Savior Simulator

Chapter 1007 Peter Pan

Chapter 1007 Peter Pan


Before the giant spider hunted down the squirrel, Ma Yun waved a string of magic missiles.

The five purple balls of light were like shooting stars, and with a bang, they hit the giant spider one after another, knocking it down from the web.

The injured giant spider immediately turned its head and burrowed into the bushes, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The scarecrow holds up the broom with both hands, trying to break the spider's thread and free the squirrel from the web.

However, he underestimated the stickiness and tenacity of the spider silk, and the broom was stuck to the spider web and could not be pulled away.

Weta hugged the handle of the broom and lifted his feet off the ground, trying to use his own weight to break the spider web. However, he hugged the broom awkwardly and hung in mid-air, while the spider web remained firm.

The lion Dimitri ran over whistling, raised his two front paws to hug the scarecrow, pulled him with a little force, and pulled him down together with the broom.

"Oh, my poor scarecrow friend, if you hadn't been too light, you wouldn't be in this trouble."

The lion imitated Vita's tone of teasing himself just now.

"This story tells us that lightness has advantages of being light, and that of being heavy has the advantages of being heavy. The ruler is shorter and the inch is longer..." The Tin Woodman summed up the moral beside him.

"All right, all right, my dear Nick, please stop saying a few clichés! We are not characters in fairy tales, do you still expect to educate young readers?" Lion said impatiently.

"The problem now is that we have to find a way to get that squirrel off the sticky web." The Scarecrow looked at the squirrel, lost in thought.

With an idea, Gao Fei turned to Jiang Feng and said, "Comrade Xiao Jiang, give me a buff!"

Jiang Feng and her boyfriend wanted to go together, and he had already started to use "freedom of movement" without him saying to add any buffs.

With the blessing of "freedom of movement", Gao Fei is not bound by the spider web at all. He easily climbs up the treetops, stretches his arms, grabs the squirrel's big furry tail, and pulls the little thing off the spider web.

After both feet landed, Gao Fei put the squirrel on the tree branch.

"Little guy, you are free!" Ma Yun caressed the squirrel, and softly warned: "Be careful in the future, don't fall into the spider web again!"

This squirrel seemed quite human, nodding and wagging its tail gratefully at the crowd, chattering non-stop.

"The squirrel seems to have something to say to us..." Nick, who was the most thoughtful, saw the clue, "Is there anyone among us who can understand the language of the squirrel?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally their eyes fell on the lion Dimitri.

"Don't count on me!" Dimitri said with a depressed face, "I can only understand human speech, I don't understand and I don't care what the squirrels say... Do you humans care what the little cake on the plate thinks? ?”

"Enlightenment" endows lions with intelligence comparable to human beings, but just like ordinary people can't understand the calls of animals, enlightened lions don't have the ability to communicate with hundreds of people.

In fact, apart from the common language of humans, elves, goblins and gnomes in the Goblin Wilderness, Dimitri can only communicate with the lions of the same clan. It is too difficult for him to ask him to talk to the squirrels.

"It's a pity that our adventure team doesn't have characters who are good at communicating with animals, such as druids or rangers, otherwise we can get valuable information from squirrels."

Jiang Feng said regretfully.

"Speaking of rangers, I suddenly remembered the elven ranger Dina Ivy who was rejected by the richest man in the prologue of the game..." Gao Fei pondered, then turned to Ma Yun and asked, "Have you completed the side mission of rescuing the squirrels?"

Ma Yun opened the astrolabe and checked the task panel, with a little disappointment in her eyes.

"It's only half done, and I don't know how to proceed with the follow-up plot..."

Since no member of the team could communicate with the squirrel, this side quest had to be abandoned halfway, and the quest reward was also lost.

The squirrel, who had been chirping for a long time, found that no one was paying attention to him, and seemed to feel very bored, so he bounced away.

Watching the squirrel disappear into the dense canopy, Gao Fei said softly: "It seems that I guessed correctly, this is another side mission exclusive to Dana Ivy, since she was not allowed to join the team at the beginning, now this mission is I can't do it anymore."

Jiang Feng glanced at Ma Yun, and comforted her softly: "It's just a small side mission, and I don't think there will be any valuable rewards, so it doesn't matter."

Ma Yun nodded and forced a smile: "Yes, there is nothing perfect in the world. Compared with missing some side plots related to specific NPCs, it is more important for Brother Fei and Sister Feng to accompany me to play games and help me. And bigger."

While chatting, everyone continued to explore the depths of the jungle.

Not far away, I found a huge spider web hanging on the tree, and the feathers and shriveled remains of birds were stuck to the spider silk.

As they went deeper into the forest, more and more spider webs appeared in the sights of adventurers, and the victims were not limited to small animals such as birds and squirrels.

On the spider webs close to the ground, even the corpses of large animals such as deer, wolves, and roe deer were stuck, leaving only a layer of shriveled skin, whose flesh and blood had already been sucked dry by the owner of the spider web.

Jiang Feng raised the torch, burned off the spider threads in front of him, and whispered to Gao Fei and Ma Yun beside him, "I bet that the main plot of this chapter must be related to spiders, maybe there are a large group of giant spiders in front of you!" , waiting for us to deliver food to your door!"

"No amount of giant spiders with a challenge level of level 1 can threaten us. I'm afraid there are more dangerous enemies behind the giant spiders." Gao Fei felt an ominous premonition.

At this time, a familiar scream suddenly came from the branch in front of him.

Gao Fei looked up and could vaguely see a red figure jumping on the branches, it was the squirrel rescued from the spider web by everyone before.

The squirrel jumped onto a short bush, stood upright on its hind legs, hugged its front paws, and looked at Ma Yun with big black eyes.

At this time, Gao Fei noticed that sitting on the back of the squirrel was a little girl the size of a thumb, wearing a pink skirt made of tulip petals and a crown made of laurel leaves, holding a rose in her hand The thorns act as sabers.

This little girl has fair skin, picturesque eyebrows, and a soft light all over her body, making her look beautiful and elegant. Two pairs of transparent membranous wings like dragonflies spread out from her back.

"Wow! What a beautiful little fairy!" Ma Yun couldn't help but marvel.

"Hello! Ms. Mage, my name is Maya, and my friends in the jungle call me 'Peter Pan'!" The goblin introduced herself politely, and then expressed her intentions, "Thank you for saving my friend Squirrel Kara, it's a pity that you can't understand what Kara said, so Kara specially asked me to thank you!"


Ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket, thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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