Savior Simulator

Chapter 1115 Operation Dragon Slaying

Chapter 1115 Operation Dragon Slaying
"Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, the Far East Navy has already helped a lot by sealing off the pirate lair. As for the Blood Anchor Gang in the city, they have been seriously injured after today's battle. The three leaders of the gang, 'Black Hand' Cody and 'Eagle Eye' Hawke has already been punished, and little Lucas also tore off his hypocritical mask and fled to Rage Island. The rest of the gangsters are nothing to worry about. I have asked Lu Bin to lead the police to hunt down the remnants of the gangsters in the city, and try to catch them Catch them all."

Director Gordon took a deep puff of his pipe, and then said: "The customs have already said hello. Tomorrow morning, ships will be recruited and all coast guards, including the reserve militiamen of the coastal anti-smuggling team. The total number will not be less than 2000. Island, to participate in this decisive battle aimed at eradicating pirates!"

"That's a good point! Mr. Director is so courageous!" Martin applauded seriously, "By the way, is there any business for us tomorrow?"

"Of course! Mr. Page, you, Mr. Wayne, and Miss Quinn are the protagonists of tomorrow's decisive battle."

The police chief's flattery made Brother Martin very useful, and he asked excitedly: "What are we going to do tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow at dawn, the three of you will set sail with the Coast Guard. If everything goes well, you will be able to reach the waters where Nutao Island is located at dusk. Before the sun sets, you will land on the beach with the cooperation of the Far East Navy."

"After the successful landing, I have two tasks for you. One is to find and arrest little Lucas. If little Lucas dares to resist, I authorize you to kill him directly if necessary!"

"The second task is more challenging." Director Gordon held his pipe with a serious expression, "The lair of the black dragon Solomon Rage is in the swamp in the middle of the island. Your mission is to take advantage of the fact that most pirates are attracted to Fight on the beach, try to sneak into the dragon's lair, and kill the culprit!"

"Slay, slay dragon?!" Martin gasped, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, "No, I'm sorry, Mr. Chief, Mr. Colonel, I suddenly remembered that I can't swim, and I also suffer from seasickness. I'm really sorry that I can't participate..."

"Oh? Mr. Page, do you have to be absent?" The police chief smiled meaningfully, "For completing this commission, you could have received a reward of 10000 Gold Duga, plus a joint award from me and the mayor." City Heroes' Medal of Honor..."

"Our Far East Naval Command will also provide volunteers with a reward for their bravery. The amount is the same as that of the Binhai City police, but the currency unit is gold talre." Lieutenant Colonel Abigail added.

"Taler" is the currency unit of the Kolas Empire in the Far East. It is similar to the Duga Empire. It bears the word "gold" in its name and can be exchanged with precious metals. In fact, banknotes are commonly used in daily economic activities.

According to the current exchange rate, a banknote with a face value of 1 quintal can be exchanged for [-] quinduga.

The bandit suppression bonuses provided by the military and the police add up to a total of 30000 Gold Duga!
Brother Martin is so big, he has never seen so much money!
What's more, there is also the Medal of Honor jointly awarded by the mayor and the police chief. Once hung on the chest, we are the heroes who saved the city!Which barmaid can't fall in love at first sight, and stick upside down?

The more Martin thought about it, the more excited he became, but he was embarrassed to swallow what he just said, and his expression was a little stiff.

Lieutenant Colonel Abigail turned to Gao Fei and Jiang Feng, "You two probably won't quit, right?"

"Of course not!" Jiang Feng gritted his teeth with a look of resentment on his face, "Four years ago, my parents took a cruise ship to the New World for vacation. During the voyage, they were attacked by pirates. Unfortunately, both of them were killed. The enemy who killed my parents... was Solomon Raging waves!"

"I have a deep hatred with that evil dragon. Even if there is no reward, I will participate in tomorrow's bandit suppression operation, kill the evil dragon with my own hands, and avenge my parents!"

After listening to her generous speech, Director Gordon and Lieutenant Colonel Abigail showed expressions of sympathy and admiration.

Gao Fei laughed secretly at his girlfriend for being too involved in the drama, and took the opportunity to show off his acting skills, holding her hand, and said affectionately: "My dear Louise, your enemy is my enemy, and tomorrow I will fight side by side with you! "

"Oh, Rogge, you are so kind to me..." Jiang Feng wanted to say a few sweet words of love, but he felt that it was weird and he was really embarrassed to say it.

Gao Fei took her hand, turned his head and gave Martin a faint look.

"Brother, since you are withdrawing from tomorrow's operation, the bonus quota can't be wasted. Louise and I plan to find other friends to fill your vacancy, such as the enthusiastic Ms. Eva. I don't think you mind?"

"Ahem! Well, Rogge, my dear friend! After listening to Miss Quinn's words, I was deeply moved, and my sense of justice was also aroused. How can I bear to watch you two take risks to challenge the evil dragon? Even if I get seasick to the point of vomiting and diarrhea, I can't miss tomorrow's bandit suppression operation!"

Martin puffed out his chest and looked impassioned.

"Okay brother, I hope you really stand on the side of justice out of a sense of justice, not for the sake of bonuses and medals." Gao Fei joked casually.

Martin pretended not to hear.

If the price of "justice" is as high as [-] bonus, plus a medal of honor, he can also bow down under the pomegranate skirt of the "Goddess of Justice" and risk his life to fight against the dragon.

Jiang Feng's focus was different. He rolled his eyes and tried to bargain: "Mr. Gordon, Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, the Ms. Eva Vida mentioned by Rogge just now is my good friend, a 12-level 'sword Dancer', if we ask her to join our team, we will be more sure of defeating the dragon."

The police chief and Mr. Colonel heard what she meant, and after discussing with her, they accepted her suggestion and invited Eva to join the "Dragon Slaying Squad".

"Tomorrow you have a difficult task, if you have any needs, you might as well bring them up together, and I will try my best to help you solve them," Lieutenant Colonel Abigail said.

Gao Fei thought about it, and said slowly: "This morning, we had a short confrontation with Solomon Raging Waves, and found that this evil dragon has extremely high defense, invulnerable to swords and guns, and is wearing a ring that is immune to magic below level 3. , has brought us a lot of trouble, Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, do you have any countermeasures?"

"Forbidden ring... I can't do anything about it, you have to figure out a countermeasure on your own. As for the scale armor of the evil dragon, I can help you penetrate it."

Lieutenant Colonel Abigail opened the storage bag, took out two bullets, one long and one short, put them on the table, and showed them to Gao Fei, Jiang Feng and Martin.

(End of this chapter)

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