Savior Simulator

Chapter 1017 Spirit World Assassin

Chapter 1017 Spirit World Assassin
"Combat casting" allows Ma Yun to calmly cast spells within the enemy's attack range, avoiding attacks of opportunity.

"Spell counterattack" can use magic - instead of the usual physical attack - to counterattack after being attacked by the enemy.

"Thunder Wave" doesn't do much damage, but it only needs a "bonus action" to activate.

Unless "Quicken Spell" is learned, this is the fastest spell to cast.

Another advantage of "Thunder Wave" is that it has its own special repelling effect, which is most suitable for dealing with enemy surprise attacks. It is one of the spells that Ma Yun must prepare every day, and it does play a role in saving life at critical moments.

The phase spider specially selected a little girl who looked the weakest among all its prey. Unexpectedly, the confident surprise attack failed, but was blown away by the "thunder wave", and fell on the net with its claws facing the sky.

The sand golem and Toto next to Ma Yun also follow the preset procedures at this time, launching a fierce revenge on the phase spider that attacked the hostess!
The mechanical dog's eyes widened, and two force field rays burst out from its pupils, knocking down the phase spider trying to get up again, causing 19 points of force field damage along the way.

The sand golem spewed out a stream of hot quicksand, causing 40 points of dry damage to the phase spider, and its skin was dry and peeling off, as if it was moulting.

This phase spider has 85 points of HP. It was hit continuously by Ma Yun and her two constructed servants. Its remaining HP was only 10 points. When it was dying, it ignored its prey and fled back to the spirit world by rolling and crawling.

In addition to Ma Yun, there is another person in this adventure team who can also use "see through invisibility", that is, the scarecrow Vita who also has a level 5 "trickster" profession.

The reaction speed of smart people is relatively fast. At the moment when Ma Yun was attacked, the other teammates seemed a little overwhelmed. Only Weita was able to maintain his composure. vision.

When the dying phase spider escaped into the spirit world, it was Vita who immediately pulled out the wand from the handle of the broom. Like a conductor with a good memory, he waved the baton and released five balls of purple light.

Accompanied by a series of intensive strikes, five magic missiles hit the Phase Spider one after another, who thought he had escaped safely. The first three missiles killed it, and the last two missiles whipped the corpse in pain.

At this time, Gao Fei had also come to his senses, and quickly took out the imaging lamp and took off the lampshade.

The radiance containing magic power illuminates the surrounding 120-foot space, and at the same time forces out the assassins lurking in the spirit world.

The scene under the lights made everyone change their faces!

In addition to the one just now, there are actually four phase spiders lurking on the edge of the spirit world, preparing to launch a sneak attack on the adventurers who broke into the spider web pit.

The brilliance of the imaging lamp forced the four phase spiders to leave the spirit world and lock into a physical state, surrounded by a ring of violet demon fire, which became particularly conspicuous in the dim light.

Jiang Feng quickly pulled out his two guns, aimed at the phase spider closest to him and fired continuously. The sound of the guns echoed in the empty pit.

When the phase spider leaves the spirit world, it loses its spirit body characteristics, and ordinary weapons and spells can directly kill it.

The "demon fire" mark on them makes all attacks against them automatically gain an advantage.

Jiang Feng hit all three shots, one of which was lucky enough to trigger a critical strike, counting it into the special effect of "Proficient Critical Strike", one bullet dealt five times the damage, and directly headshot the unlucky phase spider!

The lion Dimitri let out a roar, and "taunted" another phase spider, and challenged him one-on-one.

The phase spider is an excellent assassin, but it is not Dimitri's opponent in melee combat. When it gets "taunted", it is tantamount to being sentenced to death.

Nick and Janet fought the other two phase spiders, and both also held the upper hand.

Ma Yun was worried that the phase spider would escape, so she ordered Toto and the Sand Golem to fly over and cut off their retreat.

Ma Yun herself and Scarecrow Weta did not participate in the battle, and concentrated on casting spells to bless her teammates with "seeing through invisibility".

The imaging lamp in Gao Fei's hand is indeed the nemesis of spirit creatures, but it also has a weakness - the range of light is limited. Once the phase spider leaves the area illuminated by the light, it can change back to the form of a spirit and escape invisible.

The subsequent battle was as expected by Xiao Ma.

The remaining two phase spiders found that they couldn't beat the Tin Woodman and Tigress, so they turned around and ran away decisively.

One of them was successfully intercepted by the mechanical dog Toto and died on the way to escape.

The only surviving phase spider was also caught by the sand golem at first, and it did not hesitate to cut off its two hind limbs. It broke free from the sand golem's grasp, staggered and ran wildly along the spider's thread, and in a blink of an eye, it escaped from the range of the light and disappeared into the blackness as deep as ink. among.

Gao Fei handed over the imaging light to Jiang Feng, took a "acceleration technique" by himself, activated "dexterous movement" and performed "sprinting", like an illusory phantom, chasing the fleeing phase spider at full speed.

Within half a minute, the monster was seen hovering near the wall of the pit, as if it wanted to hide in the hole on the wall.

Weta has blessed Gao Fei with the ability to "see through invisibility", so even without the imaging light, he can still see the phase spider.


Softly uttering a mantra, Gao Fei waved his hand and released a "magic missile", killing the bloody phase spider at the entrance of the cave.

The corpse of the phase spider rolled down the steep hole and fell into the deep pit.

Gao Fei walked to the entrance of the cave and immediately smelled a strong rancid smell.

With a hint of curiosity, Gao Fei drilled into the cave to explore, and soon found that there were dozens of cocoons of different sizes on display in the cave, all wrapped in gray-white spider silk.

These cocoons stick to the ground and walls, exuding a pungent stench through the spider silk.

Gao Fei approached, carefully cut through the spider silk with a dagger, and peeled off the cocoon, revealing the rotten fur inside.

The corpses of birds and beasts sealed in the cocoon of spider silk, most of which have been decomposed, must be the prey caught by the spiders from the forest, and they can't finish eating all the time, so they are stored here as food reserves.

At this time, Gao Fei's astrolabe received a message from the team, and it was from Jiang Feng.

"I found a big cave. Janet advised me not to go in. She also said that the last time she met a female spider laying eggs in this cave, come back and have a look."

"Okay, I'll be right back."

In the cave where Gao Fei was, there was nothing worth noticing except for the corpses of birds and beasts wrapped in spider webs, so he went back the same way and met his teammates at the entrance of another cave not far away.

"Janet, how many spiders did you find in this cave last time, and what kind were they?" Gao Fei asked the tigress.

(End of this chapter)

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