Savior Simulator

Chapter 1019 Underground Visitors

Chapter 1019 Underground Visitors
The spider elf didn't care about bandaging the wound, and cast a spell reluctantly. First, he cast a demon fire on the pounced lion to gain an attack advantage, and then swung his double swords, and fought fiercely with the furious Dimitri.

This monster's swordsmanship is quite superb, coupled with the auxiliary special effects of "demon fire", it caused four bloody wounds on the lion's body in a blink of an eye.

The spider elf thought he had done enough damage to the lion, but the other party showed no sign of pain or retreat. The more serious the injury, the stronger the fighting spirit and the fiercer the attack, which gradually made him feel that it was difficult to parry.

The lion finally found a chance to break through the blockade of the spider elf's double swords, using its hard forehead as a weapon, a fierce head hammer hit the spider elf's side abdomen heavily, pushing him to fly backwards and falling into the spider web.

The spider web under the spider elf's body suddenly fell, and dozens of spider threads couldn't withstand the strong impact, and all broke apart.

The bloated body of the spider elf fell more than ten meters, until it was caught by another layer of spider web below, and the momentum of falling was stopped.

The monster got up from the spider web, its face twitched, and it couldn't help vomiting repeatedly, the vomit was mixed with a lot of blood.

He cut the lion four times with his sword, and the lion's face remained unchanged.

However, he was only hit by a blow to the head, and three ribs were broken, his internal organs were also impacted, and he suffered severe pain in his chest and abdomen.

This is the "perseverance" of the warrior, in the state of residual blood, the terrifying explosive power inspired!

The spider elf, who was still retching, heard the roar of the lion above his head, and when he looked up, he saw Dimitri leaping down from the crack in the spider web and pounced on him murderously, and his face changed involuntarily.

He didn't want to fight this crazy lion anymore, so he endured the pain and cast the "Levitation Technique", wrapping a magical power around Dimitri's body.

Dimitri jumped down from a high place, and before he could stand still, he involuntarily floated into the air like a big balloon.

Standing in the air, he had no way to use his strength, so he could only bark his teeth and claws in vain, roaring repeatedly.

The spider elf let out a breath of turbid air slowly, put away the two swords, took off a long bow from behind, stretched the bow and set an arrow, and aimed at the lion spinning in mid-air with a grinning grin.

Before he let go of the bowstring, his eyes were stung by the flashing lightning and pale frost.

The Scarecrow Vita and the Tin Woodman Nick did not lose the chain at the critical moment, and at the same time made a rescue for their friend Dimitri.

The "Lightning Beam" and "Frost Nova" bombarded the Spider Elf one after another, and the blood bar fell like a stock market crash!

The fighting spirit of the spider elves, who have been hit hard one after another, is on the verge of collapse.

Now he no longer wants to hunt the intruders in delusion, and there is only one thing on his mind - to escape from this place as soon as possible, and go back to report to the leader!

Enduring the paralysis caused by the electric shock and the stiffness caused by the freezing, the spider elf restarted the "darkness technique", and fled deeper into the spider web pit under the cover of the dark barrier.

Not long after he ran, three lines of fire suddenly shot over from the void, burning off his three spider legs.

The spider elf staggered and fell to the ground, still struggling to get up, when another gunshot came from the opposite side.

Two tricky bullets precisely hit his knee joints, breaking two more legs.

The spider elf only had two complete lower limbs left, and could no longer support its huge and bloated body, so it could only kneel down on the spider web, looking desperately at the place where the gunshots came from.

A vigorous figure slowly came out of invisibility, holding two guns, and walked towards him calmly.

"Brother Fei! Catch the living!" Ma Yun ran over with the mechanical dog.

Gao Fei smiled at her, and pointed his gun at the spider elf: "The captive has been captured. If you call Nick to interrogate this guy, you should be able to dig out more information about the spider web pit from him."

"Nick is detoxifying Janet, coming soon!"

From the upper layer of the spider web, Jiang Feng's response came.

The Tin Woodman casts the "Secondary Restoration Technique" to remove the drow poison from Janet's body.

The tigress then came to life and nodded gratefully.

The adventurers gathered around the spider elf whose legs had been broken, and the team's professional thug Lion Dimitri first attacked him, intimidating him and using the "Great Memory Restoration Technique".

Then it was Nick the Tin Woodman's turn to use the professional skills of the "Judger" to force this coward who was beaten to the point of begging for mercy to confide all the information in his stomach.

The confession given by the spider elves proves that the spider web pit is indeed a natural tunnel leading to the dark region, also known as the "ground navel".

When the earthquake happened, the lairs of the spider elves were also hit. They were so frightened that they ran out of the cave that was collapsing, only to find that it was raining stones outside, hitting them all over the head.

When the crustal vibration subsided, the spider elves were surprised to find that the underground world they had lived in for decades, and the dome covering a thousand feet above their heads had actually cracked a gap, which might lead to the surface world.

The leader of the spider elves, a warlock named Ares, hurriedly reported the incident to a drow priestess.

Not long after, an order came from Drow City, asking Ares to lead his three spider elf brothers to immediately climb up the cracks in the dome to find out what happened.

Similar to the dark elves, the spider elves are also naturally afraid of the sun, and in the traditional culture of the drow family, it is full of demonizing the surface world and the sun.

In the view of the drow, the surface world, which is bathed in sunlight for an average of 12 hours a day, is like purgatory in the minds of surface humans.

Ares was reluctant to go to the strange and terrifying surface world to explore, but he dared not disobey the order of the mistress, so he had to take three fellows who were also unlucky and climbed up the crack in the dome of the sky.

After a week of exploration, the four spider elves finally climbed out of the tiankeng formed by the earthquake, and came to the forest in Quedlin Township, bathing in sunlight for the first time in their lives.

When they first experienced sunlight, the four spider elves, including Ares, were all frightened to death and lost control of their urine.

However, when they overcame their psychological barriers, they were surprised to find that the sun did make them feel dizzy, skin allergies, and turned all the pseudo-fine gold armor and weapons refined from the magic power of the earth veins into ashes.

However, unlike the horror legends of the dark elves, sunlight does not kill them, it just makes them feel very uncomfortable.

After a long period of adaptation, they can continue to act under the light, and it is not difficult to use magic or physical means to block the sun and reduce allergic symptoms.

(End of this chapter)

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