please allow me to persuade you one last time. Why do you have to visit a violent and aggressive Eladrin witch in summer? You can wait until autumn to come back, when her temper will become more reasonable and more gracious." May accept your request for help."

Gao Fei can understand Janet's painstaking efforts.

To put it bluntly, a creature like Eladrin is an elf who has been assimilated by the chaotic magic power of "Fairy Wilderness". Its personality and even talents will change with the seasons.

Whenever the Fairy Wilderness enters the hot summer, the Eladrin will be in a state of "fried hair", thinking about one thing - find someone to fight!
(End of this chapter)

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