Savior Simulator

Chapter 1064 Turning water into oil

Chapter 1064 Turning water into oil
As a player, Gao Fei must complete the story mission, but how to explain it to the NPC Paul?
Before Gao Fei could figure out what to say, Lisa solved the problem for him first.

"If we all teleport back, these gangsters may not dare to go to the pier to hunt down and kill them. If they try to rob, they will disband on the spot and run away in all likelihood. Wouldn't it be cheaper to wait for us to leave the island by boat and look for new fat sheep to rob? These bastards?"

Miss "Adjudicator" hid behind a coconut tree, while shooting back, she was still gnashing her teeth fiercely: "Paul! Leave us alone, you evacuate to a safe place first, and then Musk and I can free our hands and feet to fix these bad guys." Long-eyed robber!"

"Okay, I'm going to find Brother Umberto right now, you two have to be more careful!"

Paul still had a little bit of self-knowledge, knowing that he was only good at talking and fighting, and staying here would only slow him down, so he quickly activated the "Teleportation Ring" and disappeared into a beam of light.

With no worries, Gao Fei can focus all his attention on the battlefield, and when he sees the gangsters on the opposite side about to break through the area shrouded in thick fog, he releases an "entanglement technique" in time.

A large stretch of twisted and wriggling vines emerged from the sand, entangled the robbers' ankles, preventing them from chasing and killing them, so they could only stand still and shoot at the woods where Gao Fei and Lisa were hiding.

Gao Fei hid behind a thick palm tree, avoided the howling bullets, took the time to make up for a "cloud mist technique", once again blocked the enemy's vision, took the opportunity to hold Lisa's hand, and bowed his waist Trot behind another big tree.

The gangsters on the opposite side who were tied by vines and blinded by thick fog did not know that they had moved their positions and continued to shoot at the area where the two were originally hiding. The head dropped.

Lisa wanted to shoot back, but she was afraid of revealing the location of herself and her fiancé, so she put down her pistol first and cast a third-level monster summoning technique instead.


Miss "Arbiter" opened her vermilion lips lightly, and chanted a mantra representing "summoning" in a low voice, and complex glowing lines emerged on the ground in front of her, interlacing to form a magic circle.

The magic power gathered above the magic circle and followed her thoughts to form a huge and vicious bat.

Lisa is meticulous and considerate, knowing that only one ferocious bat is not enough to pose much threat to the enemy.

Don't rush to order the summoned creature to attack, let it stand by and continue to cast spells.

It took half a minute for Lisa to cast the "Level 3 Monster Summoning Art" five times in a row, summoning a total of five ferocious bats, form a team, and order them to fly to the beach covered in thick fog to surprise the robbers.

There are many kinds of Tier 3 monsters that can be summoned. Lisa chose the vicious bat, which is not the strongest overall combat power, because she actually used her brains a lot.

Dire Bats have two advantages.

First of all, it can fly and is not bound by the vines growing on the ground.

The second is the unique "echo location" function of bats, which is equivalent to blind sight. In the dense fog where you can't see your fingers, you can still find the enemy accurately through the ultrasonic waves emitted from the mouth.

Five ferocious big bats rushed into the depths of the thick fog, frantically biting the nearby bandits.

In the depths of the fog, there were exclamations and screams, and the gunshots became sparse.

Gao Fei gave Lisa a thumbs up, and praised her for doing a good job.

Lisa herself was also very proud, a smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

However, it was too early for them to be happy.

There was no lightning, no thunder, and the clear sky with the scorching sun suddenly began to rain.

Coconuts and palms have narrow and sparse leaves that do not provide shelter from the rain.

Dense raindrops penetrated the gaps in the blades and rained on Goofy and Lisa.

Fortunately, the rain was not heavy, and it came and went quickly, but it only wet the hair of the two of them and the sand nearby.

Gao Fei looked up at the sky, his eyes full of vigilance.

He has already noticed that the strangeness of this rain is probably created by magic such as "water making".

The spellcaster on the robber's side is probably the guy with the enchanted double guns. However, the problem is, what's the point of a little raindrops on the body, which doesn't hurt or itch?
Although he couldn't figure out the enemy's intentions, just to be on the safe side, Gao Fei quickly put on the "mage mask", performed "magic tricks", and dried his and Lisa's clothes.

At this moment, a low-pitched incantation came from the gradually thinning mist.


What does it mean?
Before Gao Fei had time to perform spell recognition, he was surprised to find that the rainwater on the sand had been transformed into glistening grease under the catalysis of magic power.

The sandy beach with a layer of oil has become extraordinarily slippery, exuding the unique green smell of olive oil.

Lisa was startled by the sudden abnormality on the ground, and instinctively wanted to leave this weird sandy land, but just after taking two steps, the soles of her feet slipped, she accidentally fell, and her hands were covered with grease.

Gao Fei quickly helped her up.

At this time, there was a sudden gunshot from the opposite side!
A bullet was shot about five meters away from Gao Fei's face. The metal bullet hit the stone and shot sparks, igniting the grease all over the ground, and the flames rose up.

The blazing flames quickly spread on the oil-stained sand, and surrounded Gao Fei and Lisa in a blink of an eye, and the wall of fire that was as tall as a person kept approaching their foothold.


Gao Fei made a decisive decision, and threw a glass marble under his feet, and used it as a spell-casting material to cast the 3-ring protection magic "refuge hut" that he just copied from Ma Yun not long ago.

The glass bead shattered with a bang, and a hemispherical force field shield sprouted from it, expanding rapidly until it extended to a radius of 20 feet. The outer wall of the shield showed a translucent glass texture.

Both Goofy and Lisa were shrouded in the "shelter hut", and the fire spreading around them was isolated from the shield.

Under the protection of the "refuge hut", although Gao Fei and Lisa were only separated from the fire scene by a thin translucent shield, they could not feel the high temperature caused by the burning fire.

Even the choking thick smoke generated by burning fat is kept out of the shield, while the temperature inside is moderate and the air is fresh.

At this time, the gangsters had already wiped out five dire bats, and the price they paid was three corpses.

The rest of the gangsters, except for the leader, were almost all wounded. They walked through the vines and fog area in embarrassment, approached the fire scene, and looked at the "shelter hut" viciously through the fireworks.

"Those bandits outside are staring at us, God knows what bad idea they are planning..." Lisa's voice revealed a trace of tension.

"Don't worry, they won't see us." Gao Fei comforted Lisa in a low voice.

The force field shield formed by the "refuge hut" is one-way transparent, and the outside can be seen from the inside, but not vice versa. What you can see is only a slightly glowing hemispherical cover, like a large glass bowl that is turned upside down on the ground. Can't see what's going on inside the shield.


It's the last day of September, book friends who still have monthly tickets, don't forget to vote.

Happy National Day to everyone in advance!

(End of this chapter)

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