rub the net in another world

Chapter 74 It's enough to be a crow (6)

Chapter 74 It's Enough to Be a Crow ([-])

Both paths have pros and cons.

The former is the orthodox path. The advantage lies in its ability to rely on oneself and not rely on external objects. The disadvantage is that it is too difficult. Translating the trajectory into the language of the rules of spiritual power lines is not something ordinary people can do. Zhou Ming claims to be a genius, right? , It’s no problem to have a photographic memory and look at it. If you spare a little time, you can occupy the first place in all kinds of model tests in Chuanguang City all the year round. As the capital of Heyun Province, Chuanguang City has the highest quality of education. If you want to count it, it can be counted as the first province.

For this, it took a full eight years, 90.00% of the energy was spent on the technique, and I didn't dare to be distracted by more than one branch. I only grasped the texture to learn a way, and I barely counted it as a texture. The masters on the Internet are only at the pure theoretical level.These recent incidents made Zhou Ming realize that it would take a period of time for him to combine high-level theory with practice.

However, it is precisely because he has never spent time in practice and is not subject to any interference, and relying on his extraordinary talent to be proficient in one method and never waver, he has been able to sharpen his sword for ten years and reach the master level in texture theory.

If you were an ordinary person in the empire, you might not be able to do it for decades, it still depends on your talent!

And the level of a master of texture is considered qualified to translate the language of the rules of spiritual power patterns.

This entry will kill most people here, but after entering the door... It's like when you go to college and start studying quantum mechanics, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that it is so difficult at the beginning!
This is the current situation. If you want to translate into effective textures, the space-time ghost itself is probably inevitable, and there is no idea how to bring the space-time ghost into the translation.

The second way is simple. With the help of No. [-] Space-Time Phantom and the existing trajectory template, summarize the rules and deduce it downwards, and try to retell the situation at that time. Even if there are many problems, it is very possible to get a glimpse of the door and open the way.

The disadvantage is that it depends on external things, and it is not one's own ability after all, which makes people feel insecure. If you want to go long-term, you have to return to the lines in the end.

Which one Zhou Ming chooses? No need to think about it at all. Why did Zhou Ming call this castle the Ghost Castle?

And not because the Castle of the Haunted is a wonderful place.

In more realistic considerations, the structure of the demiplane, which is attached to the main plane, must have loopholes in terms of time and space.Compared with the space-time node in the Boundary Square, this place is more suitable for the requirements of the unstable zone of time and space, and it is a favorite environment for space-time ghosts.

Now there is one more person who is not afraid of outsiders' prying eyes, so he can do it freely.

As the saying goes, it is like a fish in water, which is especially suitable for its stunt environment, so it must be able to show some surprises, right?
Zhou Ming checked No. [-] space-time ghost, and he was at a loss again.

No. [-] space-time ghost.

I don't know if it's missing its eleven brothers, or if it's been a long time since it left its homeland and wants to return to the plane of the fantasy clan.

Or is it because he eliminated its fantasy characteristics and became a product of castration?

Little thing, move a little bit, show off your abilities.

Hey, no response, come on your own.

Try the simplest method first, use spiritual power to follow the orbiting trajectory of the space-time ghost, and come up with twelve kinds one by one.

The incomplete orbital trajectory is also troublesome, the key is that this thing is three-dimensional!
Once the dimension rises, the difficulty is skyrocketing.This is talking about the principle and design of the technique. Fortunately, this is just a simple imitation, which is more difficult than the two-dimensional Qi training psionic style. After all, it is too incomplete to be seen.

It took more than an hour for Zhou Ming to play one by one, but all the operations were invalid.


People, I know I really want to eat farts, but I can't help but try this simple method and try my luck. What if it's not, maybe it's because of incompleteness.

"Not bad, rule out one wrong answer and start Plan B now."

Zhou Ming picked out the trajectory of No. [-] space-time ghost at that time. Since it looks like it has no spirituality, let's move it by ourselves.

The space-time ghost living in the spider web was driven by Zhou Ming to run according to its original trajectory, and completed the incomplete trajectory in the informational realm.

The scene of expecting No. [-] to continue according to the familiar feeling did not happen, and when my own drive came to an end, No. [-] stopped moving.

But judging from the situation just now... It seems that something happened, but it seems that nothing happened.

How is this thing calculated!Blue Star also doesn't have an instrument that can monitor space-time fluctuations.

Well, if there is no external performance, it will be considered unsuccessful.

Zhou Ming drove No. [-] to try eleven other trajectories. Without exception, they were all the feeling that something happened but couldn't be seen, which made people think it was an illusion.

There is no illusion in the transcendent domain!

Adhering to this idea, Zhou Ming firmly believes that there are already signs here, but they are not very obvious.

Alas, it's just that the trajectory map is incomplete, and I only have one space-time ghost. If there are twelve working together, how can it be revealed?
It would be great if eleven copies of No. [-] could be made. Unfortunately, the space-time ghost is a unique information-state individual.
As soon as Zhou Ming clapped his hands, an idea suddenly came to him, and he paced around the study excitedly.

"Unique information-state individual... As long as the original information template is completely established, one will disappear... Wouldn't the castrated No. [-] and the original No. [-] be two individuals!"

This... is what happened!
Zhou Ming excitedly made a copy of the information template of No. [-] at this time. The previous information template disappeared immediately, the old No. [-] disappeared, and the new No. [-] appeared.

"Oh... I made a mistake. There can only be one copy of the information template, and you can't copy and paste it. Let's build it from scratch..."

Relying on the information level of the spider web, Zhou Ming imitated No. [-]'s template to construct a new information sample, and when he was short of the last few steps, he inserted the fantasy family's information template into it.

The central information processing area of ​​the spider web was overwhelmed and continued to alarm, Zhou Ming could only pretend not to know.

"Just hold on, I will definitely upgrade you when I have time!"

"I won't repeat it now..."

Fill in the rest of the information, the moment the template is created, a time-space ghost full of fantasy aura appears in the spider web domain.

This is the original number one!
And the fake number one on the other still there!
Zhou Ming waved his fist excitedly, this ghost thing is really evil!
The next step will be easy, if you can castrate a fake, then delete more information, castrate a second, more defective product, and even the third, fourth...

Follow the same pattern, without any accident, twelve space-time ghosts coexist in the spider web domain.

This can't be called number one and number two, and the latter ones are at most [-], [-]...

The first few castrated versions are still a little bit alive, and they will move on their own in the end of the spider web if nothing happens, while the latter ones are completely dead.

It's not a big problem, vegetative people are also people, and this kind of information level thing, if it doesn't move automatically, then set the trajectory and act as a robot.

At this moment, the complete No. [-] of the original version, the wild fantasy ghost, felt the comfortable environment at the weak point of time and space here, and discovered its eleven "little partners".

Spontaneously start to run according to its own running track.

Can it be so!

Zhou Ming was dumbfounded.

However... These eleven counterfeit products did not respond to No. [-] at all, and they did not respond at all.

Gritting his teeth, regardless of the imminent downtime of the central information processing area, Zhou Mingqiang wrote another eleven incomplete traces for the eleven defective products.

According to the procedure, when No. [-] runs to the part recorded by Zhou Ming, the eleven defective products start to run, and start to form a sequence in conjunction with No. [-].

The system takes shape, the intervention is spontaneous.More and more obvious interference is gradually fed back.

It's going to work outside!

Zhou Ming murmured excitedly: "Any god can show his spirit. You don't need to have extraordinary abilities, as long as you can reveal something."

Uh... What is it good for?
Looking around, in the empty study room, the high-end desks, chairs and bookshelves are definitely not a good choice, and the A1 papers with trajectory diagrams on the ground are also reluctant to part with, and then...

"That's it!"

Zhou Ming put Luo Niannian's notebook, which he brought to the study to be completed, in front of him, and applied the self-contained interference force on it.

As the series of twelve space-time ghosts operated, this interference force continuously destroyed the stable space-time, and then...stopped!
Eleven defective products, after running through the incomplete trajectory map, they will stop unanimously!
Only the wild idiot from the original No. [-] is still having fun!
The sequence collapsed instantly, and the interference stopped abruptly.

"Depend on!"

Zhou Ming slammed his fist on the table fiercely, his strengthened body was full of strength, and the half of the notebook was slightly shaken when he hit the table.


"Why is there only half of the book left? Where did the other half go??!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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