Savior Simulator

Chapter 1094 The Emperor's New Clothes

Chapter 1094 The Emperor's New Clothes

After all, Jiang Nvxia was open-minded, and after punching her boyfriend twice, she calmed down. She dug out a pair of sneakers from the packing boxes piled up on the sofa, and handed them over.

"The new shoes I bought for you, try to see if they fit."

"The new AJ? It's expensive, Comrade Xiao Jiang!" Gao Fei tried it on, and the size of the shoes was just right, and he smiled and said to his girlfriend: "I don't want to wear such expensive shoes, and I will wear them home during the Chinese New Year. Parents know how much a daughter-in-law loves others."

Jiang Feng pursed his lips and smiled shyly, but suddenly became angry again.

"When I was shopping in the mall in the afternoon, I casually said that I would pick out a pair of shoes for you. I didn't expect your little fan girl to be more enthusiastic than me. She kept talking about this pair of sneakers in front of the counter and said that it was the first time I saw you. When you were playing, you were running and dunking on the court wearing a pair of slippers... Speaking of which, if I don’t buy these shoes again, won’t it make me look incompetent as a girlfriend?”

"What little girl...Shen Meng?"

"Otherwise who else could it be?" Jiang Feng asked resentfully.

Gao Fei hugged her into his arms and comforted the furious Jiang Nv Xia.

"That little girl looks very innocent, maybe she just said it casually, you are thinking too much."

"I'd rather think too much about this kind of thing than let my guard down!" Jiang Feng puffed up his cheeks.

Gao Fei felt that if he continued to discuss this kind of matter, he would be too sentimental on his side, and he was not very polite to Shen Meng, so he changed the topic.

"What new clothes did you buy today, would you like to wear them for me?"


As expected, Jiang Nuxia was distracted by him, and carrying a bunch of packing bags, she ran into the bedroom to change clothes.

Gao Fei also followed in, admiring his girlfriend's change of clothes.

Although the two of them were considered old couples, Jiang Feng was still a little shy, especially when changing his underwear, he asked Gao Fei to turn around and wait until he changed before he could look back.

Jiang Feng's clothes are good, and he has a good figure born with hangers. Gao Fei feasted his eyes and praised his girlfriend hard, so that he can have more benefits like this in the future.

After showing off the last sexy black silk underwear, Jiang Feng was about to put on the woolen skirt, but was stopped by his boyfriend.

"Don't be in a hurry to put on your coat, you still have a new dress to try on." Gao Fei said with a smile.

"I've shown you all the clothes I bought today, there's nothing else!"

Jiang Feng turned to look for the packaging bags, and they were indeed unsealed.

When bending over, the lace-wrapped buttocks and straight and round beautiful legs glowed white under the lamp.

Gao Fei resisted the urge to reach out and touch his girlfriend's smooth skin, and shook his head with a smile: "There is one more thing, you didn't show it to me."

"How is it possible?" Jiang Feng was puzzled, "I can't count the clothes I bought!"

"Really, think again." Gao Fei's smile gradually became evil.

"I can't figure it out..." Jiang Feng frowned and scratched his head, with an extremely cute expression, "Honey, don't be fooled, tell me what new clothes you have!"

Gao Fei whetted his appetite, so he pretended to be mysterious and said, "The emperor's new clothes."

Jiang Feng was stunned for a moment, his pretty face flushed, and he rushed over to beat him with a smile and cursing.

"Smelly rascal! I knew a dog couldn't spit ivory out of its mouth!"

Gao Fei beat her with his fists, hugged her to the bed, kissed and caressed her, releasing the impulse that had been suppressed for a long time.

Jiang Nvxia only had a fierce mouth, but her body was very cooperative. She skillfully took out a box of Durex from under the pillow as a spare, then shyly took off her black silk underwear, and showed the "Emperor's New Clothes" to the stinky hooligans.


The morning light shone through the cracks in the curtains and shone on the messy big bed.

The young couple lay on the bed for a long time, and they didn't get up until 9 o'clock to get dressed and wash.

The spicy crayfish pizza and a lot of snacks that Jiang Feng brought back last night were enough for two people to fill their stomachs, including breakfast and lunch.

The final exam will be next Monday. Gao Fei and Jiang Feng haven't gone to school for the past two days, and they are reviewing at home.

Both of them have adjusted their intelligence attributes to the highest level, and with the "aided learning system", the efficiency of passive learning in sleep is much higher than that in class, and they don't need to spend extra time reviewing homework during the day.

Jiang Feng planned to get through his own custom module before the winter vacation, and dragged his boyfriend into the game together to open Chapter 11 of "Hong Kong Raiders".


(End of this chapter)

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