Savior Simulator

Chapter 104 The Hall of Earth

Chapter 104 The Hall of Earth
The moment the Sergeant Blue Dragon threw his javelin, Gao Fei suddenly raised the trident wrapped in copper wires, and the copper wires laid on the ground were also pulled up, and the electricity formed a circuit, turning the trident into a big No. "Electromagnet" to attract the steel javelins flying in the face.

Sergeant Blue Dragon froze for a moment, then quickly raised his right hand, trying to recall the javelin.

The javelin buzzed and trembled in vain, but couldn't break free from the copper-wire-wrapped trident in Gao Fei's hand after all.

Sergeant Blue Dragon suffered from being uneducated. He didn't understand the reason for this, and he couldn't even figure it out. What the hell is wrong with this? !Immediately, he froze there, his face full of astonishment.

Taking advantage of the opponent's bewilderment, Gao Fei stomped his feet suddenly, launched another "earth shock", and successfully knocked Sergeant Blue Dragon to the ground.

The opportunity to change the offensive finally came, Gao Fei dropped his trident, and jumped on Sergeant Blue Dragon like a hungry tiger, first tore off his helmet and threw it aside, then stretched out a pair of powerful hands, and strangled him by the neck!

The blue dragon sergeant is strong in high agility and fast speed. Once he is grabbed by his opponent, his dexterity advantage will not be brought into play.

As for his strength attribute of 18 points, it is only at the level of ordinary Dragon Tooth Soldiers.

Goofy with "Rage" turned on, with a strength attribute as high as 25, and after successfully catching the blue dragon sergeant, is like the "Big Rock" Johnson in his peak period wrestling with Mr. Yui Hatano in the octagonal cage. Is there any suspense in the result?

After just a few seconds, Sergeant Blue Dragon's neck was forcibly broken by Gao Fei, and his body disintegrated into electric sparks, like a drop of water flowing into the sea, and disappeared into the ground power grid, leaving only the +1 pullback javelin behind.

Gao Fei grabbed the javelin, waved it twice, and grinned happily!

This is good stuff!
With this magical javelin that returns automatically when thrown, his two handaxes can be honorably laid off.

Jiang Feng, Eve, and Mu Ning had already dealt with the four Dragon Tooth Soldiers and came to join him.

After resting for a while, everyone climbed up the fifth floor of the keel tower along the folding escalator that fell behind the blue dragon statue.

The Keel Pagoda has six floors in total, the top floor is the Nagu Hall where the legendary dragon slaying hero rests, and the main building on the fifth floor is the "Hall of Earth".

Gao Fei and the others came to the fifth floor, and they could smell the sour smell emanating from the opposite hall through the closed door.

The damage type corresponding to the soil system is "acid erosion". Before opening the door, Eve spent the little magic power left to bless Gao Fei, Jiang Feng and Mu Ning with "acid-resistant barriers", and transformed herself into a large earth element , comes with the characteristic of immunity to acid corrosion, which can save 5 points of mana.

Jiang Feng pried open the door of the Hall of Earth with the "Skillful Hand Curse" presented by Qiyun Aling.

The floor opposite the door is a trap, which is filled with strong acid. If you stumble and fall, even if you have a magic buff to protect your body, it will be corroded to the point where there is not even bone residue left after 2 minutes.

Jiang Feng opened the thief's toolbox, took out a slender iron nail, and stuck the flap bearing, allowing everyone to pass safely.

The facilities inside the Hall of Earth are equivalent to combining the Hall of Water and the Hall of Fire. The floor of the hall is covered with green mud, and a huge obsidian dragon head sculpture protrudes from the center of the ceiling.

Gao Fei and his party just walked into the hall and lit up the "floating ball". The stone faucet on the ceiling seemed to be stimulated by the light. It slowly opened its mouth and spit out a waterfall of green mud, followed by a pungent sour smell. taste.

"Wow! That's disgusting, looks like a black dragon throwing up!"

Jiang Feng covered his nose and complained.

"It's more than disgusting. What the Black Dragon Stone Sculpture spits out is an acidic substance called green ooze. If we hadn't been prepared, a little bit of mud would eat through our flesh and blood!"

Mu Ning squatted on the broad shoulders of the large earth element, looking at the green ooze everywhere and marveling.

Jiang Feng stuck the eyebrow stick into the ground to measure the depth of the mud.

"The silt is half a meter deep. Even if you are not afraid of corrosion, the feeling of your legs sinking into the mud is not good!"

Jiang Nvxia resolutely stimulated her true energy and used "Flying Steps" to climb up the wall to avoid falling into the quagmire.

Gao Fei didn't have such good skills, so he could only pinch his nose and bravely walked into the muddy hall, feeling like trekking in quicksand, every step was more difficult than usual.

At this moment, the mud directly below the black dragon stone sculpture bubbled up, and five giant black eggs floated up from the bottom of the mud.

Gao Fei and the others were no strangers to this scene, and they each showed their weapons, ready to fight.

The first to hatch were five earth-type Dragon Tooth Soldiers, with the talent of being immune to acid damage.

Then the black dragon sergeant was hatched, but the equipment was very different from the previous three dragon tooth sergeants!
The black dragon sergeant is two meters tall. He is not wearing the standard breastplate of the Dragon Tooth Soldier, but a set of black plate armor that wraps the whole body skin tightly. The tower shield is bigger and thicker than the door panel, and the whole person stands there like a black iron tower!

Hanging on the wall, Jiang Feng looked down at the black dragon non-commissioned officer, and exclaimed, "Hey! Look at this big black guy, it looks like the kind of iron-shell turtle with super thick defense!"

Gao Fei also felt the same way. He opened the astrolabe and saw that the black dragon sergeant is a level 6 "Earth Elemental Warrior". professional ability.

One is "Elemental Weapon", which can temporarily enchant the +1 warhammer in the hand to increase the acid damage by 2d6.

The second is "Elemental Demonstration", which makes one's skin as hard as granite and temporarily increases natural defense by 3 levels.

All dragon tooth sergeants have 3 points of natural defense. After the black dragon sergeant activates "element display", the natural defense is doubled on this basis.

Black Dragon Sergeant's "Mythical Armament" strengthens the Refined Full Body Armor and Refined Tower Shield, which together provide 15 levels of defense.

Finally, counting the dodge bonus from agility correction at level 1, the overall defense level of this product is as high as 32!

Just mentally calculating the defense of the black dragon sergeant, Gao Fei started to have a headache, and couldn't help but recall the scene of being tortured by "Stone Javier" in a certain suffering game...

Even counting the strength bonus of "Rage", his Berserker could barely penetrate the iron-shelled tortoise's defenses only if he successfully rolled 20 points in the attack roll!
In other words, Gao Fei swung his ax 20 times in a row. From the perspective of probability, 19 of the attacks could not break the defense of the black dragon sergeant at all, which was purely useless.

During this period, I don't know how many times I have been hammered by the opponent.

If you want to rely on this mere 5% probability to be tough, isn't that brain water? !

Gao Fei was out of his mind, so he resolutely gave up confronting the black dragon sergeant head-on, took out the magic javelin he had just captured from the storage bag, and threw it at the black dragon sergeant.

 Thank you book friend: tce, reward 400 starting coins this week

(End of this chapter)

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