Savior Simulator

Chapter 1079 False life

Chapter 1079 False life
Gao Fei didn't participate in the discussion between Lisa and Simeone, and secretly opened the astrolabe to check Ermen's data.

In the devil’s hometown of the Nine Hells, the vast majority of devils belong to the Batezu clan, which together form a complex society with strict hierarchy. Every devil must respect and obey the same class higher than itself—at least on the surface. .

Erinites belong to the standard elite class in the society of Baatezu devils, but they are not considered nobles. The challenge level is usually level 8.

Erinia always carries three weapons: a "+1 evil long sword", a "+1 blazing longbow", and a 20-meter-long "activated rope".

This stretchable rope is woven by erinyes with its own long hair. It can not only be used to bind the enemy, but also serve as a torture tool to whip the prisoner, and satisfy his sadistic desire by the way.

In addition to these three standard weapons, Erinyes will also wear tight leather armor that highlights the enchanting figure, or steel plate armor that has been tempered in the flames of hell-this shows that they can use all military weapons and armor proficiently.

Erinia has an average of 123 HP, 6-level natural armor, and the attributes are: strength 20, agility 23, constitution 20, intelligence 14, perception 18, charm 21.

Similar to the Tanari Demon in the Abyss, the Baatezu Demon born in the Nine Prisons also has a lot of perverted racial talents:

·Pierce into the Darkness (Devil's Eye)
·Damage reduction armor 10/brilliance or alchemy

· Immunity to fire and poison

10 points each for cold resistance and acid resistance

·Magic resistance

·Summon of the same kind (once a day, summon one or more devils with a rank lower than yourself)

Erinia not only has all the above-mentioned racial talents, but also masters five specialties, namely "dexterous movement", "proficient dodge", "powerful attack", "weapon proficiency" and "multiple attack"-each round with a long sword Or longbow attack twice.

Most of the Batezu devils have the natural ability to cast spells.

The spellcasting level of Erinia is level 13, and the spells she is good at are as follows:
Ring 0 - Secondary Phantom;

1st level-command, 2nd level-darkness;
3rd ring - fear;
4th Ring-Shadow Strike, Fury of Order;
6th ring - true seeing;
7th Ring - Greater Teleportation.


Gao Fei closed the astrolabe, turned around and said to Umberto and the others: "The erinia that was sent just now is obviously for the purpose of killing people, so it can be inferred that her master is the one who hired the Caesars to assassinate me. black hand."

"Simeone, what do you think?" Umberto looked at the young prosecutor.

"In Patus, there are not many customers who have the financial resources to hire an assassin of Caesar's level, and after the assassination fails, they can still send erinyes to kill people and silence them, so the scope of suspicion is even smaller."

Simeone paused, and then analyzed: "Among all suspicious objects, the person who has the most motivation to do so is none other than Adam Rolf. It seems that our dragon slaying hero does not want to talk to Justice in a fair and honest manner. Mister is fighting in the duel field, so this kind of despicable off-the-board trick is used!"

"Hmph! I knew it was him!" Giuliano said through gritted teeth. "I heard that this person is not decent and secretly made deals with the devil. The witch just now is the evidence!"

"It's a pity that Caesar is dead, and Eriny has also escaped. No matter how many reasons we have to suspect that Adam Rolf bought the murder, there is no proof. He can completely deny our accusation." Simeone frowned.

"How about asking your church to come forward and send a priest over to perform 'spiritualism' on Caesar's body?" Lisa had a sudden thought.

Simeone shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Miss Colter, haven't you found out yet? After Caesar was shot and killed by the erinia, her soul left her body and was dragged into hell by that witch, and she couldn't be called back to the world with the help of 'spiritualism'."

Lisa walked up to Caesar's body dubiously, and after careful inspection, she had to admit Simeone's statement.

The spirit of the alchemist has fallen into Baator Hell and can no longer provide clues to this case.

Umberto coughed lightly, breaking the dull atmosphere.

"Simone, brother Musk is not familiar with the place where he lived in Patus, so it is impossible to personally track down the mastermind who hired the assassin. I still need your help in this matter."

"No problem, I will try my best to find out the truth." Simeone nodded readily, "As well as the martial arts and magic that Adam Rolf is good at, I will also find out as soon as possible. When we meet next time, I will share relevant The information is given to you so that Mr. Justice can prepare in advance for this much-anticipated duel."

"In addition, Brother Umberto, since Mr. Justice became the dueling agent of Her Majesty the Queen, he has been assassinated twice in the past two weeks. If the assassin's main messenger is really Adam Rulph, I am afraid that he will not be assassinated. Let it go, there is still one week before the duel day, during this time, you have to make preparations to prevent the next assassination."

Simeone exhorted sternly.

Umberto nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice: "From today on, we will try our best to stay in the embassy and avoid going out. If we have to go out, I will personally protect Brother Musk and see who dares to cause trouble!"

These words were full of murderous intent, but Gao Fei was secretly moved.

Caesar bid farewell to everyone and left in a hurry.

Goofy, Lisa, Umberto, and Claire also left the theater before the police arrived, while Giuliano and Cosimo stayed behind to deal with police questioning.

Before running away, Gao Fei did not forget to search the body of the alchemist Caesar, and found a thick leather book.

This is Caesar's magic book, and the magic transcribed on it is exactly the same as the spell list prepared by Caesar himself today.

Sitting on the carriage back to the embassy, ​​Gao Fei had nothing to do, so he flipped through Caesar's magic book and browsed through it.

Most of the magic recorded in this book, Gao Fei has already learned or copied, but there are also new knowledge worth studying, including the 2-ring "bullet protection", "false life" and "false life", 3-ring " Human Hold", 4th ring "Weak Creation" and "Ice Storm".

"False life" belongs to the school of necromancy. It uses a small amount of spirits as a material. After casting the spell, it will gain "casting level + casting attribute correction" points of temporary life, which lasts for 1 hour/casting level.

When receiving damage, the temporary life value is first consumed, and the magic effect is automatically released when the temporary life is exhausted.

In particular, it should be noted that after the temporary life is lost, it cannot be replenished with healing magic. If the "false life" is added again, the temporary life will be reset instead of superimposed.

Goofy is a level 10 spellcaster with a spellcasting attribute of Charisma 27 and modifiers of +8.

Learn to "false life", give yourself a shot, and you can get 18 temporary life points.

(End of this chapter)

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