Savior Simulator

Chapter 1022

Chapter 1022
"Okay, Akalin, stop talking nonsense and come back quickly!"

Ares scolded impatiently.

Akalin, the spider elf with a broken leg, was obviously afraid of the boss, so he couldn't care less about pretending to be aggressive, and limped back to his camp.

From the moment he fell into the encirclement, Gao Fei's expression did not change, and he remained calm.

Seeing the lame spider elf retreating behind Ares, the corners of his lips curled up in a sarcasm, and he turned his head to wink at Pony.


The incantation symbolizing "burning" spit out from the girl's mouth.

The four plasters attached to the lame spider elf exploded at the same time, and the burst of flames illuminated the bottom of the pit as bright as day.

Gao Fei had already had a premonition that Akalin, the spider elf, would not lead the way obediently, so he simply resorted to tricks and used his ghostly mind to invert Ares.

Akalin sent out a signal by twirling the spider silk, reminding Ares that a powerful enemy would come, and then led Gao Fei and others into the encirclement. , Acting as a smart pawn.

The four plasters that Ma Yun pasted on Akalin's wounds were infused with the supermagic "Fireball Technique" of "Spell Expansion" in advance. Seizing the opportunity when he returned to his own camp, the four plasters were detonated together. .

Four "fireballs" exploded at the same time, and the destructive power released instantly was extremely terrifying!
The lame arachnid was blown to pieces on the spot, and the giant spiders, female spiders, and phase spiders within 40 feet of the surrounding area also suffered, and almost all were killed.

When the explosion subsided, apart from four or five giant spiders that escaped by chance, only Ares and the two spider elves beside him were still alive.

Including Ares, the three spider elves have natural magic resistance, and they have also blessed the "fire resistance barrier" in advance. The moment the fireball explodes, they pass the reflection save and the damage is halved.

After deducting the 30 points of damage offset by the fire-resistant barrier, he was lucky to escape the catastrophe, but he was also seriously injured.

Ares hurriedly took out a bottle of "Healing Potion", poured it down his throat, and at the same time gestured to order his men to resist the intruder.

The two spider elves cast the "darkness technique" together, and the dark enchantment created drowned the fire and plunged into pitch blackness.

The remaining giant spiders rushed over with their teeth and claws open.

Dimitri, Janet, Nick, and Sand Golem went up to meet them, and dealt with these overwhelmed monsters like cutting melons and vegetables.

The sight of Ma Yun and Weta was blocked by the dark barrier, but it did not prevent them from racing against time to cast spells, releasing "Fireball" and "Frost Nova" towards the area where Ares and others were hiding.

Even if you can't see the exact location of the enemy, group attack magic can still cause splash damage.

Jiang Feng made a series of spell-casting gestures and cast the "dispel technique" to eliminate the dark barrier. The scene in front of her made her frown slightly.

In the blazing spider webs, a circle of glowing hemispherical enchantment was stretched out. Ares and his two spider elf subordinates were protected by the spherical enchantment, and neither "Fireball" nor "Frost Nova" could penetrate it. Pass through that layer of transparent glowing ball wall, causing damage to them.

"That's...the shelter?" Jiang Feng looked at his boyfriend with inquiry.

Goofy nodded slightly.

The enchantment that Ares relies on for protection is indeed the 3-ring magic "refuge hut".

Most attacks, including knives, guns, swords and magic, cannot break through the protective shield of the "shelter hut" and cause damage to enemies hiding in the hut.

Similarly, Ares and others in the "Refuge Cabin" cannot directly attack the outside world.

There was a temporary stalemate on the battlefield.

After thinking for a while, Gao Fei raised his hand to cast the "dispersion technique", and the target of the dispersal was locked on the "shelter hut".

Ares in the hut seemed to have anticipated Gao Fei's strategy, and hastily winked at the spider elf beside him.

The man stepped out of the spherical shield quickly, raised his hand and swayed a green light, countering Gao Fei's "Dispel".

Almost at the same time, Ma Yun's "dispel" was also countered by another spider elf.

The two spider elves who stayed beside Ares both mastered the 3-ring "dispersion technique", which made it impossible for Gao Fei and others to crack the "shelter hut".

The lion and the tigress rushed forward roaring.

However, after the spider elves succeeded in countering the spell, they immediately withdrew to the "shelter hut", not giving Dimitri and Janet a chance to fight in close quarters.

The lion and the tigress had fangs and claws, but they couldn't tear through the thin transparent shield, so they circled around the "shelter hut" anxiously.

In order to maintain the continuation of the "refuge hut", Ares himself could not get out of the shield, but there was no tension on his face, and he calmly took out a piece of red satin and began to cast spells.


The red cloth that Ares threw under his feet exploded with a bang, and every strand of silk that was decomposed turned into a poisonous spider the size of an egg, surging at his feet like a colorful tide.

Ares held the mithril scepter in his right hand, pointed at Gao Fei and the others across the protective cover, with a murderous look on his face.

His murderous aura conveyed the will of the spider swarm's brood.

Thousands of poisonous spiders rushed out of the "shelter hut" and besieged Gao Fei and the others.

Jiang Feng hastily cast the "Flame Strike Technique", and the golden red fire pillar that rose from the ground burned a large group of poisonous spiders to death, but it was not enough.

"Wow! What kind of summoning technique is this? How could it summon so many poisonous spiders all at once?" Nvxia Jiang was a little panicked.

"It seems to be the second-level magic of the conjuration school 'flying insects and beasts', which can be used to summon tiny animals or insect swarms." Ma Yun tried hard to identify Ares's spellcasting movements, "As long as Ares maintains his focus on casting spells, this hateful group The poisonous insects will always exist, follow his command and besiege us."

At this time, the group of poisonous spiders that rushed to the front had already spread to the feet of everyone, climbing up the trousers.

Scarecrows, Tin Woodmans, Sand Golems, and Totos are all constructed creatures. The tiny fangs of spiders can hardly penetrate their damage-reducing armor.

Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, Ma Yun, Dimitri, and Janet were flesh and blood, but they couldn't resist the bites of the spiders.

What's more terrible is that the racial specialty of the spider swarm is "disturbing the mind", which seriously hinders everyone's ability to cast spells-unless they overcome the interference of the spider swarm, they will not be able to calm down and concentrate on casting spells.

At a critical juncture, the smart classmate Xiao Ma was quick to use his wits and ordered the sand golem to transform into quicksand and spread it out under everyone's feet like a yellow sand carpet.

The poisonous spiders in the quicksand were quickly killed. The poisonous spiders in the periphery, like army ants crossing the river, gathered in groups, stepped on the corpses of their companions, and forcibly rushed into the area covered by the activated quicksand, gradually shrinking the encirclement.

(End of this chapter)

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