Savior Simulator

Chapter 1067

Chapter 1067
At the same time, Gao Fei, who had just completed the teleportation, also heard gunshots, transformed into a large wind element without hesitation, switched to a whirlwind form, and hovered against the sea surface.

The sea water was rolled up by the whirlwind, forming a spectacular sea tornado, not only blowing away the bullets fired by the gangsters, but also forcibly sucking four nearby gangsters into the eye of the storm, spinning in the air, and making heart-piercing screams.

Vlad's expression changed immediately, and he hastily cast "Manipulate Water Body", wanting to create a vortex that rotates in the opposite direction under the sea tornado of Goofy's avatar, to resist the strong gravitational force generated by the tornado.


Lisa seized the opportunity and raised her hand to cast a "dispersion spell".

The green light curtain swept across, successfully dispelling Vlad's spell.

Almost at the same time, the young knight also finished casting the spell, blasting a "water pressure ball" at the feet of Vlad and the three bandits around him.

The high-pressure water balloon exploded, and the shock wave stirred up huge waves, overturning Vlad and others on the sea.

Gao Fei took the opportunity to pounce on it, sucked Vlad and his henchmen into the tornado, strangled them for half a minute before throwing them out, and fell onto the beach dripping wet.

The seven gangsters all died.

There was only one Vlad who was still alive, and he was lying on the beach and fell into a semi-consciousness.

Gao Fei changed back into a human form, took Lisa's hand and went back to the beach. He was about to thank the young knight and inquire about his name and background when a siren sounded from the pier.

The young knight turned his head to take a look, and immediately slapped his forehead and yelled.

"Wow! Oops! My boat is about to sail, wait for me!"

Without saying a word, he ran straight to the pier.

"Hey! Just a second - we'll take you aboard!"

Gao Fei wanted to stop the young knight and ask Lisa to use the "any door" to send him back to the pier, which would be faster.

However, the sleazy boy didn't turn his head back at all, and didn't have time to listen to his explanation, so he ran away without a trace.

Watching him disappear over the pier, Gao Fei couldn't help feeling amused.

Lisa looked at the back of the young knight and said to herself: "That young man looks familiar... Strange, who exactly does he look like?"

She frowned and thought for a while, but still couldn't remember, so she had to give up.

As soon as the young knight left, Paul teleported over with Umberto and Claire.

Gao Fei wanted to complain about Paul's unreliability, so he delayed bringing reinforcements until the end of the battle.

However, after thinking about it, Paul cannot be blamed for this.

If it is in reality, using the teleportation magic to move the rescuers, it will take less than 1 minute to go back and forth.

However, I was in the game after all, and Paul and his party were late, which was completely a mandatory arrangement of the game plot.

Just imagine, if Paul moved the rescuers earlier, the "Archangel" Umberto could kill all the gangsters by himself, so how could it be the turn of the young knight who killed halfway to fight for justice?
In order to import this important npc, the screenwriter of the game can only delay the arrival of the rescuers. This is not a smart way, but Gao Fei can understand.

"Musk! Lisa! Are you not injured?" Claire asked with concern.

"We're fine, Miss Claire, thanks to a kind knight who helped us defeat the robber," Lisa said.

"Knight? Where is he?" Claire looked around.

"He's gone and he didn't even tell us his name."

Gao Fei came over, briefly described the appearance of the young knight and dressed him up.

Claire didn't respond, but Umberto froze for a moment, rubbed his chin and muttered to himself: "It can't be such a coincidence, can it?"

"What's the matter, Brother Umberto?" Gao Fei asked casually.

"It's nothing, maybe I'm thinking too much." Umberto shook his head with a smile.

Gao Fei opened the astrolabe and checked the task list.

The main task of defeating the killer has been completed, but there is no new task about the young knight. It seems that this clue can only stop here for the time being.

He withdrew his thoughts, walked to the beach, and searched the alchemy warrior "Torrent" Vlad. The trophies he got included a set of refined chain mail, two refined scimitars, three bottles of healing potions, and two +1 Magic crystal pistol.

Goofy is still using a refined pistol now, and it happened to be replaced with a +1 enchanted pistol, which was put into the "storage glove".

Claire lashed Vlad with the whip, woke him up, and began the interrogation.

At first, Vlad tried to get away with it, claiming that he and his party saw that Goofy, Lisa and Paul were well-dressed, and they were not locals, so they thought they were rich kids who came to the island for vacation, so they planned to rob them. Thoughts, want to earn some extra money.

Not to mention the polygraph expert Lisa, even Claire couldn't fool this kind of crude lie, so he was rewarded with a good whipping.

Lisa performs "Guided Confession" next to her, forcing Vlad to tell the truth.

The truth is as expected, this well-known bounty hunter and professional killer is indeed doing things with money, and the employer instructed him to get rid of Musk Justice.

Lisa and Paul are not on the employer's hunting list, but Vlad and his party don't mind taking out the two guys who got in the way by the way.

"Who is your employer?"

"I don't know..." Vlad replied weakly, "There are rules in our business. We can't inquire about the identity of the employer, and the employer won't interview us. Instead, we just send an agent to deliver messages and money."

"Who is the agent of the message?"

"His name is 'Scarface' Alonzo, he is from my hometown, and he is the boatswain on the freighter 'Lucky'."

Vlad's confession made everyone look at each other in dismay.

Including Gao Fei, everyone never expected that the mastermind behind the murder was actually by his side.

Next, the game plot entered the cutscene stage again.

Gao Fei can only watch the show from the perspective of God, and cannot control the words and deeds of the protagonist Musk.

According to past game experience, this often means that the main plot of the game is about to usher in a major turning point.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the main storyline, the system forcibly deprives the player of control over the protagonist. The fear is that the player will mess up and make crazy behaviors that the game designer did not expect, causing the game to get stuck, and no matter how good the next scene is, it will not be able to be performed.

After the interrogation, everyone's eyes were on Umberto's face, waiting for him to make up his mind.

Umberto frowned, and after thinking for a while, he said to Gao Fei: "Brother Musk, let's escort the prisoners back to the ship and confront Alonzo! If this is true, Alonzo will definitely There are also big fish, we must investigate to the end!"

"Okay, Brother Umberto."

Musk winked at Paul.

Paul nodded knowingly, activated the "Teleportation Ring", and led everyone to the deck of the freighter "Lucky".

(End of this chapter)

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