Savior Simulator

Chapter 1123 Decisive Battle Against the Evil Dragon

Chapter 1123 Decisive Battle Against the Evil Dragon
Gao Fei's teleportation point, less than 100 meters away, is the cave where the black dragon Solomon Rage hides.

But this last section of the road is not easy to walk.

In the lair, skeletons corroded by strong acid can be seen everywhere, exuding a pungent rancid stench.

Right under Gao Fei and Jiang Feng's feet, the ground was covered with a thick layer of mud, which was slowly engulfing their leather boots.

Walking on this muddy and slippery terrain, every step is very difficult. If you are not careful, you will slip and fall, and the whole person will fall into the mud and cannot get up.

Jiang Feng quickly blessed himself and his boyfriend with "freedom of movement", and easily walked through this muddy area to the depths of the Dragon's Nest.

The underground cave where Solomon Rage lived was pitch black, and from time to time a gust of hot and humid air blew out from the cave, mixed with the smell of blood, which seemed to be the heavy breath of a dragon.

As soon as Gao Fei and Jiang Feng approached the entrance of the cave, they felt a strong sense of fear, and couldn't help but have the urge to turn their heads and run away.

Fortunately, the two of them had already prepared to take the "heroic potion" presented by Lieutenant Colonel Abigail to resist the mental oppression brought by Long Wei.

After dispelling the fear, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng each took another bottle of "anti-acid potion" to bless various buffs to prepare for the final battle.


In the depths of the cave, the black dragon Solomon Raging Wave was half buried in the mud, and the dragon wings lying on the mud were in tatters.

Yesterday morning, the evil dragon chased Gao Fei and others, broke into the Far East Naval Base all the way, was bombed by anti-aircraft artillery, managed to fly back to Nutao Island, and hid in the depths of the cave to recuperate.

There was not much time left for him to recuperate. In just one day, Nutao Island was bombarded by the Far East Navy, the pier was also occupied by the coast guard, and almost all the pirates on the island were wiped out.

The situation was so urgent, but Solomon Raging Wave did not come to the battlefield in person, because the wings injured by the naval gun had not yet healed, and if he barely flew, the scars would inevitably be torn and the injury would be aggravated.

The cruel and selfish black dragon can ignore the casualties of his subordinates, but he cannot turn a blind eye to the imminent threat.

At the same time Gao Fei and Jiang Feng felt the power of the dragon, the evil dragon also sensed the intruder.

In the past, he wouldn't take two "rats" seriously, just pounce on them and spray them with dragon's breath to kill them.

However, after yesterday's loss, he learned a lesson, and the arrogant dragon had to admit that this pair of human beings had two problems, if they didn't deal with it seriously, they might capsize in the gutter again.

Thinking this way, the black dragon raced against time to bless the buff spells. It was rare that he did not take the initiative to attack. He held his breath and quietly crawled in the dark mud pond, waiting patiently for the prey to come.


The hot wind blowing intermittently from the depths of the cave suddenly stopped.

This unusual detail alerted Gao Fei and Jiang Feng.

The black dragon suddenly held its breath, which meant that the intruder had been spotted and an ambush was about to be launched.

Goofy stopped, raised the +1 flash shotgun that Lucas had seized from the young Lucas, and pointed the muzzle at the mud pond deep in the cave.

The black dragon, who thinks he is smart, thinks that with his sharper vision than humans, he can gain a vision advantage in a dark environment.

He didn't know that both Gao Fei and Jiang Feng had been blessed with the 6th ring of "True Sight", their vision was not affected by light, and they could see farther and clearer than him in the dark.

Goofy pulled the trigger, and a flash of light shot out from the muzzle!
The hard dragon scales can block the bombardment without damage.

The "flash dust" contained in the shotgun was also suppressed by the "Secondary Forbidden Ring" worn by the black dragon, and lost the special blinding effect.

However, the real luminous dust cannot be eliminated, and evenly adheres to Solomon Rage's back, making this evil dragon more conspicuous in the dark.


The second after the gunshot sounded, Jiang Feng blasted a golden and red pillar of fire towards the mud pond where the black dragon lived.

The "Secondary Forbidden Ring" couldn't block the magic above level 3, so Solomon Rage didn't have time to dodge it, so he could only use the "Flame Strike".

"Fireproof Barrier" absorbed the fire magic power of "Flame Strike", and only suffered 37 points of radiant damage.

Solomon Raging Wave's HP was as high as 330. Jiang Feng's "Flame Strike" only knocked out about 1/10 of his HP, and drew crazy revenge.

Roaring, the black dragon straightened its upper body from the quagmire, raised a dragon claw, and pointed the tip of the claw at Jiang Feng. Along with the thunder that tore through the air, it shot out a bright electric light.

Jiang Feng had long been prepared for Solomon Raging Wave's revenge, so he calmly used the "Dispel Technique" and successfully countered the "Lightning Beam" blasted by the evil dragon.

An angry look appeared in the eyes of the evil dragon, and it opened its mouth to spit out a waterfall of acid.

Jiang Feng quickly rolled and dodged, passed the reflex save, and reduced the damage of the dragon's breath by half. The anti-acid potion he took in advance absorbed the remaining damage for her, and she was still unscathed.

Two consecutive waves of attacks failed, and the irritable dragon couldn't hold back his shame and anger. He rushed out of the quagmire, roaring and pounced on Jiang Feng.

Jiang Nvxia didn't want to fight with a crazy dragon. Spider threads popped out from her fingertips, stuck to the stalactites hanging down from the dome of the cave, jumped up lightly before the dragon approached, and floated on the dragon's back. The Twilight Sword shone coldly in her palm.

The rapier pierced the black dragon's neck, but was blocked by the dragon's scales, failing to break through the defense.

Jiang Feng didn't have a second chance to make a phone call, and the dragon's tail swung backwards like a whistling whip.

She had no choice but to jump off the dragon's back.

Before she could gain a firm foothold, the huge dragon claws swept over and held her in the palm.

The black dragon grinned ferociously, intending to crush the weak girl in his hands, venting the pent-up resentment in his heart.

However, under the protection of "freedom of movement", Jiang Feng is more slippery than loach, easily breaks free from the dragon's claws, and escapes from the tip of the evil dragon's claws-it seems to be easy, but it is actually very dangerous!

Jiang Feng could escape from the claws of the evil dragon countless times, but as long as he made a mistake and was hit by the opponent, he might be instantly killed on the spot.

Solomon Rage was furious, chasing and biting his cunning prey, and in a blink of an eye, his lair was thrown into chaos, stalactite pillars broke and collapsed, and mud splashed all over the sky.

On the chaotic battlefield, Gao Fei hid in a secluded corner, reloading bullets leisurely.

+2 The magazine of the silenced pistol is filled with the superalloy armor-piercing bullets provided by Lieutenant Colonel Abigail. When shooting the target, 5 points of natural armor will be automatically deducted.

Gao Fei is in an invisible state, and sneak attacking the "caught off guard" target, the opponent cannot get agility correction in defense.

After deducting 5 points of natural armor and 1 point of agility modifier, Solomon Raging Wave's defense level dropped to 32, which is still quite high!

Gao Fei has no other means to reduce the target's defense, but he can still work hard to improve his own hit rate.


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(End of this chapter)

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