Savior Simulator

Chapter 1047 The Story of the Poet

Chapter 1047 The Story of the Poet

"Please don't try to hide the truth, children, when death comes, my lord 'Queen Spider God' will bear witness, every soul will be weighed accurately, no one can escape the final judgment made by the will of the abyss! "

Gao Fei eavesdropped on Saratus's conversation outside the door. If he hadn't seen the terrifying appearance of the devil with his own eyes and only heard his voice, he would have thought it was a highly respected priest preaching.

"Children, remember my advice." Saratus continued, "In the Abyss, the more crazy and depraved souls are, the more precious they are, and the more likely they are to breed powerful demons."

"A soul that is corrupt enough will be transformed into a new demon, and those souls that are not corrupt enough, unfortunately, are only worthy of being reduced to a humble maggot in the blood pool of the abyss."

"I am here to listen to your confessions, and based on what you tell, I will fairly evaluate the value of each person's soul and the rank they deserve in the abyss."

After finishing his prologue, the Glacier looked towards the confession room on the far left, and his gentle eyes fell on the face of a middle-aged nobleman imprisoned in the "Iron Maiden".

"My child, it starts with you."

The sight of the Demon King contains a magical power that seduces people's hearts.

The weak-willed man, under the hint of Saratus, did not hesitate to reveal his secrets.

"Oh, my priest, I have never done anything wrong in my life, let alone madness and depravity."

"Looking back on those ordinary years in the past, the only thing I can't let go of is that my love was too overflowing..." The middle-aged man said solemnly.

"That's all?" Saratus smiled, "The ladies and gentlemen who participated in this carnival in the monastery tonight, all have superfluous love for other people's husbands or wives, and I don't think it's worthy of your seriousness. confession."

"My father, you misunderstood." The middle-aged man explained with a bitter face, "My love is not the love between a man and a woman as you think, but a love for all kinds of things."

"For example, two weeks ago, I fell in love with Sir Dashwood's gold-cased and diamond-encrusted pocket watch. It was love at first sight for that watch. Putting it in my pocket and playing with it from time to time can relieve my pain of lovesickness."

"As a matter of fact, I got what I wanted, though I didn't tell Sir Dashwood beforehand, but how can it be my fault?"

"As you know, love is like a tornado, whistling and sweeping, destroying people's reason and secular ethics. A person who is crazy about love will not consider the consequences."

"People who are passionately in love are like Romeo and Juliet on the theater stage. Knowing that their families do not allow them to marry, they still can't help but secretly date and make a private decision for life."

"I'm in the same situation. Knowing that the owner of the gold watch will not give up his beloved object, I still can't help but crazily woo, and I must get that wonderful object."

"Every time I see romantic dramas and poems praising the male and female protagonists who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of love, I can't help crying. I am infatuated with diamond-encrusted gold watches, as well as countless precious jewelry and artworks that I have loved in the past. , isn’t it a vivid portrayal of romanticism?”

"I don't know whether it's luck or misfortune, my reckless pursuit of what I love deeply can always succeed in the end without any danger."

"Although this satisfies my fraternity's emotional needs, it lacks a bit of tragedy. After all, 'wish for what you want' is the essence of romanticism. My father, what do you think?"

The Beguile laughed and said approvingly: "My dear boy, you can describe your kleptomania so poetically, you are indeed the poet laureate appointed by King George."

Saratus paused, and asked the poet meaningfully: "Sir, you just mentioned works of art. Excuse me, do you include poetry among those works of art that have been robbed of your love?"

"Oh, to tell you the truth, not only have I done this before, but I'm also very good at it!" The poet replied complacently, "For example, last autumn, the poetry magazine I edited received a contribution from a young man, a fledgling young man. Quite talented, but lacking in fame, he sent me one of his most valued poetic dramas, hoping to publish it in my magazine, and it would be best to add my personal recommendation, so that he could be in the Famous in the literary and artistic circles."

"I watched this poetic drama, and I was so mad that I liked it!"

"I swear to the gods, the style of this work is very similar to my own handwriting. That young man not only imitated me seriously, but has surpassed me in some aspects, and this masterpiece from his pen should have Let me write it first!"

"This feeling makes me both shocked and annoyed, as if I have met a strong rival in love, rushing ahead of you, and courting the person you like. How can a man endure such a provocation?"

"I immediately made a dignified and manly counterattack-reply to accuse that ignorant young man of plagiarizing my work, and dare to send it to me. How shameless!"

"I had already expected that the other party would complain and ask me to show him the evidence of plagiarism, so I rewrote the poetic play, modified some words and sentences to make it more in line with my personal style, and then Recite it."

"As we all know, when a pair of lovers achieve a positive result, people will change the bride's surname to the husband's surname according to the traditional custom. In this respect, I am also a person who respects tradition, so when I have the 'muse' Goddess'—that is to say, that excellent poetic drama—afterwards, also signed his name in the author column, replacing the original signature."

"I think it's fitting, as every husband does with his new wife."

"Later, this literary and ink lawsuit became more and more troublesome as I expected, but I didn't panic at all. I published the poetic drama as the author first, and I also recited the brilliant works of the work in public at the highest-standard salon in the capital's literary and art circles. Movement."

"This time, everyone was convinced by me, and that young man became a plagiarism dog and was spurned by the literary and art circles."

"After all, he is just a nobody, and I am the poet laureate, who is more suitable to write this masterpiece, the reader's eyes are discerning."

"That unlucky young man, after going through this turmoil, will never even think about being in the literary circle in the future. He really couldn't think about it, so he went back to his hometown in the countryside, became depressed and depressed, and drank alcohol all day long to relieve his worries."

"After two months like this, one night, he finally hanged himself under a laurel tree, ending his short life in a classical tragedy way."

(End of this chapter)

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