rub the net in another world

Chapter 72 It's enough to be a crow (4)

Chapter 72 It's Enough to Be a Crow ([-])

"Actually, I haven't formally entered school yet."

"Of course I know that." Song Wan smiled slightly, "So this is the best time for me to come."

She just sat so gracefully, and Zhou Ming had the illusion that she was the owner of the castle in her aura.You don't even need to ask, you will consciously label her with words such as senior, mature, and elite.She had practiced her outward equanimity so well that no matter what the situation she was in, she felt competent, credible, dependable and persuasive.

You don't need to prove anything, you feel that she has a great future. This may be an excellent extraordinary person cultivated since childhood, but to be honest, even an ordinary person like this is very remarkable.

"Other teachers are still watching, or waiting. They want to see if you have always been excellent, and wait for you to show your better value. In the process, they will give you benefits, give you help when needed, and show their favor. When it really fits, let you be their student.

But Professor Hu believes that you are destined to achieve something, and this achievement will be even greater when you become his student and have his help.

Different teachers can give different resources and attention, but think about it, who would care more than the teacher who wanted to recruit you in the first place?
Believe in you more than others, this is the highest priority support. "

Song Wan didn't know why Hu Chongzheng asked her to specially recruit Zhou Ming as his junior. What happened in the afternoon hadn't been reported to her yet, and Hu Chongzheng didn't waste time explaining it to her. He heard about it from Li Bole. After Zhou Ming's current situation, he immediately acted first.

To attract a little boy, of course it is better to send an excellent, talking and beautiful senior.

So Song Wan came, with a very serious attitude.

A-level permissions cannot check personal information, but Song Wan still has some guesses. This junior Zhou is likely to be Mr. Zhou who rose to fame on the 21st. He can't write two words of Zhou in one stroke. It should not be a coincidence that a new student appears Two geniuses surnamed Zhou.Song Wan didn't take those exaggerated information seriously before, but now it seems that if the guess is correct, the authenticity is quite high.

After all, it is A-level authority and a castle.

Suppressed by his aura, Zhou Ming tried his best to sit upright, "Can I choose a tutor if I haven't entered school?"

"Level A has privileges." Song Wan explained. In fact, she didn't know what the privileges of Level A were, but Hu Chongzheng told her to just do it, and even if there were problems, he would solve them. "Instead of worrying about these things, Brother, you should be more concerned about what Mr. Hu will bring? To be exaggerated, the teacher's guidance will seriously affect the future of the students. I believe that the students have also seen descendants of extraordinary people and freshmen with no background in the class. From them It can be seen that the gap will become bigger and bigger in the future.

To put it simply, a good teacher can not only guide your research on the principles of psionic formulas, but also teach you small skills and experience in building psionic formulas, which will be of long-term help.

More realistically, the psychic formulas that schools can learn are limited to most C-levels and below, and further learning requires both merit points and corresponding permissions, and some personal psychic formulas do not even have Being admitted by the school, for ordinary students, the resources they get are limited.

If you choose Professor Hu as your mentor, then all the psychic formulas of Professor Hu's faction will be open to you, and the cost will be lower.Including the well-known space-time spear psionic formula in the other world, which can only be learned from Professor Hu.

At the same time, you will have more choices about the formation of the team. We seniors and sisters don’t mind taking you to accumulate experience in simple tasks, which is very important for you to become an executive in the future.

Going deeper, for the planning of one's own extraordinary route, there will be many detours under the guidance of a professor. A person's energy is limited, and there is an implicit connection between psionic forms. Only mastering these in-depth information Professors with enough resources can sort out the context and help you match a comprehensive psionic formula that suits you.

Some of the benefits other professors can give, some can't, but without exception, these should be done sooner rather than later, the sooner the better. "

The conversation lasted for a long time, and Zhou Ming was persuaded several times, especially after Senior Sister Song introduced Professor Hu's information, such as the unique psychic formulas of dozens of factions, several top teams of students below, and one of the best in China. Great Extraordinary, the distribution of special products of each demiplane every year, and so on.

I don't know if it's bragging, Song Wan mentioned that Hu Chongzheng's time-space spear psionic single-body damage has reached S level, but because it is too complicated, the memory circuit has not been successfully transformed, and it has not become a conventional combat force.

She also clearly hinted that success is not too far away, maybe one day Hu Chongzheng will become one of the few S-class men in the world.

It's attractive no matter what.
It's just that it's less attractive to Zhou Ming.

Not to mention the help of the secret agreement Zhanglu, just the current situation is enough for Zhou Ming to know that he has many choices.

For outstanding students, it is often the tutors who compete for the students, and the students choose the tutors. Cui Rui explained all these to Zhou Ming.

So Zhou Ming used his blunt words of lack of EQ to evade and said, think again.

Song Wan didn't worry about it either. It's good to be able to succeed once, but it doesn't matter if you don't succeed. Basically, this kind of thing has to be dragged on several times. Take your time, she has already taken the lead, and some seeds of tendencies have been planted.

After sending Senior Sister Song away, the butler appeared beside Zhou Ming at the right time, "Sir, the soup is ready."

It's too late, everyone has left.

But it's no wonder the housekeeper, the castle is really short of everything, including all the seasonings for cooking, and the housekeeper paid for it on a bicycle out of his own pocket, not to mention how shabby it is.

"No need, I mean, let's deal with one bastard for today's dinner."


"By the way, I have research to do, so try not to disturb me if there is nothing urgent."

It's only the first day, and I've encountered so much.

Sitting in the empty study room of the castle with a bowl of bastard soup in his hands without any grace, Zhou Ming finally had time to busy himself with his own affairs.

He still has a lot of things to deal with.Among other things, the planning of the extraordinary route that Song Wan just mentioned is a big problem.

Not only psionic formulas, but also spells are troubled in this regard, and are even more detailed and complex. The "addition points" scheme that can be summed up for the massive amount of spells is simply an astronomical figure.

Learning from the east and learning from the west, the final result can only be nothing.

There is a full list of tasks to do, and there are urgent ones marked in red, so now.
Of course, study the space-time ghost first!

After finalizing the treaty, Zhou Ming was heartbroken for the whole afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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