Savior Simulator

Chapter 1092 Who Am I?

Chapter 1092 Who Am I?

A young dueling agent, Musk Justice, is facing the toughest decision of his life.

Umberto, who has cared for and loved him like an elder brother for many years, and Simeone, who saved himself from assassins twice and provided great help in defeating Adam Rulph, are all sons of enemies.

The enemy who caused his father to go bankrupt and commit suicide, but also the father of his friend and benefactor.

If you decide to take revenge, you will feel sorry for Umberto and Simeone. If you give up revenge, how can you feel sorry for your father's spirit in heaven?

The young man who was ruthlessly teased by fate fell into the vortex of entanglement of grievances and grievances. The pain in his heart was beyond words, as if his soul would be torn in two.


According to past experience, whenever faced with a difficult decision, Musk would always pray to the guardian angel—that is, the player Goofy—and ask him to make a decision for himself.

In the past plots, Gao Fei has made up ideas for Brother Musk countless times.

As the so-called bystander knows, he can always make the most profitable option for the player without destroying the game experience and the protagonist's personality.

But this time, even Gao Fei, a bystander, was shaken.

As a game player, Gao Fei has been completely brought into the predicament of the protagonist at this time, and he also feels inner conflicts and dilemmas.

From the moment the enemy's identity was revealed, Gao Fei couldn't help but feel uneasy, looking forward to, but also afraid of suddenly jumping out of a branch route selection box, asking him to make a decision for Musk's brother:
Choose route A: Seek revenge on the fathers of Umberto and Simeone, at the cost of breaking up the friendship and turning against the brothers Umberto and Simeone.

Choose route B: give up the idea of ​​revenge, act as if nothing happened, maintain the friendship with the Colombo brothers, but suffer from inner torment for betraying his father's will.

If the same thing happened to him, Gao Fei had to admit frankly that he didn't know what choice to make.

I don't know whether it's luck or regret, until the end of this chapter, the terrible branch option didn't jump in front of him.

Gao Fei quit the game mod, feeling still unable to let go.

He wanted to immediately enter the final chapter of "Duel Agents" to see what the protagonist would do next, but he was worried that what awaited him was a tragic ending.

After thinking for a long time with complicated emotions, Gao Fei couldn't help but finally opened the astrolabe address book, asked to talk to Inanna, and asked the game producer himself how he came up with such a plot with too many blades.

"Hello? Gao Fei, good evening. It's rare for you to take the initiative to find me. Let me guess if you have opened up the custom module. Give me feedback on the game experience?"

A girl's moving laughter came from the astrolabe.

"My custom module is still short of the last chapter... But Director Yi, I can't help but complain." Gao Fei said angrily.

"Haha, what a big resentment! Let me think about the plot of the last Chapter 2 of "Duel Agents"... Oh, I see, do you think the plot of this chapter is a bit cruel?"

"It's not just 'a little bit'?! Director Yi, Snow White's stepmother is not as cruel as you!" Gao Fei complained angrily.

"Hey, Gao Fei, I'm already very restrained. You can't take it anymore. Your psychological quality needs to be strengthened. Don't you also write online articles? I advise you to study the classic abuse articles by the author of Jin × , such as "Life Grows and Hates Water Changdong"..."

Before Inanna finished speaking, Gao Fei felt a stomachache, and quickly interrupted her: "Please forgive me, Director Yi, my brother is soft-hearted, and I can't stand that tune."

There was mischievous laughter from the astrolabe, and Inanna, the second generation official, seemed to be gloating.

Gao Fei snorted resentfully, and got back to the topic: "At this stage in the development of the plot, it stands to reason that I should be allowed to make a choice for the protagonist Musk, whether to avenge his father, but I didn't see this option until the end. Is it an omission, or did you intentionally do it when you wrote the game script?"

"How could such a smart and talented girl like me be careless? Of course it was intentional!" Inanna boasted.

"It's not convenient for Fang to explain, the reason for this idea, let me come and learn." Gao Fei flattered me.

Director Yi was very satisfied with his humbly asking for advice, put away his smile, and asked softly: "Gao Fei, have you noticed that Musk Justice has a weak side in his character, whenever he meets If you can't make up your mind, you just hope to ask the so-called 'guardian angel' to make decisions for you through prayers, and avoid conflicts in a mechanical way?"

Gao Fei thought about it for a while, nodded and said: "That's true, but it's understandable. After all, the protagonist is only a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy, and his mind is not mature enough. Besides, the choice of deciding the direction of the plot is given to the player. This interaction enhances the gameplay."

"But have you ever thought that if the protagonist is like this from the beginning to the end, and pushes the conflicting issues to the players to make choices, how can it reflect the mentality from naive to mature, from weak to strong, from evasion to taking responsibility? growth process?"

Inanna smiled softly, and said with deep emotion: "My father often said that everyone should make choices constantly in the process of growing up, and take responsibility for the consequences of each choice, whether it is good or bad, until At the end of life, looking back at the choices I made at every fork in my life, I can answer the original question—who am I.”

"Student Gao Fei, when the story of "Duel Agent" is coming to an end, I want the protagonist to make that painful choice and bear the consequences. Then when the story ends, even if the player After leaving the world of the protagonist, in the future journey of life, even if he no longer has the protection of the guardian angel and encounters similar difficulties, he can still make decisions based on his own will."

"It wasn't until then, our friend Musk Justice, that he really grew up."

After listening to Inanna's analysis, Gao Fei nodded sympathetically, and flattered him again: "Director Yi, what other game modules were written by you yourself, I want to learn more."

"Why, you want to join our module design department as a full-time screenwriter?" Inanna asked excitedly.

"That's not..."

"Since you don't want to mix with me, what's the use of learning this?"

Inanna on the astrolabe screen gave Gao Fei an angry look, and then warned solemnly:
"You are no longer an intern. There is no need to waste too much energy on the virtual training in the game, taking a bunch of specialties and occupations that you can't use or repeat. If you have time, it's better to take a few more special police tasks. For your Growth and progress help even more."

(End of this chapter)

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