Savior Simulator

Chapter 1045 Shadow Demon

Chapter 1045 Shadow Demon
Rumors about demon possession are widely circulated among the people.

A person's temperament suddenly changes, and his relatives and neighbors often suspect that he is possessed by a demon, so a priest is invited to perform an exorcism.

However, a sudden change in a person's temperament is more likely to be strongly stimulated mentally, such as a lovelorn, or suffering from a certain disease, which is not necessarily caused by demons.

In fact, demons who are really good at possessing bodies and seizing bodies are not as common as in the legends, and they are mainly divided into two situations.

The first method of possession requires the help of a 5-ring magic called "Magic Soul Pot".

Only a very small number of high-level demons can use this magic. On the other hand, if a mage or warlock has learned the "Magic Soul Pot", even if he is not a demon, he can still possess his body and seize his body, and blame the demon afterwards.

The second way of possession is to use one's own incorporeal characteristics to forcibly possess the victim, like a ghost, occupying the other's flesh and blood body.

Nine out of ten demons capable of doing this are shadow fiends—when a particularly jealous soul is pulled into the abyss, it will transform into a shadow fiend without any substance.

The shadow demon possessed by the pianist has a challenge level of 6, HP 81, strength -, agility 18, constitution 17, intelligence 14, perception 17, charisma 19.

Incorporeal creatures have no Strength attribute, and a shadow fiend gains a Dexterity modifier to its attacks and damage.

Unlike the incorporeal undead, the damage caused by the shadow demon through touch is not a "dark erosion" attribute, but a kind of spiritual attack, which belongs to spiritual damage.

This also means that unless the Shadow Demon is stupid, he will never take the initiative to attack Umberto who is wearing the "Mind Barrier Amulet"-"Mind Barrier" can not only resist negative mental states and "detect thoughts", but also immune All psychic damage below legendary.

Shadow Fiend doesn't have a flesh and blood body, so he doesn't have any natural armor. However, he can count his own charm correction into his defense level, which is equivalent to a special deflected shield.

In addition to the various racial talents of the Tanari Demon, the Shadow Fiend has also mastered the three specialties of "vigilance", "proficient first strike" and "dexterous movement". Double damage.

Conversely, Shadow Fiend's weakness is also very prominent-the combat effectiveness will be weakened in a well-lit environment, and it will also cause double damage from light attacks.

Shadow Demons belong to middle-level demons, and their social status in the abyss is similar to that of Vulture Demons.

Demons of this level almost all have their own warlock talent.

It's a pity that the astrolabe still doesn't have the list of spells to unseal Shadow Demon, forcing players to create difficulties...

Gao Fei put away the astrolabe, and in the palm of his right hand, there was a wave of blue and purple magic power, and a "magic energy explosion" was ready to go.

Past actual combat experience told him that the most effective means to deal with incorporeal creatures is "force field" magic.

For example, "Magic Explosion" and "Magic Missile" both ignore the evasion characteristics of incorporeal creatures.

The moment Gao Fei was about to make a move, the Shadow Demon seemed to smell a dangerous aura, and a large dark barrier suddenly radiated from his body, like a dark curtain was drawn, covering most of the ballroom.

In the blink of an eye, the dark barrier extended to Gao Fei and Lisa, swallowing all the light.

Even the magical radiance emitted by the envoy of holy light was completely submerged by the tide-like darkness.

Gao Fei initially thought that the shadow demon was using the "darkness technique", but judging from the breadth and strength of the dark barrier, it has exceeded the upper limit of the second-level magic, and it is clearly the third-level "deep darkness technique"!
In the boundless darkness, Gao Fei tried his best to keep calm, intending to use the "dispel" technique to eliminate the dark barrier.

While he was racing against time to cast a spell, a chill suddenly hit him, as if something invisible and intangible was trying to invade his body.

Gao Fei immediately realized that the Shadow Demon was by his side, planning to take his body!
Fortunately, Lisa helped him bless the "protection against evil" in advance, preventing the shadow demon's vicious attempt to seize his body.

"Get out of here!"

Gao Fei temporarily dispelled the dark enchantment, and activated the "thunder wave" at the fastest speed, and with a thunderous roar, he sent the shadow demon entangled in him flying away!
A green light curtain flashed in the darkness, which was Lisa's "dispel" technique released in time.

The curtain of darkness was lifted, and the shadow demon was exposed again.

Gao Fei breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he was still wearing the "poet's mask", he took two steps closer to the Shadow Demon, and began to sing "Requiem".

The singing echoed in the dance hall, and it did not hinder the humans and cowards present. Only the shadow demon suspended in the air was suppressed by the "Requiem" and lost its incorporeal characteristics. The illusory body gradually became solid and heavy. fall down.

This change made the Shadow Demon startled and angry, he raised his hand and threw a cone-shaped shock wave full of negative energy at Gao Fei.

The cowards and noble men and women in the ballroom felt the inexplicable terror immediately when they were affected, and ran away in fright.

Goofy and Lisa were the first to bear the brunt of being baptized by the terrifying wave, but there was no expression of fear on their faces.

From the moment he stepped into the gate of Wycombe Abbey, Gao Fei put on the "Paladin Mask" and stepped on the "Courage Halo" under his feet. He and his allies within 10 feet are immune to the "Fear" state. Of course, the 3rd ring "Fear Art" couldn't scare him.

"Devil! Go back to the abyss!"

Lisa held up the holy emblem, and blasted a "sacred fire spell" towards the top of Shadow Demon's head, causing 13 points of damage.

Shaking in pain, the Shadow Demon suddenly raised its sharp claws and grabbed the young Holy See judge from the air.

At this time, Lisa was no less than seven or eight meters away from the demon, but she felt a strong force coming, like an invisible big hand, tightly strangling her throat, making her unable to breathe.

The girl's pretty face gradually lost its color, and her petite body seemed to be hoisted by an invisible rope, slowly floating up into the air, struggling with all her might, but she couldn't escape the restraint imposed on her by the demon's "telecontrol".


Gao Fei flipped his palm, and the "Magic Energy Explosion" gushed out!

A dazzling shock wave bombarded Shadow Demon, causing 30 points of force field damage, interrupting "Telecontrol"'s focus on casting spells by the way, and the invisible magic hand strangling Lisa's throat disappeared.

Gao Fei stretched out his arms to hug Lisa who fell from mid-air, protecting her from landing safely.

Lisa put her arms around his arm, with expressions of gratitude and anxiety alternating on her face: "Honey, don't let the Shadow Demon run away!"

Gao Fei turned to look at the Shadow Demon, and found that after being blasted by the "Magic Energy Explosion", this guy escaped the radiation range of the "Requiem" due to a blessing in disguise, recovered his incorporeal form, and floated to the corner.

Under the watchful eyes of Gao Fei and Lisa, the Shadow Demon, relying on its incorporeal characteristics, quietly came out through the wall and disappeared from their sight.

(End of this chapter)

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