Savior Simulator

Chapter 1038 Death Ball Game (Ⅱ)

Chapter 1038 Death Ball Game (Ⅱ)

The untrue "massacre" in the New World was exploited by independent politicians and eventually became the fuse of the colonial independence movement.

Even King George III was deeply shocked by this even more violent tragedy that happened in the capital of the kingdom. He consulted the cabinet ministers overnight whether the parliament should legislate to ban football, an extremely barbaric sport, across the country.

Fans of the Fizen Kingdom should thank Lord North, the Prime Minister of the Cabinet at the time.

"My lord, it is better to let the workers vent their excess energy and dissatisfaction with life on the football field than to let them use this energy to build barricades and start rebellion."

George III took the Prime Minister's remonstrance deeply, so the major incident was reduced to a minor one, and he gave up the idea of ​​banning football.

It can be seen from the attitude of the king and the prime minister that the high society in this country regards football as a blue-collar sport, and decent people who come from aristocratic families disdain to participate.

Most of the members of the "Hellfire Club" are from the aristocratic class, but they take pleasure in mocking the hypocritical moral preaching of the upper class.

This group of aristocratic children claim to be devil believers in their beliefs. Cosplay devil summoning ceremony, binge drinking, bad gambling and group partying are the club's repertoire. They chase and beat on the football field like rough inferiors, also to show rebellious personality.

If one day football is accepted by the upper class and turned into an aristocratic sport, they will dismiss it instead.

It was the idea of ​​these rebellious nobles to transform the atrium of the monastery into a small football field.

However, they never expected that when they mocked the upper-class society they were born in, the vulture demon from the abyss also played a more vicious joke with them, forcing them to take their own lives as a gamble to fight with the demons. arena.

The vulture blew its whistle, announcing the start of the game.

The atrium lawn of the monastery is equivalent to half a standard football field.

In addition to the goalkeeper, there are five players on each side of the field. In comparison, the field is too spacious and there is a lot of room for running.

The size of the human side is much higher than that of the opposite Coward, and physical attributes such as strength, agility, and physique are also superior to Coward, not to mention the field experience and skills.

The low-intelligence cowards have no football skills at all, they only know that they can't touch the ball with their hands, and that kicking the ball into the opponent's goal is considered a win, and they don't understand other rules.

As soon as the game started, the goalkeeper of the devil's side threw the ball forward with all his might, while the other five cowards swarmed toward the place where the balloon fell, with their short legs trembling with fat all over their bodies.

However, there was already a human player who took the lead and kicked the ball high.

The ball flew over the heads of the cowards, drew a beautiful arc, and passed it accurately to the striker on the human side.

After the striker stopped the ball in the chest, he dribbled the ball to the unguarded backcourt.

At the same time, the cowards, who couldn't stop the car while running, bumped into the defenders on the human side one after another, and everyone on the field suddenly turned upside down.

Goalkeeper on the human side, shouting foul angrily.

The eagle demon who was the referee turned a deaf ear and waved his hand to signal the game to continue.

The cowards got up from the lawn and hurriedly turned back to defend.

In order to regain the possession of the ball, these low-level demons also really worked hard. After turning on the "dexterous movement", the running speed doubled, and they ran faster than tall and long-legged human players!

The human player with the ball saw that the situation was not good, and quickly passed the ball to the teammate who followed up from the left. magic.

No matter how realistic the acting was, it was still a foul move. Surprisingly, the vulture demon still turned a blind eye and did not punish the human side for it.

At first, Gao Fei thought that, at least in terms of the penalty criteria, the Vulture Demon was fairly fair.

However, he soon realized that this was just an illusion.

The vulture was acting impartial because he was sure the Devils would win.

Just when the human players were about to volley vigorously in the face of the goalkeeper, Qimo suddenly grinned and howled, showing a fierce look on his face!
This is not just a simple intimidation, but also releases a frightening wave of magic power.

The human player on the opposite side, affected by the "frightening technique", was so frightened that he didn't care about shooting, and fled with his head in his arms in an exclamation.

The devil's goalkeeper took the opportunity to kick the ball back to the midfield.

Next it was the Cowards' turn to attack.

Five ugly chubby guys staggered and ran with the ball in a ridiculously clumsy way.

If the human side exerts a little defensive pressure, Coward will definitely lose the ball.

It stands to reason that there is no suspense about the outcome of this game.

However, just when Gao Fei and others who were watching thought so, another ridiculous scene appeared on the field.

The coward who had just lost the ball opened his mouth angrily and spewed out a large cloud of poisonous gas. The yellow-green poisonous gas exuded a disgusting stench, and quickly enveloped the human player who successfully intercepted it.

The man failed the fortitude saving throw, was blinded by the "stinky cloud technique", and vomited violently. He didn't have the energy to control the ball under his feet, so he could only watch the coward regain the ball.

Even if the Coward only had 5 points of intelligence, he could see that this trick worked, so they all imitated their companions and sprayed poisonous gas on the court.

In a blink of an eye, most of the stadium was covered by thick stinking clouds.

The human side was so smoked that they vomited, and the demons were naturally immune to toxins, breathing the air polluted by the "stinky cloud technique" without the slightest discomfort, and took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack on the goal.

The first two shots were saved by the goalkeeper on the human side.

Until the stinky cloud spread to the goal, the goalkeeper held his breath until the end, couldn't hold it anymore, and vomited while hugging the goal post. The demons finally kicked the ball in, and won the game in a way that made people unable to complain. victory.

"Oh, Shet! Can this be called a ball game? It's a crime!"

Mario Ricardo, who was watching from the sidelines, as the two-time "Community Cup" champion and MVP winner of Patus Street, and the most fanatical football fan in the protagonist group, couldn't help but cursed, accusing the demons of desecrating the sport of football. sports.

"Brother Mario, stop scolding, it's our turn to play and finish the second half of the game with the demons."

Goofy patted Mario on the shoulder and strode towards the court.

At the same time, the cutscene ended, and the eagle demon also noticed the existence of the protagonist group, with a cunning look in his eyes.

As expected, the vulture demon used hostages to blackmail Gao Fei and his party, and asked them to play a match with the cowards. As long as they scored the goal first, they would spare the six human players who had just been defeated and release them in the iron cage. hostage.

(End of this chapter)

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