rub the net in another world

Chapter 87 It's enough to be a crow (9)

Chapter 87
"The weather report on Mount Didu, according to the request of the students, there will be light snow from 21:[-] am to [-]:[-] am, it will turn heavy after [-]:[-] am, and it will end at [-]:[-] am. Please be careful when you go out and drive slowly. The official account of the Didushan Meteorological Bureau has been opened on the [-]st, everyone is welcome to leave a message and write down the weather you want, we will use this as a reference, maybe the next tomorrow will be the weather you want."

Hey, this weather station, you can go to work when you want to go to work.

Before she could apologize, Cheng Yuyao lightly pressed her finger on her lips to make him quiet for a moment, and listened intently to the weather station's forecast.

Zhou Ming, who was leaning on his bicycle, looked at this scene, but thought very carefully in his heart that Luoshen Fu might be realistic: if the shoulders are shaved, the waist is as usual.The neck is extended to show off the items, and the quality is revealed.There is no fragrance, and the lead is beautiful.Yunji E'e, eyebrow repairing and Juan.The red lips are bright on the outside, the white teeth are fresh on the inside, the eyes are bright and gazing, and the right to support.Magnificent and elegant, with such a detailed appearance and tranquility, you may not have seen it.

"Would you like to watch it for a while?"

There is absolutely no tone of impatience or unhappiness, and the question is very serious.

His temper is a bit cold, but his attitude is definitely good.

Zhou Ming was pulled back from his thoughts, and said frankly: "Suddenly thought of Luoshen Fu, and was wondering if Cao Zhi was realistic. I really saw such a face."

Cheng Yuyao neither affirmed nor denied, "Perhaps, Luoshen is an extraordinary person, so it is possible."

Unexpected speculation, Zhou Ming actually thought about it for a while, "It's unlikely, the spiritual power system has accumulated slowly over a long period of time before reaching the current breakthrough stage. Or, unless it is other extraordinary systems, but if other extraordinary systems have that level, the current world structure should not be like this."

Cheng Yuyao couldn't help laughing at the serious analysis and pondering: "It's just a joke, let's go, go back."

Sitting sideways on the back seat of the bicycle, imitating Cui Rui's tone, but the voice was actually very low: "Let's go, Zhou Minghao."

"oh oh."

The transportation department established by the student union has been in operation for a few days, and the traffic on the Imperial Capital Mountain has gradually returned to order in the past few days. It also has the reason of missing the rush hour after school. At this time, the vehicles on the road are far from the state that it was difficult to move an inch before.

Cheng Yuyao seems to have bought a new car, why not drive it?
Riding a bicycle under the green plants gives you the impression of a cloudy city, the wind specially adjusted by the school, the planned suitable temperature, and the lighting system that changes on time. There is less of what the outside world has, and more of the outside world does not exist. Yes, it stands to reason very comfortable, right?After all, there are girls who are enjoying the scenery in the back seat of the car.

But Zhou Ming, who has ridden a bicycle many times, feels uncomfortable no matter how he pedals this time.

What was even more uncomfortable was that Zhou Ming couldn't figure out the origin of this strange feeling, and he didn't even know what it was.

Strange, it was normal for Cui Rui or Luo Niannian to sit in the back before, why would it be so strange to change someone?
Do you want to open a treaty?
Inexplicably, two thoughts conflicted in my mind, one urged Zhou Ming to force the orderly treaty to disperse everything, and the other seriously declared that this must not be the case, neither side had a precise reason.

"Are you busy too?" Cheng Yuyao asked suddenly in the back seat.

"Ah, what?" Zhou Ming was caught off guard and didn't hear clearly. The strange state made him a little nervous.

"The freshmen are impatiently building the Qi-training Psionic Form, but you, who are far ahead of the freshmen, are not leisurely, and you shouldn't be so late." Cheng Yuyao's voice came from behind, but it's a pity that you couldn't see the back row In the eyes of some people, Cheng Yuyao is a goddess of beauty carved from the coldest stone, and should be surrounded by a barrier for viewing.

However, no matter what kind of girl, it is not acceptable to be more than 40 minutes late.

What should come will always come.

Zhou Ming couldn't understand the core elements at all, and said seriously: "Advancement means more effort, and the more you understand, the more tasks you will have to do. The characteristic of knowledge is that as you become more aware of your own shallowness, you will Psionic terms"


Cheng Yuyao loves to study, but it doesn't mean she likes it all the time.

Sometimes even she doesn't know what the girl wants when others are late. The only thing she can be sure of is that what Zhou Ming said at this time is definitely not the correct answer, but Cheng Yuyao didn't mean to interrupt Zhou Ming.

Not even listening.

Sitting sideways on the back, one foot is on the pedal, the other foot is swinging cautiously, like those scenes written in books that can't be seen in life, the tranquility in the illusion and the past that can't be noticed at this age The feeling of the years that I used to recall in the days to come.

The pedals were the ones that Cui Rui said that it was inconvenient to sit on a bicycle and forced Zhou Ming to install them. Then she bought her green chariot, and the only passenger was Luo Niannian recently.

"This is my first time riding a bicycle." Cheng Yuyao watched the vehicles pass by on the road, and the neon lights in the city under the lighthouse gradually became clearer and brighter.Just like Zhou Ming's first luxury car ride was brought by Cui Rui, Cheng Yuyao never had a chance to ride a bicycle before.

There is always a gap in some places, a world that cannot be guessed from each other.

"That's the condition, forgive me." Zhou Ming thought that Cheng Yuyao thought the condition was poor, so he explained awkwardly.Cheng Yuyao shook her head and said no.

People passing by will pay attention to this combination, mainly to see Cheng Yuyao.Cheng Yuyao, who has some sense of novelty, is too vivid.

No. 180 Jiyou, Cheng Yuyao's residence, Zhou Ming remembers it very clearly because of his photographic memory.

Passing through Shansi, the owner of an Aventador watched the bicycles off, and slowly drove side by side and shouted at Zhou Ming: "Student, do you want to change the car! I am also a new car!"

Zhou Ming looked sideways at the cool black sports car. He didn't recognize it, but it looked eye-catching, and he could tell its price without making a fuss.

Well, the castle owner should actually show up in a car like this, right?

Cheng Yuyao couldn't help laughing, and replied to the car owner over there: "No change."

The owner of the car shrugged helplessly, but the dead end had already started, and another voice came from behind, "Student, what do you think of my car!"

The silver-white Agera is even more coquettish than the previous one.

This is not coming to school.

Where did all this money come from?Did the parents learn some special psionic skills and go abroad to dig gold?
Hey, it seems to be a good idea, this type of psionic energy is very difficult in theory.
Zhou Ming was so dazed that someone shouted from behind: "There's still my car!"

Booing up one by one more positive.

I really promise you to see where to cry!

Cheng Yuyao, who was supposed to maintain the high-cold attitude of a goddess, was in a good mood, and she put her hand in the shape of a trumpet near her mouth and shouted towards that side with a slightly prolonged voice: "No change."

The green light turned on, and the booing traffic went away. Zhou Ming thought about it carefully, "Actually, I think the matte black one is not bad."

"I think it's average."

"Oh, I'll just talk about it." Zhou Ming muttered in a low voice, "That silver-white Agera is also pretty good. Lao Zhou seems to have seen it in a magazine."

The short-lived happiness passed, and the tone in the back seat was cold: "It doesn't work either."


 Although belated.

(End of this chapter)

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