Savior Simulator

Chapter 1111 Solomon Rage

Chapter 1111 Solomon Rage
Lu Bin took out his waist gun and went out through the window.

Roger chased to the window and shouted to Robin, "We'll go with you, we can help a little bit!"

"No need, Mr. Wayne, you go to Mr. Gordon and tell him that something happened in the detention center, please go to the command as soon as possible, and lead us to repel the pirates who are trying to rob the prison!"

After Lubin left, Roger, Martin and Louise didn't dare to delay, ran out the door in a hurry, and went back to find Director Gordon.

As soon as they walked not far away, the three of them felt an invisible terrifying aura coming towards them. They couldn't help trembling all over, and their minds were full of thoughts of turning around and running away.

Not only the three of them, but other staff in the police station also felt this inexplicable mental shock at the same time. They either turned pale with fright and fled in a panic, or hid under the desk and curled up like a frightened chicken cub.

Among all the people present, Louise, who had the highest perception attribute, also had the highest will resistance, calmed down first, and hastily cast ""Owl's Wisdom" to increase the perception attribute of herself and Rogge and Martin by 6 points respectively.

The higher the perception, the higher the mental resistance. Rogge and Martin also overcame their fear, each showed their weapons, and followed Louise to the source of the fear-James Gordon's office.

Through a door, Rogge heard the sound of fierce fighting coming from the office, and couldn't help being anxious, so he hurried to open the door.

As soon as his fingertips touched the doorknob, the door exploded with a bang, and the shock wave roared in, knocking him backwards.

Fortunately, Martin was right behind Rogge, and his elastic fat was very suitable as a cushion to prevent him from breaking the back of his head.

Louise quickly helped them up, and the three returned to the door of the director's office with apprehension. Through the broken door, they saw an incredible scene.

The two people in the room are confronting each other.

On one side was Director Gordon, who was seriously injured. His right arm was stained red with blood, and he was forced to hold a gun in his left hand and keep shooting towards the opposite side.

Opposite him stood old Lucas, gray-haired and hunchbacked.

The pistol bullet hit him, sending out the clang of gold and iron colliding, like hitting bulletproof armor, and bounced away with sparks, failing to cause the slightest damage to the frail old man.

How is this going?

Why did old Lucas, who came to report his son, suddenly fight with the chief of police?
How could this bad old man, who looked half buried in the ground, be invulnerable?

Just when Roger, Martin, and Louise were confused, old Lucas threw away his crutches, sneered and turned a magic ring in his hand, and his whole body glowed with golden light.

Under the horrified gaze of the three, this seemingly frail old man's body swelled rapidly, with pitch-black scales appearing on his body surface, and he turned into a huge black dragon in a blink of an eye!

The black dragon is about ten meters high from head to toe. Its huge body breaks through the office wall, and when it raises its head at will, it breaks the ceiling. The sun shines on him through the hole, and the dragon scales are shining brightly!
At the same time, an invisible yet palpitating dragon power radiated from the black dragon.

This familiar Longwei is exactly the terrifying aura that Rogge and others felt outside the office door not long ago.

It wasn't until this moment that Roger and Louise suddenly realized that the old Lucas did not temporarily transform into a dragon with the help of a magic ring.

Quite the contrary, it was the magic ring that kept suppressing his power, keeping him in human form, looking like a weak old man.

And when the old Lucas lifted the restrictions, the suppressed power was stimulated, and at the same time, his true colors were exposed.

That's right!

This retired shipping insurance tycoon is actually the leader of the Rage Pirates, the notorious overlord of the sea—the black dragon Solomon Rage!

Solomon Nutao personally led the team for today's jailbreak operation, and made a precise plan.

On the bright side, Solomon Rage sent his men to blow up the wall of the detention center and rush into the cell to rescue "Thunder" Seleus, attracting the attention of the police.

On the other hand, the insidious black dragon came to the police station in a big way as old Lucas, and met with James Gordon alone in the name of reporting his son. chief Police officer.

After seeing through the pirate's conspiracy, a new question naturally emerged from the minds of Roger and Louise.

Since old Lucas' true face is the pirate leader Solomon Raging Waves, who hides his identity as a dragon, acts in Binhai City in the form of a human, and even establishes a thriving shipping insurance company.

Then little Lucas, who is also good at disguising and calculating, and secretly cultivating the power of gangsters, when he quarreled with his father at the banquet, could it be that the father and son were acting together to create the illusion of discord between father and son in front of outsiders?
In fact, Director Gordon and Louise, who attended the banquet that night, were all deceived by the trick of the father and son.

So much so that after little Lucas's crimes were exposed, they didn't even have any doubts about old Lucas. They actually thought that old Lucas really came to report little Lucas. Clear boundaries.

Because of this misunderstanding, the police neglected to guard against the old Lucas, and gave him a chance to meet with Director Gordon alone, and then commit the murder.

Now, Director Gordon has been seriously injured by the old Lucas who restored the image of the dragon, and he is unable to fight anymore.

The police officers were either trembling with fear from Longwei, or they had already followed Deputy Director Lu Bin to the detention center for support.

The situation is unprecedentedly critical, and all hopes of turning the tide are pinned on Roger, Martin and Louise!


System prompt: The main story line of this chapter is officially launched, and will soon switch to the "spiritual descent" mode!
In the plot before the opening, there are twists and turns, all kinds of reversals, and there is no urine point. Not to mention the NPC characters in the game, even the two onlookers, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng, are dumbfounded.

"Honey, if I remember wrote the script outline of the "Hong Kong Raiders" module, right?" Jiang Feng looked at her boyfriend with doubts in his eyes, "When you wrote the script outline, It is designed that the true identity of the old Lucas is the final boss of the whole module, the pirate leader who killed the heroine's parents—the black dragon Solomon Rage?"

"I'm sorry, the outline I gave to the game design department didn't give old Lucas so many scenes at all." Gao Fei smiled wryly, "The dual character design of old Lucas and his son Lucas is actually Inanna's brainchild."

"So that's how it is. I really didn't realize that Director Yin is quite talented in making up stories!" Jiang Feng nodded, and said to his boyfriend meaningfully: "Also... my dear, you gave up writing novels, it seems It was a wise decision."

(End of this chapter)

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