Savior Simulator

Chapter 1029 Summoning the Devil

Chapter 1029 Summoning the Devil
It wasn't until we got off the taxi that the squad leader returned the phone to Gao Fei, and made a sharp comment on his collection of animations and ghost and animal videos:

"Your preferences are similar to my brother who just graduated from junior high school! Han Dong also often watches these weird things, I don't understand, what's so funny about it!"

"Ahem, we are older middle school students like this...the smiles are relatively low." Gao Fei smiled awkwardly and scratched his head.

Gao Fei walked on the street with three beautiful female college students, and naturally attracted the attention of passers-by. Although he didn't want to be sentimental, the feeling of playing the role of "Hua Hua Envoy" was really a bit dark.

Surrounded by the steaming hot pot, the four young people chatted while eating. Of course, the topics were mainly girls. They made an appointment to go shopping after dinner.

Gao Fei felt a little headache when he heard that he was going to go shopping.

Going shopping alone with Jiang Feng is enough to suffer.

Not only did she have to run errands and bags, but she also had to give pertinent and appreciative comments on the clothes and shoes she tried on.

She racked her brains to blow a rainbow fart, but the eldest lady thought about it for a while, and somehow she put it down and didn't buy it. Whenever this happened, Gao Fei felt very exhausted.

Now let him accompany the three girls to the shopping mall, Gao Fei can't bear this too heavy sex, so he quickly finds an excuse, saying that his books are left in the library, and he has to review his homework in the afternoon, so he won't accompany them shopping.

After bidding farewell to the three beauties, Gao Fei retrieved the textbooks left in the library and went home alone.

After reviewing for half an hour, Gao Fei felt that it was more than enough for the exam, so he put down the book, opened the astrolabe, logged into the savior simulator, entered his custom module "Duel Agent", and started to attack Chapter 10.

Before the player obtains the operating authority, there is a cutscene as usual, explaining the main task of this chapter.

On a weekend in June, Musk, who had a successful career and was proud of his spring breeze, was sitting at the dining table in his office, opposite his fiancee and right-hand assistant Miss Lisa.

Tonight is Ms. Lisa's 18th birthday. On this passionate midsummer night, the couple had a candlelight dinner. The bright red roses, chocolate cake and champagne on the table created a sweet and romantic atmosphere.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden wave of magic power at the entrance of the restaurant, and a beam of teleportation light rose with it.

The uninvited visitor in the teleportation array was an aristocratic young man in his twenties, disheveled and flustered, as if he was fleeing.

Holding the table knife, Musk stood up in surprise and looked at the uninvited guest.

"Paul Potter? Why did you come to my house all of a sudden?"

"Uh, Musk, my dear friend, I have encountered a little trouble..." The young master Potter wiped his sweat, and then he couldn't help coughing violently, "It's a long story, can you give me a drink?" My throat is smoking, my heart is beating so fast... oh god, I feel like I can't breathe, I'm dying!"

"Your face is indeed ugly, my poor friend. Anyway, sit down and take a rest, and drink something to calm yourself."

Musk pulled a chair over and helped Paul sit beside him.

Lisa reluctantly poured a glass of champagne for this disturbing visitor, and asked Paul politely and coldly: "Dear lord, maybe Musk and I have forgotten that we invited you to be a guest tonight, otherwise we can't explain Why did you come to my humble house suddenly?"

Paul Porter heard the sting in her words, and lamented sadly: "Oh, Miss Colter, don't blame me for being unseemly, if I hadn't run so fast to-night I would have almost lost my life at Wycombe Abbey !"

"Wycombe Abbey?" Lisa raised her good-looking eyebrows, and the disdain on her face became more and more explicit, "If I remember correctly, that is where your 'Hellfire Club' holds parties on weekends. Playboys and courtesans love to dig down that filthy gutter!"

"Ahem... Our club does have a party tonight." Paul took a sip of his wine to hide his embarrassment, "This time we played a bit too big, but we messed up and caused big trouble..."

"This doesn't surprise me!" Lisa smiled, "My lord, I guess you probably want to have a romantic night with a certain lady in the club, but the other party already has a flower protector by her side. Fighting with jealousy, my lord, you unfortunately lost in the duel, and you were not convinced, so you hurried to find Musk, and wanted him to act as your agent to have a duel with your love rival? "

"I'm sorry, my lord, if you have such an idea, you'd better get rid of it as soon as possible! Our office has rules and we don't accept this kind of business involving sexual disputes. I'm afraid Musk and I can't help you!"

"Okay, Lisa, just say a few words less!"

Musk gave his fiancée a sideways look, complaining that she was too aggressive with her friends.

Paul Porter smiled wryly and waved his hands, signaling to his friends not to mind, and he would not get annoyed because of Lisa's harsh words.

"Musk, Lisa, of course I know your rules, and I didn't fall into such a field because of jealousy. In fact, the trouble I encountered, to be precise, was the trouble encountered by our entire club. Far beyond your imagination!"

"Musk, my dearest friend! To tell you the truth, I have no other way out now. Apart from coming to you, I really can't think of anyone else who can save the Hellfire Club!"

"That kind of sensual and extremely depraved club deserves to be destroyed!"

Lisa still wanted to gloat, but her fiancé stopped her with a stern look.

"Don't get excited, tell me slowly, what trouble did you encounter?" Musk asked Paul.

"The devil..." the trembling lips of the little marquis softly uttered a sentence that seemed to burn his mouth, "just tonight, we accidentally... summoned the devil to the monastery!"

"Summoning demons?!" As a cleric, Lisa had reason to be shocked and angry, "Lord Potter, why did you and your depraved friends do such a taboo thing!"

"Hey...Look at what you said, Miss Colter, the Hellfire Club was founded to resist secular morality and ethics. Every time the members of the club gather, they are trying their best to break through taboos in different ways. Don't you know now? Our program of action, right?" Paul asked resentfully.

Musk waved his fiancée to keep calm, and said to Paul with a dark face: "There must be a limit to nonsense. When you held the demon summoning ceremony, didn't you consider the consequences?"

(End of this chapter)

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