Savior Simulator

Chapter 1069

Chapter 1069
Hearing Paul's words, Gao Fei's heart moved, and he quickly opened the astrolabe and checked the task list.

Sure enough, a new side mission appeared: Paul Potter's secret investigation!
The strange thing is that so far, this side mission can only be promoted by Paul alone. The protagonist himself can neither intervene nor ask questions, as if it has nothing to do with him.

"It seems that the time has not come." Gao Fei thought to himself.

Based on past game experience, he predicts that the plot of this branch will unfold like this:
Paul investigates Captain Dantès alone, trying to find a breakthrough from this person and uncover the mastermind behind the assassination.

At the beginning of the investigation, the progress will be relatively smooth, but when Paul finds the key clue, the plot may take a sharp turn, causing him to fall into the hands of the villain, and his life is in danger.

Until then, the protagonist will take over this side mission, try to rescue Paul from trouble, and reveal the true face of the man behind the scenes by the way.

Of course, this is just a cliche screenwriting idea.

As for whether the plot of the game will go according to his prediction, or if there are some unexpected tricks, let's wait and see.

Patus, the capital of Aquamarine, is known as "the pearl on the Bologna Peninsula" and "the never-ending lighthouse on the Golden Horn".

Compared with another capital that Gao Fei is more familiar with, Avalon, which is also a world-class metropolis, Patus has two most prominent features.

First of all, the sunny weather, blue sky, white clouds and golden sandy beaches provide a beautiful backdrop for this city with a million inhabitants.

In contrast, Avalon, the "foggy city", does not see a few sunny days all year round. It is either shrouded in fog or rainy. Most of the gentlemen who go out wear windbreakers and bring umbrellas. The whole city gives people a gloomy and depressing look. Feel.

The second advantage of Patus is that the streets here are very clean. In addition to the hard work of the municipal department, such as checking whether there are dung pockets on the backs of the horses and cows pulling carts along the street, the sea breeze blowing along the streets all year round is also Great contribution to clearing street litter and dust.

The streets are spacious and clean, and the buildings on both sides of the street are all white walls and tile-blue roofs, which make tourists from afar feel refreshed.

The streets of Avalon are also regularly cleaned by sanitation workers, but the city's biggest source of pollution comes from soot.

There are too many factories around the urban area, the noise of the steam engine and the smoke directly discharged into the air, turning the whole city into a huge workshop, so that the sky is polluted by soot, showing a weird purple color under the sunlight.

Of course, there is no such thing as the best of both worlds.

Although the coastal city of Patus is neat and beautiful, its level of modern manufacturing is far inferior to that of Avalon, the capital of the Fizen Kingdom.

Many sophisticated machinery and instruments, including military products, can only be imported from the Fizen Kingdom or the Kolas Empire, where the magic industry is more developed, so that the Ocean Blue Kingdom is in an embarrassing position among the world powers in Vales, and is ridiculed as "A second-rate power that bullies the weak and fears the hard."

In addition, building the most important capital of a country by the sea is not a good thing in the long run.

"Every year during the typhoon season, Patus will suffer disasters. Occasionally, the wind and waves are too strong, and the tide rushes over the breakwater to stop it. The streets of the entire city are flooded by sea water, and citizens have to go out by paddle boats."

Sitting on the carriage to the embassy, ​​Paul introduced the customs of Patus to Gao Fei.

"Until not long ago, the capital established a protective fan lock, and it was completely free from the seasonal threats of tsunamis and typhoons."

"In addition to natural disasters, war is also a real threat."

Paul continued.

"If a country locates its capital by the sea, it will certainly facilitate logistics and trade, but it is also more vulnerable to attacks from the sea."

"In the history of Hailan Kingdom, it has always been harassed by pirates, and the capital was twice captured by enemy navies. The royal family and ministers had to flee to inland cities overnight."

"In order to avoid the recurrence of such embarrassing incidents, the Seablue Kingdom has spent most of its funds on building a navy in recent years, and has built a powerful fleet second only to the Feizhen Navy."

While everyone was chatting, the carriage slowed down slowly and stopped in front of the embassy.

Paul got out of the car first, showed his ID to the reception staff of the embassy, ​​and was warmly received by His Excellency the Ambassador who had been waiting for the distinguished guests for a long time.

At the lunch table at the embassy, ​​Gao Fei asked the ambassador about the situation of Queen Polja, and also wanted to know more about his duel opponent Adam Rulph.

Unfortunately, Your Excellency the Ambassador seems to have some scruples, and all he said were bland diplomatic rhetoric, and failed to provide Gao Fei with any valuable information.

Gao Fei was a little disappointed at first, but after carefully observing the expression and body movements of the ambassador, he knew it in his heart.

Why does the ambassador keep joking and talking politely?
It's not that I don't want to say it, but I dare not say it.

From his subtle expression hints, it is not difficult for Gao Fei to guess that the banquet hall of the embassy is not a safe place where one can speak freely.

In this restaurant, any hidden corner may be equipped with a bugging device, and any waiter may be a spy planted secretly.

Living in such an environment, diplomats must be cautious in their words and deeds. I am afraid that they dare not even talk nonsense in their sleep. The mental pressure they are under can be imagined.

"I don't like the atmosphere of the embassy." After the luncheon, Lisa couldn't help complaining, "People here are all putting on airs, full of official rhetoric, and not sincere at all... Can we find a hotel outside, and we will go to the hotel by ourselves." Spend the money and live more comfortably.”

"My eldest lady, don't be self-willed!" Claire reprimanded her angrily, "We are diplomats and don't live in the embassy. Where are you going to put the face of the ambassador? You are staring at us all the time outside. How would a tabloid reporter think and write about every move?"

"Sister Claire's words are right, we must do as the Romans do." Gao Fei comforted Lisa.

Umberto smiled and said to Claire: "I'm not used to living in such a place with too much political smell, don't you know 'disguise'? Help me make up, and I'll take you to the streets Go shopping, buy some beautiful clothes, and wear them at the diplomatic ball at night, how about it?"

"Okay, okay!" The red-haired girl jumped up excitedly.

"Ms. Rosie, it's rare that Mr. Esposito is enlightened and asks you out for a tryst. Why don't you reward him with a kiss?"

Paul was next to him with a smirk on his face, fanning the flames.

Claire blushed and gave him a hard look. She didn't want to pay attention to this troublemaker, but Gao Fei and Lisa were also booing beside her, which made her a little bit embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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