Savior Simulator

Chapter 106 Inheritance Trial

Chapter 106 Inheritance Trial
Gao Fei looked at the clock that came with the astrolabe, and it was already past 12 noon, so he asked Jiang Feng: "Do you want to take a break, go have lunch first, and continue exploring the Dragon Bone Tower in the afternoon."

Jiang Nuxia's stomach was growling with hunger, and she readily accepted his suggestion.

The two arranged for Basaka and Sumo to take a short rest and eat some dry food to satisfy their hunger.

Sister Eve can also take this opportunity to restore her magic power a little bit to prepare for the upcoming decisive battle.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng went offline temporarily, still thinking about things in the game, so they ate ramen noodles in the staff restaurant of Tiangong, filled their stomachs quickly, returned to the apartment, and went online again.

Returning to the game world again, Basaka, Sumo and others just finished their short break, so they climbed the escalator to the top floor of the Keel Tower.

The space on the top floor is relatively small, and the triangular vault is inlaid with crystal windows, through which the bright moonlight shines.

Just below the vault, a modest mausoleum houses the dragon-slaying hero.

Gao Fei walked up to the tombstone, feeling an inexplicable awe in his heart, and bowed deeply towards the tombstone.

Jiang Feng and Eve came to Gao Fei's side and followed his example, bowing silently to the tombstone.

An ancient text is inscribed on the tombstone.Eve translated in a low voice to Gao Fei and Jiang Feng:

"The one who sleeps here is the dragon's enemy and the dragon's friend. The dragon's heart is with me."

"The heart of the dragon mentioned in the epitaph... refers to the 'heart of the dragon warrior' we are looking for this trip, right?" Jiang Feng guessed.

At this moment, a magical aura suddenly appeared on the tombstone, and then an old voice came out.

"Friends from afar, you have passed many tests, and it's time to make a choice."

"Wow! What is this? The ghost is talking?" Jiang Feng took two steps back in fright, holding the stick tightly.

"Master Su, don't panic. The one who spoke just now was the 'magic mouth' placed on the tombstone." Eve comforted her softly, "Through this spell, the owner of the tomb can preserve the last words and convey them to people who come here after thousands of years." of us."

"It turned out to be like this. I was taken aback." Jiang Feng scratched his head and laughed.

Gao Fei was also taken aback just now, so he didn't have the nerve to tease Jiang Nvxia for being so rare.

At this time, the old man's voice came from the tombstone again, suggesting that the person most eager to obtain the inheritance of "Dragon Warrior" among the crowd should come forward to touch the tombstone and accept the inheritance test.

At the same time, Gao Fei received a system prompt asking him if he was ready to accept the inheritance trial.

Jiang Feng, Eve, and Mu Ning did not receive the same prompt, and their eyes were all on Gao Fei's face.

"Okay, this is my mod, I'm the chosen one!"

Gao Fei laughed at himself, walked forward, and reached out to touch the tombstone.

A soft halo of magical power emerged from where the fingertips touched, and flowed through his body in an instant, helping him dispel fatigue and replenish his HP.

Immediately afterwards, Gao Fei felt dizzy for a while.

When he regained consciousness, he looked up suddenly, and was surprised to find that he had left the Dragon Bone Tower, and was in the fiery wasteland full of volcanoes.

Thick volcanic ash filled the sky, and there was no ray of skylight, as if in purgatory.

Just when he was confused, Gao Fei received the system prompt again, and learned that he had been pulled into the spiritual space and was about to face the final test here.

What is the so-called test?
The answer will be revealed soon.

In the leaden gray sky, there was an indescribably terrifying howl, a huge shadow flew over, circled and slowly landed on the wasteland opposite Gao Fei, it was a huge dragon with scarlet scales all over its body!
At this moment, Gao Fei immediately recalled the prediction made by the astrologer Luna.

"You will be burned alive by the flames of a red dragon!"

The red dragon lowered its ferocious head, hot smoke with a strong sulfur smell overflowed from its mouth and nose, and a pair of fiery red eyes stared fiercely at the tiny prey under its feet.

The supernatural power of the dragon swept over with the aura of the evil dragon, making Gao Fei feel unprecedented fear, his hands holding the battle ax couldn't help trembling, and his mind was full of thoughts of running away.

Fortunately, "Iron Will" strengthened his mental resistance, and he could barely maintain a trace of sobriety. Knowing that he was under the suppression of the ferocious aura of the red dragon, he launched the "bloody battle cry" without thinking!
The roar of the berserker echoed over the scorching wasteland, successfully dispelling the fear, and even startled the red dragon!
The invincible dragon took two steps back, raised its wings, and looked at Gao Fei with a little surprise.

Taking advantage of the stalemate between the two sides, Gao Fei quickly opened the astrolabe to check the details of the Red Dragon.

This is a juvenile red dragon with a challenge level of 8 and six attributes: strength 25, agility 11, constitution 17, intelligence 12, perception 14, and charisma 15.

Counting the vitality bonus provided by the "Strongness" feat, the Red Dragon's HP is as high as 133, which is almost twice as high as Gao Fei's!
This juvenile red dragon has a natural defense of level 10, a -1 defense penalty for large creatures, and a comprehensive defense level of 19, which is at the same level as Goofy.

In addition, the red dragon's scale armor also has special damage reduction effects. When attacked by non-magic weapons, 10 points of damage will be automatically deducted.

This level of damage-reducing armor is no longer necessary for Gao Fei today.

After breaking through the first five floors of the dragon bone tower, he seized a magic weapon from the hands of the four dragon tooth sergeants. Any weapon can penetrate the red dragon's damage reduction armor.

Firmly shaking the +1 enchanted battle ax in Shake's hand, Gao Fei suddenly remembered an old stalk, and hooked his fingers contemptuously at the red dragon, throwing a taunt:
"Come on, reptiles! My great ax is hungry!"

Gao Fei was very satisfied with his two domineering lines. What was a bit of a fly in the ointment was that the red dragon on the opposite side actually had an "iron will" and easily resisted his taunt. Instead of rushing forward impulsively, he took a step back , lowered the upper body, raised the buttocks, stretched the neck, took a deep breath, and the belly quickly swelled up.

Seeing the red dragon's ecstatic posture, Gao Fei could guess with his heels that this guy was about to breathe fire!

Judging from the data obtained from the investigation of the astrolabe, the dragon's breath breathed by the young red dragon has two modes: "concentration" and "diffusion".

The cluster pattern is a 60-foot line with a cross-sectional diameter of 5 feet, which is penetrating damage, and creatures on the axis are sprayed.

The spread pattern is a 30-foot cone that spreads at a 60-degree angle.

Regardless of the attack mode, the cooling time is two rounds, and it can cause 10~60 (10d6) points of fire damage to creatures within the attack range.

On a successful DC 16 Reflex save, the damage is halved.


Thank you book friend: tce, reward 500 starting coins this week

(End of this chapter)

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