Savior Simulator

Chapter 1042 Spore Cloud

Chapter 1042 Spore Cloud

From the vulture demon's point of view, as long as he flies a short distance away, it is enough to avoid the "magic energy explosion" from the ground.

To take a step back, even if you are hit by the "Magic Energy Explosion", you still have the "Mirror Image" body protection, and your body only has a one-eighth chance of being injured at most.

What's more, "Magic Energy Explosion" is just a small 0-ring trick, even if it is hit, it will not cause serious damage to oneself, and it is not even enough to destroy the concentration of "Telecontrol".

However, the vulture demon soon paid a heavy price for his wrong judgment.

He didn't know that Gao Fei's "Magic Energy Explosion" was superimposed with four magic enhancements of "Magic Energy Lance", "Repelling Magic Explosion", "Tracking Magic Explosion" and "Shocking Spear".

300尺内自动追踪,百发百中, 伤害高达4d10+8/魅力修正, 还具有“力场”、“冲击”和“震慑”三类特效,综合性能早已大大超越了0环法术的层次!

Boom - Boom! !
The shining blue-purple shock wave drew an arc in the air, followed the vulture demon's figure, and finally hit his chest.

The seven mirror clones hovering around the vulture demon are useless against the magic energy burst with the characteristics of "tracking" and "force field". They are just self-deceiving decorations.


The Vulture Demon, who was hit by the impact, was interrupted in casting spells and fell into a state of shock. His mind went blank. His out-of-control body fell from the air and fell heavily in the courtyard, taking an additional 15 points of falling damage.


Gao Fei sneered and chanted the incantation, and waved his hand to cast the "Dispel Technique", which instantly stripped off all the buffs on the Vulture Demon, including "Mirror Image" and "Heroism".

At the same time, Pearl's remote-controlled angel statue acted as a sledgehammer, aiming at the eagle demon lying on the grass with its butt upside down!
The statue slammed on the vulture demon's back, smashing the vulture demon back to the ground when it was about to stand up, and let out a painful howl.

Pearl maintained his mind control, pulled up the angel statue, and wanted to hit another heavy hammer to wake up the vulture demon.

It's a pity that this exquisitely carved stone statue is not strong enough, and it shattered as soon as it was picked up.

Brother Niu, who had been lingering in the courtyard for a long time with nothing to do, finally found a chance at this time. Moo roared and rushed towards the vulture demon. With a pair of powerful horns, he knocked the demon that was just about to get up to the ground, and then stomped hard on the vulture demon. Step up.

The vulture demon who was besieged had already lost more than half of its health. Seeing that the bull in the sky was about to raise its hooves again, it suddenly spread its wings and sprayed out a jet of black feathers.

These feathers, which contain the magical power of the abyss, are as sharp as knives, penetrate the tough fur of the bull, penetrate deeply into the flesh, and immediately transform into strands of highly toxic spores, spreading wildly on the bull, as if covered with mold.

The bull was parasitized by vicious spores, as if it was bitten and sucked blood by countless gadflies, writhing its body in pain, mooing and whining.

Gao Fei was secretly surprised, and quickly cast the "dispersion technique" to get rid of the spores on the bull, but it didn't help.

This shows that the spore cloud ejected by the vulture demon just now either does not belong to the category of magic, or its level exceeds level 3.

What's more troublesome is that the spores ejected from the vulture demon's body are floating in the air like clouds, spreading towards Gao Fei's place.

Seeing Brother Niu's miserable state, Gao Fei didn't want to be touched by this vicious thing, so he quickly changed back to the form of the wind element, and set off a strong wind on the ground, blowing away the spore cloud.

At the same time, Umberto and Mario also noticed the situation here, and handed over the remaining coward to Simba the lion to deal with, and hurried over.

As soon as the two got close to the vulture demon, the monster straightened its upper body, looked up at the sky, its eyes bulged, full of madness, and then let out a blood-curdling scream.

The vulture demon's howl released a surging wave of magic power, which radiated to the surroundings along with the sound waves.

Within 30 feet nearby, including Goofy, Umberto, Mario, and the Celestial Bull, are all impacted by the sound wave, but the situations are different.

Mario and the Celestial Bull, who suffered from the parasitic poisonous spores, failed the Fortitude saving throw, and were stunned by the sound waves, and fell into a daze on the spot.

Gao Fei is glad that he became an air element in advance. Due to the special physiological structure, elemental creatures are naturally immune to "shock".

As for Umberto, the "Spiritual Barrier Talisman" borrowed from Paul Porter was of great help. At the critical moment, he blocked the shocking sound wave of the vulture demon, and rushed forward to slash with his sword.

Swish swish!
The "Archangel" thrust out three swords in an instant. In addition to the normal attack action, there is also the extra attack provided by the "Pursuit" enchantment of the rapier, and the third sword added by "Slash".

In fact, Umberto's first strike triggered a critical strike, causing triple damage to the vulture demon, the second strike harvested the remaining single-digit HP, and the third strike was pure whipping.

Gao Fei wanted to make a move, but his eldest brother struck too fast and too hard. Before it was his turn to finish casting the spell, the vulture demon had already knelt down.

The demon's corpse fell to the ground, turning into a cloud of filthy stench, slowly dissipating in the night sky, and the soul fled back to the abyss.

The cowardly demons in the courtyard were also killed and turned into pus and blood.

The demons who are summoned to the material world will not really die, but the origin of the demons who fled back to their hometown in the abyss will also become weak due to the loss of their bodies, and they must recover in the blood pool of the abyss for a period of time. It will even degenerate into a demon with a lower rank.

According to this principle, the vulture demons who fled back to the bottomless abyss may still maintain their status, while the six cowards who are at the bottom of the demon sequence do not have the capital to make a comeback. Once they degenerate, they will become The maggots in the blood pool are only suitable for other demons as food.

There were no surviving demons in the courtyard, Gao Fei was slightly relieved, and opened the astrolabe to check the supplementary settings of the vulture demon.

In the battle just now, the vulture demon used two moves that left a deep impression on him, "shocking scream" and "spore cloud".

After defeating the vulture demon, the intelligence of these two tricks is unlocked.


Stunning Scream (1-day cooldown): Self spreads 30 feet, stunning non-demonic creatures for 1 round, Fortitude save (DC 19) unaffected.

Spore cloud (5-round cooldown): Spreads itself 15 feet, dealing 2d6 points of virus damage per round.After infection, two consecutive Fortitude saves (DC 19) can heal itself; holy water or medical spells such as "remove disease" can instantly kill the virus spores on the patient.


After reading the information provided by the astrolabe, Gao Fei finally solved the mystery in his heart.

No wonder the third-level "dispel" cannot eliminate the parasitic spores on the celestial bull. It turns out that the "spore cloud" erupted by the vulture demon does not belong to the category of magic, but a supernatural virus originating from the bottomless abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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